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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Are we still pretending like we have a chance to win this game? If so, why is there 0 urgency whatsoever on tempo? The 3rd quarter is basically over now and you are down 3 ***** scores. Is Dabol just an idiot
  2. What an absolutely miserable last month or so from this team. Really the entire year minus the Chiefs win. Week 1 was probably foreshadowing for this season. This is not the 20’ Bills. Might not even be the 19’ team. This is the first year the AFC is wide open and winnable and this is the bull#### you put out there.
  3. Every single stop has been a flag. I wish I was strong enough to turn this ***** game off. This team is in serious trouble. Going absolutely nowhere and may legitimately not make the playoffs
  4. Just knew when you absolutely need a TD on the start, we’d be trying an insane FG that barely helps anyway. This offense is great but anytime you actually need a TD they seem to not rise
  5. I knew this ***** team would settle for a ridiculous long FG attempt in this ***** weather. What a disgrace
  6. Bills touchdown on this drive or we are in huge trouble. This defense is on ice skates and there aren’t going to be many possessions. Score a TD on this drive or probably forget it
  7. Find a way to get a stop here. Idc if it’s red aided. Tie this game up before halftime somehow
  8. This thing is probably over. What a joke. All these things are adding up. This is a game you just can’t afford to lose. The magic of last season is over.
  9. Keep taking Singletary out every other drive. The guy avg 5 yards a ***** carry
  10. If This drive isn’t a Bills touchdown, it’s over. It’s probably already over but…
  11. Why the ***** would you not just leave Williams inside and play bates at RT.
  12. Other then the chiefs game…this game would be the best I feel about a win all year by far. I don’t care if it’s 7-6, just find a way to win the game. We absolutely need this thing. Quiet the noise of the Pats closing and find a way to overcome being shorthanded. Find a way to get that W and advance the season. 7-3 is so much better then 6-4. Find a way to win, please. Go Bills
  13. If Atlanta can hit on a few plays here early in the 2nd half, they can get right back in this game. Pats could have buried them but didn’t
  14. I think Atlanta might be tougher in this game then people are expecting. I think this might be a tight one
  15. He is there incase 2 guys get hurt at center through out the course of a game. If he has to play, you are already in trouble
  16. Find a guy on a ps or the street that can play center in an absolutely emergency and use bates sunday. Can’t be afraid to lose your best guys because one is the backup center. Find a guy that can snap the ball incase of emergency.
  17. Honestly at this point, figure it out. We are the team least effected by injury the last couple of years…you can’t just get mauled because a rookie OLinemen is out. Sucks that he’s out. The next guy needs to step up and maintain the intensity that we played with last week. The defense was missing a big piece last week and still played well. Regardless of who steps in…no excuses. Make plays and find a way to get this win.
  18. I was just figuring this was a reason to give jerry Hughes his due then it just went totally sideways. Hughes is 1 or 2 solid seasons away from being fringe Wall of fame level. He’s almost the next chapter Kyle Williams but actually was a part of some good teams 😬. I know this thing is probably getting torn to shreds but I’m going to just jump in real quick and throw out that regardless of timeline….Diggs is the best WR this team has ever had and yes I know what that means. I understand who that takes “shots” at…Diggs is the best WR this team has ever had and I won’t duck after saying it.
  19. Did we lose 2 of our draft picks from this year? This is why being afraid to make trades are silly. These draft picks can’t even get on our roster. There’s no reason to be afraid of giving them up. We are losing them over nothing here.
  20. I think he’d be better if they gave him the ball more. The constant changing of RBs is silliness. Let a guy get into the rhythm of the game. Wether it’s Singletary or Moss. Pick a guy, play him and use the other guy here and there to give him a blow. Rotating them every other drive is asinine. Neither of them will ever be good and I think it’s because they don’t play enough. No feel for the game, no rhythm. Pick a guy and play him.
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