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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Probably because most teams don’t just completely ignore the passing game on purpose for entire months at a time. To where it would be necessary to establish it. Maybe in the 70s they did.
  2. Just establish the run. Change this identity. Show teams you are willing to get dirty. Show teams we have a second pitch when the fastball is being caught up to. Show teams we aren’t 1 note. Go out there and win a different way and recreate the identity of this team. As a team that can beat you anyway they have to.
  3. Half of me wishes this game was 40 min from now and half of me wishes it was 40 days from now
  4. I have no clue what to expect from this team anymore but regardless of Saints current condition, I’d be thrilled with a win. There will be no concern on style points or excuses. We need a win terribly. And if we get it, I’m going to be very pleased. The Jets win was what to do about nothing….this is different. Need to stop the bleeding now
  5. I want to see this team just give the main RB role to Singletary. He’s earned that. Then spell him with Brieda. Nice Brieda around a little, throw it to him. Maybe use them both at the same time in situations. Just stop with the Moss. Go 80/20 26-22.
  6. IMO, Singletary doesn’t scare me anymore in pass protection. I feel like it’s to the point where it’s not enough reason to get Moss on the field.
  7. I was in on Moss and starting to maybe even shift to wanting him to be the 1, but lately he looks super slow and I just have no reason to see him touch the ball again. Singletary was my favorite player in his rookie year and last year he really disappointed me…but he’s the best guy we have. The constant RB rotation is asinine. Stop bringing in a guy that is just killing our momentum. Pick a guy and let him get into the flow of the game. And that guy needs to be 26. If it’s Brieda I could live with it because I don’t know what he will do. But no more Moss. Just no more.
  8. There is a lot to that and if you want me to go through each of the games I’m talking about I can. It’s nowhere near dumb. Thinking our offense isn’t struggling is incredibly short sighted. This team struggled for on offense in at least 2/3 playoff games. Then had issues against Pit, Jacksonville, Indy, Miami in the 2nd game. There are issues here. Those averages get skewed by the destruction of some terrible teams. There is still production but it’s not running as smooth as it was for the majority of last season. There are issues here. Since the bye our offense has struggled. It was strong in the 2nd half of the Jet game and other then that, has been not clicking. This offense is 1 dimensional. Not every team is capable of making us pay for that. The ones that are, can give us fits. The time to adjust is now. While there is still a season to save. And what you said isn’t even true. Week 1 they didn’t score 26. They scored 6 against the jags. And did nothing last week
  9. We can either start to play with Balance or we can continue to slide. I understand people won’t agree with it. I’m not going to back down from where I stand. Not using an entire dimension of our offense WILL sink us. And it’s touches. Not carries. Throw the ball to them as well. Our offense has been figured out since the Colts playoff game. It’s long been time to change
  10. Should be 15-20 touches for Singletary 5-10 Brieda 0 Moss
  11. So does this mean definitely no Star? Or can he still be cleared tomorrow?
  12. I wouldn’t be completely against AP. He brings something that our current RBs don’t. 1 cut physicality. He will hit the hole super hard and turn the “soft” image off, real quick.
  13. This team needs to find a way to win this game. Just to gain a reset for 11 days. Sitting with another loss for that time would be unbelievable torture and the season will be over before December. Which would absolutely be inexcusable
  14. Why not just let McKenzie be that guy and have Stevenson just handle the return duties? Get McKenzie back in the offense like he used to be
  15. I’m not sure if this is a positive or not. It’s been such a miserable 30 hours after that colts game I maybe just grasping at straws here….but one way or another, Thursday is going to tell us a lot about this team. Last year was an amazing season and might end up being one we needed to appreciate more because who knows when we will ever get that far again. Unfortunately, this season is it’s own animal. It’s been anything but smooth and has had more valleys then peaks. The wheels will absolutely come off of this thing if we lose Thursday night. This is a nice opponent in a very tough building, on a short week. It would be real easy to roll out there and get run over and just fade away into obscurity. Be a 1 year wonder and go back to being an also ran….or this team could actually show us that they are who we thought they were. Show some balls and go out there and respond. Take a punch, get off the mat and get this ship righted again. A win Thursday and you buy some time. Time to get healthy and maybe even start to believe in yourselves again. Make the pats go through you again and show everyone yesterday was an anomaly. You want to be playing your best football from Thanksgiving on. We are on the ropes but the towel isn’t on the ground yet. Bounce back, dust yourselves off and go out there and find a way to get a goddamn W.
  16. These Giants uniforms give me thoughts of just beautiful, clean, white late 90s throwbacks for the Bills next year. Just Flutie era Puma white throwbacks with that red helmet.
  17. There is no Houston game. That game was a month and a half ago.
  18. This team is not built to play from behind. When do we ever come back? This team was the only team that never trailed at halftime going into yesterday…once we get down, the game seems to get over. Why the ***** do we kick off first every game? Why not try and get the lead and dictate play. Stop playing for this perfect scenario of scoring before the half and again out of it. It almost never seems to happen and this team has no clue about clock management at the end of the half. We are kicking 57 yard FGs into wind and rain before a half….stop overthinking it. Take the ball to start the game and try to get the lead and never give it up.
  19. The saints are coached as well as anyone in the league. And they can run the ball with anyone. After last week, it’s all out there. The Saints are going to make the Bills prove they can stop the run or else they won’t ever stop running it. Whatever bull#### went on yesterday better be fixed today, otherwise we are going to get drilled.
  20. How we can do better? Hand the ball off. Dabol is the problem
  21. Start to play with balance or this team is going nowhere. It’s that simple. Regardless of what the clueless Jeremy White or Mile Schopp think…the only thing you do by being one dimensional (on purpose) is help the other team. Start running and being less predictable, or forget this season. I’d walk into Dabols office today and say run the ball or we will use the 11 days to find an OC that will. No room for grey area.
  22. This win pct thing is such garbage. They talk about it like it’s a fact of some sort. It’s entirely subjective bull#### that you can’t even argue with because it’s meaningless. Crazy things happen in football. Look at that McKenzie play today. How do they even come up with this BS and then show it like it’s legit
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