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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Kicking a 53 yard FG instead of going for it on 4th and short is the kind of call you make when you have no clue what you are doing
  2. I honest to god wouldn’t mind if they cut Moss today. He sucks. He slow and brings absolutely nothing to the table at this point
  3. Starts tonight. We are at this sad stage here somehow where we need teams to help. Have to hope the Steelers lose this game. Start separating these other wildcard hopefulls from us here.
  4. Everyone keeps saying it won’t matter because of the Oline. Well then what’s to lose by trying it? You are basically saying the guys we have playing now can’t do anything because of the line? So you aren’t risking losing anything by trying him. Try Williams and see what happens. I actually think the RBs are more responsible then people realize. Give the kid a shot. We are nowhere without him. There’s nothing to lose. Maybe he exposes an issue and succeeds. Maybe it’s 50/50 RBs Oline. Only 1 way to find out.
  5. On the bills Facebook pages they keep showing vague hints that this guy might actually be active Sunday. It is absolutely not a solid source but. I don’t know what we’d have to lose at this point. The guys we are trying no aren’t getting it done. I’d rather not just assume it’s the line and not at least attempt another guy.
  6. Just because fatigue with the Bills letdown is draining me…I’m going to fly in on the other side of the other end of this thing. From an adverse non partial standpoint….I have an interesting platform here. Die hard Bills fan. Live 7 hours away, drive up to the stadium, spend thousands on Sunday ticket and Merch, watch every play pre season/regular etc. 10k poster on the BBMB, whatever I have in here and I live and die with the team. But I live in the Hudson Valley. Also a big time rangers fan. I listen to WGR every day. I put it on because of the Bills and am forced to sit through Sabre’s talk constantly. They suck. I’m sorry. They absolutely stink. And whereas I hear how clueless guys like Jeremy White and Howard Simon are speaking about the Bills (A team I love) I also hear these buffoons talk about the Sabre’s. It’s almost as if they can’t be more wrong about sports if you were trying. People we’re excited about playing a “wide open” exciting style. But that also why they are going to lose. No matter what people want the NHL to be, it’s not that. Not playing responsible defense and protecting your own net is how you get embarrassed. I knew they were going to start to get absolutely smoked. They don’t have the players to run the system they want and it’s just not how you win in hockey. The crazy part is, people that watch the NHL, realize that. These idiots are praising the coach saying how fun it is and refreshing. Fine. Don’t complain then when you lose 20 out of the next 25 games and they guy gets fired.
  7. I think we are done now. Unless something drastic changes immediately, we aren’t going to make it.
  8. It’s like the people that still insist on calling McKenzie “Mckitrick” The next time that ***** is funny will be the first time. It was a typo from like 5 years ago and the guy is actually an important part of the team. This Bobby Hart thing is the same deal. He’s never once effected anything that matters.
  9. Why would you ever HAVE to bet on something to feel that way?
  10. I would send a message to the entire RB room and start Williams this week. I think you can really change the tone of the offense if you brought in new blood here and the kid runs hard. I would really be excited about seeing him get the majority of the carries the next few games. How can it possibly be worse?
  11. Someone else needs to take over the offense next year and tell McDermott to relax with the rotation. An OC that understands balance and clock management. We will be losing and basically run the clock out on ourselves. It’s embarrassing. McDermott needs to bring in a guy that was a head coach and just turn the offense over. With our personnel, an offense like the 14/15 panthers would be unstoppable. That’s who we should be trying to be. Not a run and shoot finesse indoor track meet team.
  12. If you can just decide to stop being a fan, then you really weren’t a fan to begin with. It’s easy to be in when things are going good. The real fans are still standing there when the dust settles and times are tough. I think we probably won’t make the playoffs now and last night absolutely wrecked me…but I still sat there depressing myself all day on the WGR app and on here and sure as ***** I will be there for every snap Sunday. The Bucs are going to humiliate us but there is 0 thought of not sitting through every second of it and just taking it.
  13. This coach feels the need to constantly rotate RBs for absolutely no reason. To no benefit. Just randomly keep putting in a guy who is worse for no apparent reason. Put in a guy who sucks with fresh legs so you never get into any sort of rhythm. Genius
  14. How? We are already behind the 2 teams that are tied with us and the colts are already 7-6. Obviously they are going to get the tie breaker over us. They are on a bye. We have no tie breaker over any group
  15. No matter what a loss at TB knocks us out of a playoff spot. That’s going to be a sobering feeling to look up and be “in the hunt” in a season where we were supposed to be involved in super bowl conversations. All of these write off weeks have long since added up. The playoffs at this point would feel great because I think we are done.
  16. Any chance McDermott throws something at the wall and brings up A. Williams to change up the run game?
  17. I think we are going to get absolutely hammered
  18. I’d give Antonio Williams one shot to see if you can get something out of the Oline. I keep going back and fourth on who I blame and what actually might be ok. At this point, I’m willing to give a completely new RB a game to do something. We aren’t able to run it with what we have so there’s absolutely nothing to lose. Give that kid a shot and see if it’s a RB issue. I think this season is basically over now and making the playoffs would be a miracle. The way you spring those strange runs is usually by shaking something up. Make Williams the starter Sunday and see if you can’t find lightning in a bottle for 2 months. There is nothing to lose.
  19. This offense has been just as responsible for the season struggles. I think the overall lack of physicality on both sides of the ball are showing up almost every week. I absolutely hate the way we play offense. It’s just simply not sustainable. Especially in the weather elements. I have been saying it for 2 years. I’d rather be the 2019 offense with our current roster then what we try to be.
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