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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. I hate this offense. Has kicking first worked more then the 1 time against the Jets yet? Now they have it on the 35 still 0-0
  2. Maybe the literal first time since 2017 that I actually would have done the same thing inactivate wise as this team. Idk what that means but I love it right now
  3. That’s how I am with scrubs. But then also It’s always sunny lol You have so much there that’s the best part. The show is breaking the record for longest running live action comedy series. It will take you weeks to watch it all even at a torrid pace. That’s a great thing
  4. It’s always sunny (obviously IMO) is the funniest show ever made. Absolutely yes it gets better. I won’t tell you why but in the first few episodes one of the best characters isn’t there yet. Also if you just started, you have like 14.5 seasons to catch up to the 2 episodes I mentioned lol but there is so much there and so much of it is amazing
  5. The last 2 always sunnys were pretty solid. Bringing it back to the old feel These guys on WGR are clueless. They just said there is 1 one score game on at 1. There are 3.
  6. Sunday ticket is my favorite thing about television. Once you have it, you’d never want to not have it again. The mix channel alone is worth the price of direct tv
  7. I don’t know if I agree with that. If you think the ravens can fall out of this thing and go 9-8…it might be better to have them start the slide.
  8. I wonder if it’s better for us to have Baltimore or Cleveland win. I don’t care about these playoffs % bs that’s all just subjective garbage. I’m trying to think what gives us the best chance to still get a wildcard here. I can see the ravens falling completely out of this thing. Maybe it’s best if Cincinnati wins that div and the other 3 teams fall out.
  9. Special teams has never been less important in the nfl. There’s a flag on every return. There are a ton of touchbacks, nobody is having punt return TDs and teams are going for it more then ever on 4th down. Stop ***** worrying about ST Only guys and get McKenzie Stevenson and Brieda active. Stop wasting all of these roster spots for STs. It’s not the 80s. It barely matters now. Activate as many guys as possible that can help you score on offense
  10. I think you can sometimes can overthink a matchup to go round and round about what is best. There is a really obvious narrative that NOBODY can run against the Bucs and that it’s just best to just punt on the idea. Then you throw in how putrid our own running game has been and you just figure, load the guns and throw it 60x. Go with our strength and try and out score them. That’s the thing looking you square in the face. That’s the plan that writes itself, set it and forget it and load up. Im here to say…..If we play that way, we are going to get killed. I understand that the easiest thing to do is say, “we can’t run so don’t bother” IMO, the way we can actually win today is to figure out how we CAN run it against them. Tampa is fully expecting us to come out firing and showing them something else will get that defense on skates. If Tampa is just assuming they have the run stopped before the game, you can really mess them up by showing them it’s not the case. You might have to get creative. Someone can let Daboll know, Run plays don’t have to be vanilla handoffs up the middle in a pile. Run to the ***** OUTSIDE! Use the QB. Run jet sweeps. Use some speed, hand it to Stevenson or McKenzie. Use multiple TEs and 6 linemen. Call a run game with interest. Show Tampa they don’t have 1/2 the game already taken care of by showing up. Make them devote assets to the other dimension and then put them away with the play action pass. You ARE NOT going to beat this team in a shootout. If you let them have a ton of possessions, they are going to beat you 99 times out of 100. The Bucs WANT us to throw it all day. Regardless of what the common thought is. The thing the Bucs don’t want, is a 17-13 game where every possession they have is ultra important because they might not get the ball back for 10 minutes. I know the thought is we can’t run it so don’t bother. Well we can’t run it right up the middle at Vita and these LBs..but there are ways we can. Get guys to the edge and use some of the speed we have. Use miss direction and creativity. Use extra lineman and for the love of god, use Josh.
  11. I’m not the optimistic homer guy here, I figure we are going to get destroyed today but I’m getting tired of seeing this. Everyone understands what this is trying to say but just to be clear because I’m getting tired of seeing it. .500 is a winning record in the nfl. So if you want to use the stat at least be correct. Washington is 6-6 We are 2-4. There are no style points and obviously I understand the point is “we haven’t beat anyone” That ***** all went out the window with me after last year. There’s nothing left to prove here. It’s not like you go to an afc championship game, bring back all the same guys and then have to prove you are capable of winning games that are high pressure. These same guys won 2 playoff games in 1 year. After not winning a single one in 25 years. Also, if you have wins against teams that are floating tight at 500 but are under by a game because YOU beat them…what’s the difference? But if you want to throw the water on it and act like we haven’t beat anyone, at least be accurate. I’m tired of seeing it. It’s 2-4
  12. I’d say the division is a pipe dream at this point. Making the playoffs is going to be difficult. We are probably going to have to steal a game to get in now and the way this team is playing….good luck
  13. I think it’s just the playoffs thing. I feel like there’s a really good chance we miss now which is insane. If I could fast forward and say for sure, we get in…then I could get better with the Pats game but man I really think that game might sink us. I really hope it didn’t.
  14. This might be the least excited I have been for a game since 2018. It’s the first time in a very long time that I just see no chance of a win unfortunately. Last Monday is really still kicking my ass here I guess
  15. Guess no go on Antonio Williams. Kind of a let down. The RB room could really use a shakeup and it’s obviously not in the cards now. Moss is useless. Hopefully it’s 26/22 tomorrow now because I don’t even want to see Moss with a helmet again this season
  16. What an interesting season that’s just pretty much lost in Bills history. Makes me want to go back and do a little research on it just to know.
  17. I have been thinking that more and more lately. Not about the Bills winning, they are going to get destroyed tomorrow but I don’t think the running game issue is the Oline. I actually think it’s mostly Daboll not scheming up the run plays with any effort or success. Zack Moss being way to slow and this asinine need to constantly change out the RB with a pointless rotation. I think if you had a guy that cared enough to call proper run plays with design to actually succeed, Singletary and maybe even Antonio Williams could get off. But you’d have to actually allow one to play 85% of the snaps. Get into the flow. Unfortunately none of that will happen and we will keep doing the same ***** and blaming the Oline. It’s funny I bet anything with the same exact Oline and a new OC that runs legitimate NFL run scheme concepts and NOT Moss…this team would be a better then average Running team day 1. I’m starting to really hate Daboll.
  18. I guess I just fundamentally disagree with the idea that playing that way is how you sustain success in the nhl. I just sat through 3 wasted years of Quinn trying to play this wide open style. The Rangers would light it up on nights where they were on and at times it was beautiful to watch. What wasn’t beautiful was watching the other team instantly respond and see them never being able to consistently win games. For most of the 2000s (post lockout) it was just assumed that I’d get a nice playoff run with a legitimate chance at a final appearance. It was a lot of teams that just grind it out, played excellent defense and obviously had top end goaltending. But because they never actually got over the hump, frustration set in and I think the thought was to attempt to build this high flying finesse team to play that wide open game. All you do when you play that was is leave yourself vulnerable on the back end. It’s almost impossible to win consistently without defensive responsibility and the way to create that is not by flying up and down the ice. At least that’s what I think.
  19. Downplaying? I’m pretty sure anyone realistic just understands we aren’t winning this game. Probably going to get hammered in all likelihood
  20. Jeremy White always says go for 2 there to “declare” now to see how you play it going forward. The guy is a complete idiot. Thank god they did though because now the Vikings probably win
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