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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. Just have to stop assuming these wins. It’s just not like that. This team has shown they can lose to anyone. This is ridiculous. This “great” defense better step up here and get a stop
  2. The play calling by Daboll just keeps teams in games for no reason other then pure stupidity
  3. People were talking about the falcons like they are terrible. They aren’t even bad. This game is far from over. It’s time to get serious
  4. This team just needs more balance. I don’t understand why we seem to learn in for 1 game then just go right back to throwing every single play
  5. Wtf. With the rate of penalties and the very few good returns, just let punts land. Who gives a *****. Stop even bothering
  6. Don’t get me wrong, they have been incredible almost everywhere else. And I’m not even saying they can’t identify a vet that can get it done. I’d just stop drafting them for a bit.
  7. It’s hard to give these guys the benefit of the doubt with the Dline draft history unfortunately. The guy not even being on the field isn’t something I feel good about. Why are we redshirting Dlineman? It’s not a giant learning curve here
  8. Why did we waste such a valuable pick on Basham? We have almost nobody that is getting to the QB and this guy can’t even get active in week 17? Stop drafting Dlimeman. Obviously these guys don’t know what they look like in college. Just sign them in FA. Use those picks somewhere else.
  9. Today is just as big a game as any so far. Have a chance to get in and that’s step 1. There’s nothing assumed in this crazy Covid infested season. Even a jet win isn’t sure because of the uncertainty. Get this win today and hope the Rams put us in and we can kind of breathe easy and just hang in for seeding. First things first, take care of this one.
  10. Judge is going nowhere. Even though he is terrible the Giants already said he’s coming back, you can take him off. Broncos won a lot more games then they should have this year I can’t see Fangio going after that. They have absolutely 0 at QB and that team might make the playoffs. The hate for that guy is mind boggling. He’s doing a good job. There is almost always a guy or two you don’t expect to get it and then are surprised…..I’m going to float out two that could go despite it being seemingly unlikely. Rivera and Kingsburry. It’s not always a team with a terrible record that moves on. Sometimes it’s when a coach loses a locker room and both seem to be approaching that. What happened on the Washington sideline last week was as sickening as what happened on the field. If they get completely hammered both of these next two weeks I can see them moving on. The Cardinals are in a free fall here and if they lose out then go 1 and done I think they hit a reset.
  11. No. That has nothing to do with anything. Bills win Rams win we are in
  12. I’m pretty sure it’s bills beat falcons Rams beat Ravens. Nothing there is that crazy. Both are most likely considerably favored
  13. Man I hope we find a way to clinch a playoff spot tomorrow. Just get it over with. In this time with Covid, you never know what a week will Look like. I want no risk with that Jet game. You never know who will be available.
  14. When you really think about the amount of Dline guys we have taken in the first 2 rounds in the last few years…man almost none are good. Or at least really good. It’s sad. Just a pile of wasted picks. I’m not saying they all stink but it definitely feels like we could have gotten more by spreading those picks out.
  15. Sounds like we’ll probably find out I guess. Maybe we will start stopping the run and just be a dominant defense that sets the tone. I base it on when Sean has gotten aggravated and taken over the defensive play calling in the past. Also the entirety of Fraiser being the Vikings coach and me hating the way that defense played.
  16. I’m not saying the defense sucks. Never said that, knew there was no way to avoid someone acting like I did. But it’s not impossible for it to be better. Also stats can be very misleading. We have played alot if really bad QBs and physical teams have given us plenty of trouble. Not saying it’s bad now, just saying I bet it can be better. And I don’t think it’s the players.
  17. I’d love to see this defense with more McDermott and less Fraiser. Probably a lot less soft shell conservative and a lot more aggression.
  18. Yup same. Avoided it for 2 years working through never taking a shift off and it finally got me. Just been kind of sidelined for the week. Ready for it to be over.
  19. The guy got 2 years after being completely done. He should be very pleased with that bonus time. It was like stealing without penalty
  20. The season that Hyde and Poyer got here was the end of the embarrassment for this franchise. 2017 brought us McDermott, 21/23/27/58. That was the start of this entire thing and has been the backbone of this turnaround. None of those guys get the credit they deserve and I’d love to see as much recognition as possible.
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