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Everything posted by xRUSHx

  1. Looks like a perfect setup to give Peterman success. Trade Tyrod to Cleveland and hope he takes them to a better record then the Bills.2018 draft is looking better by the day.
  2. I would be even more excited about this new staff if this happen. Load up for 2018 draft baby.Trade em all
  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  4. The only thing certain in my opinion is their is a solid chance the Bills could end up with a franchise worthy QB that the Bills drafted as oppose to the other teams backup montage this team has been stuck in over the last million seasons of losing since Kelly. Fingers crossed the Bills get their guy in 2018 and a new winning dynasty starts.
  5. Haha, right on man. Trade Tyrod and any other that won't contribute to 2018 and beyond.
  6. I want a QB with top talent to win a game with their arm talent not some other teams backup wishing for that one mircle season that never happens. I want a talented QB we have a chance to win with not like the last bunch of years wishing our D can be world beaters while wishing our QB can at least squeek out a lucky win every once in a while. I want a QB to be proud of
  7. This is why I'm getting very excited. A real rebuild with a plain to draft a top QB. It's about time. Now trade Tyrod for a bag of peanuts and start Peterman. Go Bills
  8. we all want to win now, sadly Tyrod isnt the QB to win now with, ask Rex about that.If they want to win now they need to go for the unknown in Peterman because with Tyrod all we have is next year's draft to think about, like it or not.
  9. You were the first? Sorry man I wasn't paying attention to names on so many posts to read on gameday thread.Well alrighty then I thought you were asking a question, my bad, all hail Kirby you the man that was first to call it. Respect Hey man all I'm thinking about is next year's draft but if Peterman can light up a season and show the fans we don't need to draft a QB in 2018 I'm all for it. With Tyrod its no different then watching Fitz or any other scrub backup from another teams backup pile. Been there done that. Just not good enough just leads me to the same thing I've been screaming for years, draft a top QB in round one and build around him not the other way around. Until a real franchise worthy QB is found it just doesnt matter.
  10. Dak got thrown to the wolves in Dallas so yes I'd be all in favor of watching a rookie in Peterman over Tyrod running around and not winning. With Peterman we don't know what is possible but with Tyrod its already over.
  11. Many have been saying Peterman already outshines Yates for #2 in multiple threads. So your answer is yes.
  12. Sadly I agree but sadly it doesn't matter this team isn't going anywhere this season. I would love to see the new QB Peterman trying over the same failed QB in Tyrod we had to watch fail the last two seasons. Peterman would make it a new experience to watch and hope for, with Tyrod I have zero confidence in any big wins. I'm ready for a new era sadly we got another season of the Rex era with Tyrod still as the starter.
  13. Give Tyrod back to back 3 and outs during the season and watch how fast this staffs thinks about using Peterman over Tyrod. When the pressure is on and the game is on the line Tyrod is on the bench after consecutive 3 and outs. Don't be so sure of the Tyrod wagon those wheels have come off before and sadly I expect it to happen again.As for the roll, butter it up buttercup.
  14. I agree the kid did good and this was a good first step. I wish him luck and hope he takes Tyrods job sooner then later. I don't expect much from this team this season. In my opinion this teams best bet is to position itself for next seasons draft and go all in on drafting the top QB. I'd love to see Peterman steal the starter roll this year and take this team to the playoffs but sadly I'm thinking thats way to big of a longshot so Im more about next seasons draft and Tyrod shown the door. 2018 draft can't come soon enough.
  15. See now this is another thing to worry about and that is a entirely new staff again if this one fails trying to embrace the last staffs failed starter as the proven starter. It's why many of us wanted this new staff to move away from Tyrod year 1 and have a fresh start but instead they stayed with him to open up this type of criticism. Many feel if they can't match what Rex did with Tyrod why did they even bother changing staffs. History likes to repeat itself in Buffalo, sure looks alot like the Chan era all over again. We can go to the playoffs with Fitz, guess what no you cant.Sadly we have to watch the same thing all over again with McD and Tyrod, another lost season for fans. Fingers crossed a franchise worthy QB is drafted In round 1 next season for a future to dream about and a Bills team I can be proud of otherwise we have to wait on the next staff to start all over again, maybe 2021 we will see a team pushing for a wild card if a new staff is what is needed after they finally go all in on a early drafted QB.
  16. Ha, yeah I guess so, just not worried about Tyrod. He's not good enough so there is nothing to worry about, he is what he is.
  17. I don't worry anymore about Tyrod I'm over him because to worry would mean we have a real chance at the playoffs with Tyrod which is something I don't think is possible. I will be pleasantly surprised if we get more then 4 wins with him this season. I am more worried about next years draft that this staff is bold and smart enough to go all in on drafting a QB round one. I am more worried they will get the same shell shock and hard headed like Chan had with pushing Fitz. For Fitz we can win with him and now all these teams later teams still can't win with him, zero playoffs, the same fate Tyrod will have.Just not good enough.
  18. Yeah just me man. History tends to repeat itself in Buffalo. Hey I made my prediction the thread asked for and it's not one the Tyrod clones will like but I really don't care. I will watch in the stands and hope for him to be better but will expect a Chan/Fitz type era. Go Bills
  19. Sure, love you too. Someday maybe after 17, 18, 19 seasons this team will realize it's nothing without a franchise worthy QB. Other teams backups are just not good enough, if the QB isn't fixed the team isnt going anywhere but home to watch TV for the playoffs.
  20. NE Dallas Superbowl Buffalo once again misses the playoffs, in fact has trouble matching Rex record. A cordinator is fired and some fans still think Tyrod is better then anyone drafted. 2018 once again no playoffs and this staff gets fired. 2019 New GM dumps Tyrod before the draft and goes all in on drafting a QB in 2019. 2020 Bills finally get a wild card and break the longest loser streak In sports.
  21. The only way this offense makes a giant leap forward is when we get a franchise worthy QB until then I expect no different then the last 17 seasons, not good enough. You forgot mr comsecutive 3 and out when the game matters most.Make him be a QB something he has problems with.
  22. This is what this group wants everyone to think, it's all on the D and coaching. The group that is wanting more from the Bills can see it's more then that. It's like talking to the wall. Thousands of threads started and discussed pointing to that but this group refuses to see anything other then your exact post, Tyrod is a franchise worthy QB and it's all the D and coaching at fault. SMH. I applaud your post but you are not the only poster that has tried to talk to these few. BBMB got trashed on these type of threads repeated on a daily bases and these few are continuing the crusade over here. Watch how you post against this group the one poster in these few got in big trouble for his private messages he sent when discussing this on BBMB. The team failed but Tyrod was a crucial part of the reason why this team failed, it's a QB driven league so he is a big part, it's not the only part but he is part of the problem regardless of how many threads this group starts that they try to prop him up and place him in the same group of the NFL greats of the game. I'm a diehard Bills fan and want more from my team, the entire team.
  23. Taylor is the problem, when the game is on the line Tyrod is on the bench with consecutive 3 and outs. He did ok in a game or two and still failed to get the win. Big deal 2 seasons and 2 games we can brag about. He needs to do better, if he doesn't put his man pants on to close out games he will be once again sitting on the bench when the game is on the line wishing the D bails him out. This D better be a world beater or our D cordinator will be the one to take the fall in year one of the McD era. I wish him luck but thinking Tyrod is going to be able to be a QB over being the RB he has been is just huge dreaming. I don't think he is going to change he is what he is just like Fitz, a QB just not good enough. We will see this season but I like many are not thinking the Bills are ready for primetime till a better QB is drafted. We all wish for that mircle season but after all these seasons of fail miracles just don't happen in Buffalo.
  24. Right on man That's not true in my opinion, if the QB gets more then 5 seconds to do something they did the job. Tyrod gets talked about in it because the line gave the time but Tyrod couldn't do anything with it because he would rather run around. It's why teams make him be a QB, give him all day in the pocket and he goes 3 and out, make him leave the protected pocket and he can make some things happen.
  25. Anger? I don't see any anger in my post at all, I also stated I wish him luck this season. I do see that I posted my opinion and I did post how I'm not in favor of these threads being repeated over and over again but sorry man no anger. If anything I see anger from others posting on my opinion because these few don't like any type of negative on Tyrod which is why these Tyrod threads are so worthless. Oh teef I used to have such respect for your post, I enjoyed them and always respected your comments but oh how times have changed, your in with a bad crowd and it's showing.
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