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Everything posted by xRUSHx

  1. I like looking at two sides of a coin and I don't like when one side has to revert to name calling to make the one side stand out.
  2. I never posted that, just because one or two posters get out of hand doesn't warrant a call out thread. What your saying is If the Bills this week lose because Tyrod can't score or even move the offense it's ok for them to create a call out thread at them. I like good discussions for both sides and name calling is a dirty tatactic in my opinion.
  3. What you said in the first paragraph was a discussion of the topic a good way to point to your opinion but your second again is making it a waste of time to have a discussion about it with you because you see it one way and only your way. If you don't get the same love and support you want you throw your hands up and start name calling it's not a discussion when one side has to do that to get their point across. SMH Again call out hater threads should be closed
  4. You support people on welfare? Is it everyone else's fault that they are on welfare or is it said people's fault? You must be a hater of the working class then.SMH
  5. I support him because I have to he is our QB. I have wished him luck over and over again. I have said many times I hope he can do it. What your doing is saying I don't support him and what I'm saying is I support him because I have to but I will continue to point to how he is also the problem with this offense. My opinion is not the everyone else is at fault like you and others do.You and others point to the OC and I pointed to all the OCs Tyrod has had. How many OCs does Tyrod get here in Buffalo?
  6. Right on man I hope it passes but sadly some of these old timers are also running the hater garbage. These are discussions of both sides and shows that one side has to use name calling to push their agenda. I don't have to prove anything to anyone because I really don't care what you think of me. What your doing is trying to discredit me so my opinion doesn't matter. Your no different then this call out thread. I have said many times I'm a die hard fan that spends money and time on my team but you call me a hater. SMH I don't have a love fest for Tyrod and post a different opinion of him and I'm a hater because of it? Come on man
  7. In that quote I was pointing to how our OC is getting blame again by you and others. I support my team I love the Bills, I buy Bills gear, I buy tickets every year I'm here talking about them, I'm a Bills fan. I just want better like many others. Your just again pointing to how this stupid call out thread makes them a hater just because they want better from their QB. Yes I wanted Tyrod replaced but he is here now and I have no choice but to support him. I'm not a hater. I JUST WANT MORE FROM MY FAVORITE TEAM AND YES QB IS A BIG PART OF MY TEAM.
  8. Of course no turnovers is nice but if you don't take many chances it's much easier to do.
  9. We all support Tyrod because he is our QB, it's just some are ok with his numbers while many want better, it's discussions of both sides. Call out threads calling a group of fans haters should be closed.
  10. Some continue to blame everyone but Tyrod, it's been going on for sometime now.
  11. What I said was he wasn't offered a job here to return and you could easily point to the one sided way our offense had to run for Tyrod to even move the ball so yes I bet our owner wanted a new offensive scheme, sadly they kept Tyrod. When Roman tried to get Tyrod to be more of a thrower he got fired, when our new OC tried to get Tyrod to be a thrower our offense stalled bad in the preseason. What I'm saying is many are once again pointing at the OC when I point to the one way or no way Tyrod the OCs are stuck in here with Tyrod. Again how many OCs does Tyrod get here in Buffalo?
  12. What I said is how many OCs does Tyrod get here in Buffalo? Many are pointing to our new OC as the problem. I also said Lynn was fired because he wasn't offered a job to return here, I never said because of Tyrod but it's easy to point to the QB that can only play one way and one Taylor only made way. Again how many OCs does Tyrod get here?
  13. That team is a different team I don't know or care what is up with Rivers and crue, what I do know is Lynn was not offered to stay here so he got fired, period.
  14. Sad part is he even has problems hitting 200 and your putting him at 250 average. Fans want better because they see how other teams QBs hit 300+ in multiple games in a season, a good QB can do it while Tyrod needs a extra quarter to do it, it's why many point to it and want the upgrade. If we had a 300 QB on this team with this D this team would be unstoppable and dominating teams unlike the close wish for 50+ yard field goals.
  15. Many coordinators go on to other teams and even get promotions after fired it's how the NFL works. Did Rex get fired when he left the Jests?He wasn't offered that promotion here he was shown the door so I considered it as he was fired because if that other offer wasn't offered he would be out of a job, period. #3 OC how many OCs will Tyrod get here in Buffalo? Once again to some it's not Tyrods fault it's the OCs here we go again.
  16. Hey man I just want more from the offense. I hope he lights it up this week. I love that we are winning and I hope it continues it's just this call out thread and the excuses being thrown had me comment my opinion. Go Bills I'm just tired of the blame the OC that happens all the time with Tyrod or the blame everyone else excuses we have to keep going through trying to find out why the offense isn't good enough. It's why many want a better talent at QB, a upgrade some call it.
  17. I feel bad for him Tyrod has had two other OCs that protected him get fired I'd imagine the same blame will land on him at years end if we fail to make the playoffs. I wonder how many OCs Tyrod will have being a starter for the Buffalo Bills
  18. Well it sure looked like that is what you said I copied this from your post. I am pretty sure if you replaced Tyrod with Winston you wouldn't see much of a change in offensive production, it might even be less! Whereas if you changed every other offensive player on the field, even Shady for Doug Martin, and kept Tyrod, I am pretty sure the offensive production would go up.
  19. Of course it's not Tyrod it's the OC right?. So what your saying is at the end of the season if we miss the playoffs the OC will get canned. How about blame the Oline, Shady and the WRs? Sounds like the good old Fitz days. Wash repeat, same path of a backup QB here different staff, it's not the QB it's everyone else. I really hope this new staff has a better plan because what your posting is a direct finger pointed at it thinking Tyrod is so talented that the coach is at fault. I wonder how many OCs Tyrod will get fired while here. .
  20. I don't agree with changing Shady thinking it would make us better. You do realize, well I would imagine you would realize that teams are game planing to stop the run and making Tyrod be a QB so it really doesn't matter who is at RB the running game is stuck till Tyrod has a break out game throwing and the game plan for the other team changes. The games have been close so I think the game plans will remain the same, stop the run. Our D and kicker will have to be 110% all year because expecting a big throwing game by Tyrod isn't who Tyrod is. We can all hope but even hitting 200 is a big day for him. Got my hopes up and all my fingers crossed but even that wont create that miracle . Go Bills
  21. A big thank you to you sir, you brought a tear to my eye for laughing so hard. What a outstanding post.
  22. Lol, hurting him here thier and every wear. Spell checkers and grammar gods don't get the using a phone is a pain in the butt. I don't mind it I get a chuckle out being corrected. Sadly some of the words he is correcting me is correct it's just the phone changes stuff and it really stinks but oh well troubles us phone posters go through
  23. Lol your crackling me upsYou missed the iconic, or is it drivin ya nutzy
  24. Right on man glad we can agree. All I'm saying is If a QB thread is set up to just be a QB thread you will never miss a real good post because it will always be there just scroll in that set subject. The major reason I like the set subject thread for each category is to stop the call out threads or the this player is garbage or that player is garbage type thread titles. Multiple threads started just because someone didn't like how the thread they started on that subject went so they recreate it all over again in hopes of different results. We would never have a thread fall off so no need to even search for a thread title. I get many like to look at thread title ideas some post on a whim of a moment but I think I would enjoy reading a post of it and not search 3 pages to see what I missed in each of the 15 threads that fell off then have to search to see if any other in said subject was brought up while I was gone. With one set subject thread all I have to do is scroll the one thread dedicated to just that subject. Just my opinion In my opinion sure you would see a post or two of someone trying to take a set subject into a different subject for their agenda but that's where mods can come in to tell them to stop as oppose to just ignoring them letting them turning every thread into whatever they want like they do now. In my opinion we have way too many threads and not letting someone start a thread would clean things up much easier for the mods in my opinion. How can they stop hyjack threads now? Like it isn't a problem now. With having a title for coaches and QB talk is pushed mods can move those comments out and boom it's fixed as opposed to now how you have to watch a real good thread fall off just to be restarted with a new title, wash repeat15 different threads to read on one subject every night
  25. I see what your saying but posters can remind posters it's a QB thread only and so on. Then the mods can come in and move a WR quote over to the WR thread and so on. Mods would still work they would just work less in my opinion.The problem I see with all these threads bouncing out of the main page is a poster will put a bunch of time on his post and it will get buried because the thread went nowhere so now that poster has to copy/repost that hard worked post if he wants it to be seen and sadly we could many times miss out on a really good post someone put in before they left for the day because said thread dropped off the front page. When said poster returns the next day they dont bother to copy/repost or even add anything to the new thread on the topic because the last hard worked post turned into a waste of time. In my opinion posters shouldn't be allowed to start a thread that alone stops multiple garbage threads
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