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Everything posted by xRUSHx

  1. Haha, yeah ok. Like to see one of those steals for sure, don't know about you but I'm not holding my breathe for that to happen. I expect them to take out the Saints though because of our D with hopes of winning all the other games but KC/NE I now have as losses.
  2. The trenches got worse as the game went on when Tyrod held the ball more and more and our D was put on the field over and over with no rest. Those sacks hurt bad and make the line play on their heals. This game hurts, can't lose to any teams in the east and expect to make a legit playoff run. Zay good, sadly our OC will get blasted all week. Tyrod needs #4 OC to be successful because it was OC #3s fault, SMH
  3. You do know that Tyrods name is in the thread title,right?
  4. Teams respect Brady because he throws it, he doesn't take sack, after sack, after sack. A QB with more quick throws would have made the Jets pull that stack box back, even Romo called it out, in fact Romo called out the single coverage all day that Tyrod wasn't throwing to.
  5. Hard to hold those D numbers,especially when your offense goes 3 and out, turns over the ball and goes backwards to lose field position
  6. No where to run when the entire D is on the line to guess what, stop the run
  7. Man if the D stood on their head again we could have won, Tyrod had his normal game. Look at Tyrods stats, just like the good old Trent days Line got handed to them because they faced more guys to block because Tyrod didn't throw enough
  8. Yeah I know man, oh well there is always next year. Maybe next year we will have a QB that will have some respect as a thrower
  9. Sorry man but I heard him say the Jets don't respect Tyrod and that's why the stacked box, also heard him laugh and say Tyrod should be throwing outside where the single coverage is after Tyrod threw to the middle
  10. Dude I respect the good talk back and forth thank you.I agree the receivers didn't help with the fumbles and the line didn't help with the time but... When the line is getting stacked against and the QB has no respect to throw it this is the problem that will happen the line will begin to break down more and more as the game goes on, same with the D with no rest. Tyrod once again is getting no respect to throw so teams are going to stack it up. Tyrod is the driver of the offense sadly it falls on him Oh it's the receivers, got it man. The QB is sacked but it's the receivers fault, ok thanks for clearing that up.SMH, that's not what I heard Romo say, he said by name Tyrod
  11. He was calling out the outside receiver saying he should have thrown to him, he also said earlier that Tyrod needs to throw it quicker to stop the rush, he also called out the stacked box and how the Jets were giving Tyrod no respect at throwing.
  12. Laughable is not seeing this is the exact same problem with Tyrod as the last few years when teams use this game plan. That NE game is now looking very scary
  13. Dude even Romo was calling Tyrod out about throwing the dam ball quicker and finding the single coverage on the outside, did you listen to the game? Of course the line was dominated, they stacked against the run and didn't respect Tyrod to throw it and Tyrod gave them exactly what they expected. It's Baltimore's game plan against him, make him be a QB.
  14. Sadly many of us have
  15. When the D scores for us and plays lights out with turnovers we can win but when the D needs some help from our offense it's a loss. Cant rely on the offense to do any more then a backup QB can accomplish. D needs to play better because our offense had a normal game today. Baltimore's game plan against Tyrod still works, make him be a QB, stack the run and don't respect the throw.
  16. Sadly this could be what we get to finish the season if all the teams play us with the same type of gameplan. Our D needs to be lights out or we are not going anywhere but watching other teams for the playoffs.
  17. Even Romo can see the real problem with our offense
  18. Jets were forcing Tyrod to throw all day but he didn't , he just kept holding it. Outside receivers open all day, Romo called it. Quick throws to make them respect the QB, Jets didn't respect the QB, stop the run, stack the box and make Tyrod be a QB =fail.Can't get respect as a QB if you don't throw.
  19. Right on man, outside has been single coverage all night
  20. Tyrod got his one TD today, too bad the D didn't score as much as usual
  21. Come on Tyrod 165, you can do it man
  22. Even the announcer is saying quick throws to stop the pass rush and stacked box
  23. He just called it, the reason we win is because we run and stop the run. Has nothing to do with Tyrod throwing. A playoff team throws the dam ball.
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