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Everything posted by xRUSHx

  1. Same record, proving not good enough regardless of coaches Rex with Tyrod year one the same as McD with Tyrod year 1 5-4
  2. Right on man, if you cant keep up it's all down hill
  3. No way let our so called franchise QB finish this garbage
  4. Oh that is right I forgot it's everyone else's fault that our leader on offense can't move the team. Trent Edward days are back in Buffalo, it's not the QB, maybe Trent I mean Tyrod needs OC#4
  5. This is what happens when teams don't respect your QB
  6. But in the other thread he is franchise QB and some fans want him to be our starter for years to come? SMH
  7. Haha, franchise QB, hahaha yeah right.
  8. I have him on blocked so I am sure he is still trying to blast on me. Thank you for your post.
  9. This is a Tyrod thread right? The thread also points to him being a franchise QB in the title so IMO both sides should be discussed.
  10. We all hope that is true Both year 1 Nov 12, 2015 Nov 12, 2017 Same QB 5-4 could be dead on, all depends on a win or loss.
  11. I still dont understand effect when it never effected anything other then people talking pointing fingers that hey that is the Buffalo Bills, owners of the longest playoffless streak in all of sports. Effect is the dirt being thrown at fans that looks to extend at least another season if this team fails again this season. Effect? IMO No effect just the label, like the consecutive SB loser label that isn't on this new owner or coach but is still history of the Buffalo Bills.
  12. Effect? A remember a quote that Levy used that said systems don't win players do.
  13. The Buffalo Bills have the longest playoffless loser streak in all of sports. The Buffalo Bills so regardless who is the owner or who is the coach this team is tagged with that wonderful garbage until it is changed the streak is alive there is no way to pretend it doesn't exist. IMO if they did a name change it could have shown a stop in the process of one owner to another but when everything remains the same, everything remains the same.
  14. Lose Sunday and Rex year 1 is the same as McD year 1. 5-4
  15. Your funny, a legit QB. You do realize that Tyrod is on pace to do exactly what he did to Rex his first season, not good enough. Nov12th2015 Bills were 5-4, Bills better win or Rex with Tyrod year 1 is the exact same as McD with Tyrod year 1, not good enough. Legit QB, your funny, more like legit no playoffs again wishing for a legit QB.
  16. I wonder where they came up with such a idea, looking at over a decade+ of wonderful we have had at QB why would they think such things.
  17. Yeah I see what your saying. I would like to see the NFL give back to the people who buy season tickets though by giving them the NFL Sunday ticket for all the other games. IMO more people would buy the package to get season tickets and also never miss a game on TV/Radio from other teams. Just my opinion on it, I would think it would increase TV/Radio ratings to a much higher level then while maybe increasing season tickets sales.
  18. They limit the games so much on what teams are on local TV that nobody wants to watch what is being broadcasted after your favorite team is done. Why waste time watching a Colts Brown game. I miss the old days when multiple games were on and you could chose what game to watch next. NFL money grabbing for control to get extra money for other games makes many fans not bother so of course the ratings and interest will go down. Even radio brodcast is limited so they can charge extra for that, NFL is fun but all the extra money they are trying to push fans to spend will in the end make the ratings go down more and more. Back in the day I used to watch and listen to a ton of NFL football now that time is used on other things. I think if you buy season tickets you should automaticaly be given NFL sunday ticket to all broadcasts radio/TV. That alone will increase ratings IMO.
  19. Luck a Bill? Yes make the trade if he is going to be healthy.
  20. Had the best time ever at the Raiders playoff game laughing hard while winning 51-3 but man the greatest comeback game ever is one that still gives me chills down my back screaming 3 more to go, 2 more to go, 1 more to go as they take the win. I remember yelling at fans that were leaving, those are my two top. I wish I would have been to the game they tore down the posts. I have to say all the Kelly years hold my fondest memories, having a QB named machine gun over the water guns we have had since make any teams after Kelly impossible to even consider IMO.
  21. Haha, nice thread OP thank you for chipping in to the thread count, this gave me a good laugh. I have to say food visions are bad if you dont eat it because staring at it eats you away. Eat the dam chip so we can get the win. Go Bills
  22. A list will not help me change my mind on Tyrod. When I see Tyrod out there and the other team stacks the box to make him be a QB and he fails miserably I have made my mind up that I want better. I want a QB that teams will be afraid to make be a QB FYI, I do not think he is terrible, he would be a good backup because he plays exactly like one.
  23. I agree, I think they are so worried about another EJ pick that they would rather play it safe and hope Tyrod will be good enough. What stinks is if you dont buy a ticket to win the lottery you can never win it. Then again the way they prop him up comparing him to many of the greats of the game it could be they are drunk on the koolaid, look at the thread title.
  24. I am not making a list all you need is eyes to see Tyrod is not in the same class as any of the QBs you listed. Why? Because they have shown everyone they are better while in the NFL by what they have accomplished. Stats lie and Tyrods is the king of garbage stat padding that used to be held by a former Bill in Trent edwards. When a team has a franchise worthy QB teams are worried to play them because of how great they are at being a QB with Tyrod all they got to do is make him play as a QB. Huge difference. Wins/losses all land on the QB in this QB driven league, if he cant drive your going nowhere.
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