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Everything posted by xRUSHx

  1. But the D should have played better Tyrod got us 3 points in this big game, whats the problem with the QB of course it was the Ds fault for giving up 10 in a big road game. One TD by our QB is a little too much to ask for IMO.
  2. 3 points for 3 years and out. Goodbye Tyrod
  3. Hey they got 3 points in a big playoff game, so nice having such a good starting QB.
  4. How can you even try to compare the two considering Peterman is in his first year and Tyrod is on 7. Tyrod had 4 years of development on the bench, I wonder how Tyrod would have done under the same conditions in LA on his first start in year one against their D. I would imagine zero TDs and maybe 20 or 30 negative yards. SMH to even try to put down our first year rookie in such a way. You better hope Tyrod can finish the game or Peterman could end up the savior of the day that throws this thread in your face.
  5. It is all about execution, get your job done. If the players don't execute it doesn't matter what play you call.
  6. This is incredible, keep it rolling Buffalo.
  7. I don't think either will be here even though I wouldn't mind either one
  8. I sure hope so man, would love to see a win this weekend
  9. Yeah Bob come here and give me a kiss
  10. Name calling, really? Big internet guy calling names. Same old COT, you don't like when someone isn't fluffing up Tyrod so you go right to the name calling. Makes me wonder if each one of you 4 are all the same guy with multiple accounts. Maybe a old BBMB mod still on the power kick. I like to talk about two sides of the coin while you guys refuse to say anything against him, you point fingers at everyone but him on why he fails to be good enough. SMH. Only crusade is the COT still playing the same little click they did on the BBMB.
  11. A real fan? Hmmm, please define a real fan. Are you a real fan? I have been a Bills fan for 40 years of my life. I am a fan that spends real money for multiple real season tickets/Bills gear and now spending real money on playoff tickets. When is the last time you spent real money on this team, are you are real fan or just a Tyrod cheerleader on a MB? I want this team to get better not wish for a miracle season ever few decades. I want better at QB.
  12. Funny you commented B wording about my comment. Enjoy the game, I will while I am at the game, are you going?
  13. I hope his thing isn't sitting on the bench with a towel on his head again. If they hold him in the pocket to be a QB this game is over by halftime. Tyrod needs to step up big time for this game. Go Bills
  14. We need to get this team to a playoff level not wish for a miracle that another team can help us get in. It took a few decades for it to happen once.
  15. I want to see them make a move for a top prospect QB, they have the picks and it is a good draft to pick one so I have my fingers crossed they move up to grab one of the top dogs this draft as oppose to waiting a couple rounds to grab the scraps left in the later rounds to get another Peterman longshot talent.
  16. They drafted plenty in the 1st? How many since Kelly? How many did they move up for? Waiting for one to fall, taking what is left, sounds like the last few decades. Taking the QBs that fell to us is more then likely the reason the ones we got werent worth spit.
  17. IMO Got to get one of the top 5 QBs, I really hope OBD finaly steps up and makes a move for one. I love we got a miracle season into the playoffs this season but to be a great team we need a great QB to lead the way.
  18. I totaly agree man, team sport but it is lead by the QB. Great QBs can turn things around, it is the game to really step up. How many times have we seen QBs on the sidelines talking and motivating the other players. I do not want to see the Tyrod moment from this game a picture of him with a towel on his head. Go Bills Come on man you have to admit you really trolled this thread with your comments. The OP just asked a question he did not troll by saying he sucks or anything.
  19. I agree man just win but to do that he will need to really step up for this game IMO. Been waiting a couple of decades for a playoff game. Go Bills
  20. Vote people off the board? Sounds exactly like BBMB mods hard at work. I thought your last post was a winner but this quote to start off this post is also a head shaker.
  21. So the fluff threads about him are great but when a honest question thread pops up about him it is a problem? Sounds exactly like the mods on BBMB trying to control fans thoughts with fluff threads only allowed. The thread asked about Tyrods "signature moment of 2017" and to you it is somehow a bad BBMB thread? You expect better or do you just expect Trans fluff threads only to be allowed? Where in the question is it a troll thread? How dare anyone ask if our QB had a big moment in one of his seasons, SMH.
  22. IMO So far his big moment in 2017 is handling the benching like a professional. Not much to talk about for him this season, let's hope he can get some highlights from this very important Jags game. Go Bills . Right on man
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