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Everything posted by zevo

  1. honestly u have to wonder sometimes what goes into the meat at these places.
  2. ahh finally a question right up my ally since i am a opharmacy student. Percocet is much stronger than vicodin. Vicodin is a combination of tylenol and hyrocodone and is classified as CIII. Percocet is oxycodone with tylenol and is classified as a CII meaning the MD has to prescribe it on that opretty purple piece of paper called an ONYSRX. just make sure your dont take any other tylenol products or anything that contains acetaminophen while useing perc or vic because of the risk of acetaminophen toxicity. and dont use alcohol because it will potentiate the adverse effects.
  3. stojan, i enjoy your comments on this board, but why not just chill on the dude.
  4. the guy gave us his all. He just wants to move on, and i cant blame him. Damn leave the guy alone. He has alot of heart for the game. I hope he does well where ever he ends. I'd like to see him turnaround Zona.
  5. killed it, as in good? dude i thought she was amazing, and amazingly gorgeous.
  6. i am absolutely in love with carrie. That fuggin performance was excellent. It honestly sent chills down me and that usually doesnt happen cuz i dont really get into this kind of stuff, but She is gorgeous. Anyway what was that song she sang cuz it was sweet. Was that a wilson phillips song?
  7. when the man whop drafted brett favre, says JP will be the next Brett Favre 100%, there is no doubt in my mind we have a bright future.
  8. i agree just make the freakin trade and end this sh--
  9. LOL! I just found out I am an Uncle again as well today! Baby Boy 8lbs 6 oz. Congrats!
  10. and dont forget who the dumbass running the lions is. How much did he through at hakim and bly? Millen would have outbid the Bills no matter the cost because that is who millen wanted
  11. guards are not a hot commodity. Just like the paper said, its inreasonable to have roughly 6 mill in cap tied up at the guard spot (villarial). I have no issue with not showing demulling the money.
  12. Freddie Jones is exactly what this ofense needs. Sign him.
  13. i got my christin agullera ipod pre ordered
  14. Mike Williams actually lives a few houses down from me. My parents and I just moved into the neighborhood a few weeks back and MIke hadnt been at his house since I moved in. I'll have to go check and see if there is any actyivity.
  15. man did your huskies get smoked by the cuse!
  16. how come when you click a thread only the first post comes up and the rest are threaded? Just curious. its a pain in the but to go throught the responses. Unless i a missing an easier way?
  17. It is not even speculation! Its a damn joke! dont you understand! go to buffalobills.com messageboards and look at the original post that started all of this nonsense.
  18. Why dont you call 97 rock up yourself and find out for yourself that nothing was reported. I'm sure if this was all true more than one damn bills fan would have heard it! Welcome to reality!
  19. Uh-oh folks, better get out the tape measurer someone wants to compare **** size! Think about this, first of all wgr laughed at the guy that said he saw lawyer with law at the airport becasue law is in KC. second why the hell would buffalo meet with law on saturday when he is supposedly in town tonight, and would have all day to meet with the Bills on friday! Lets try puttin 2 and 2 together and puttin the tape measurer away!
  20. hey did you here there is a huge trade in the works for PEyton Manning? I heard it on the FOOD NETWORK! No Lie! Tell me how fun this one is!
  21. They were messin around. Someone called in to schoop and bulldog and said he saw milloy and law together at the airport!
  22. It all started with some poster who onyl has 4 posts on buffalobills.com! He claims to have heard it on n97 rock. Why doesnt someone just call the station to find out if it was reported. This stupid rumor is spreading like wildfire from this dingus.
  23. I dont know why but I am laughing my ass off!
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