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Everything posted by zevo

  1. sold
  2. 85 m, then i fell.
  3. matt jones castillo kevin everett
  4. DO NOT STOP! Continue. I'm 5'11 175 lbs and i ate a whole dozen. The thing is they are so light you can eat a bunch of em. they arenot like the donutsy ou buy at the super market because those ones are so thick and dense. Dont be ashamed just keep eatin. PS: I love to soak my glazed krispy kremes in milk. MMMMM GOOD!
  5. Robb Montenegro
  6. tough to tell in his truck!I'd say BIG!
  7. I'd say its a pretty nice house. Nuthin in the million dollar range like Bledsoe. But i would guess in the 400,000 $ range.
  8. Mike Williams lives a few houses down from mine. And I saw him roll past my house yesterday. Good to know he is in town and hopefully he is getting in shape! We need him to step up and be the man on that line this year for JP!
  9. hey thanks alot clump that really helps! Now can i geta deferral until i graduate which will be in 2 years or do theyonly allow a 1 year deferral?
  10. I read a few posts on here about other waller's being summoned for jury duty. I'mm 22 and have never had this experience. It says i am to attend on May 2nd. Now right now i am in the most difficult semester in pharmacy school and the last day of class is on May2nd, followed by multiple finals within the following days. Now worrying about jury duty is the last thing i need, but my question is would this be a valid excuse to get out of it? And if i do get picked how quickly to you go to trial and is this going to mess up my exams? Thanks
  11. this is a playoff team except for one major piece. A QB! JP has a lot of learning to do. I'm just looking at this situation objectively and putting aside my bills bias
  12. What good is he going to does us this season? we r not maing the playoffs and he will be gone next year! Unless you want to pay him a 15 mill bonus. Look at what Fred smoot got and is sooooo average!
  13. you absolutely do this trade in a heartbeat! Face it clements is gone after next year. And with this coming year most liekly being a transition year with a new qb, clements will do us no good this season. And if u can get the 9th pick you do it.
  14. TIGER is currently atop the leaderboard this morning at -12! Go gte em Tiger! Dont let that douche Dimarco Win!
  15. LOL! My fuggin space bar sticks!
  16. Van den Bosch andfred baxteralso visited the bills. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050409/1067995.asp
  17. LOL! by the end of this We just might end up gettign shelton and their 2nd pick for Henry! LOL
  18. bannan is no longer a dt.
  19. I say Phil with a repeat. He is playin great!
  20. At this rate that POS will be representing every NFL player! When did agents start controlling the NFL?
  21. i am going to some big man made lake in michigan. I was also looking at spinner reels, but they look complicated but seem to be the bets bet. also where is a good place to purchase a rod a nd reel either locally (western ny) or online?
  22. i'm taking a fishing trip in june with my brothers. i guess we will be fishing bass, perch, blue gill and crappie. My question is to those who are experienced anglers. I really dont know too much about fishing except what i have elarned fishing local pondsand a little at lake chattaqua. what type of pole should i be looking at. I want soemthin thats not to difficult to use but i dont want to use the kmart spincast special. I was looking at baitcasters. Any advicewould be great!!! also what type of bait or lure should i be lookin at. Thanks.
  23. i'm pretty sure he is an actor that i have seen in a few movies.
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