Its kind of weird that I am asking this since I do have a medical background (PharmD), but I have a question for any medical staff on the wall. About 2 weeks ago I started to get a weird sensation in my left foot that can be described as numb/cold/achey that bothered me for a few days. I then noticed that I got a localized spot on my left calf that also had th same feeling. The bestway I can dscribe the feeling is when you ar comign down with Influenzae, and your skin becomes really sensitive that it hurts to rub it. Anyway, the "pain" stayed in the calf and foot a few days, then left. It then seemed to moveto the middle of my left thigh, in a localized area. I then noticed I had a second "pain patch" that was localized on my lower back. Currently the pain seems to have left my left thigh and is now localized in my right thigh and still on my lower back. I also woke up two days ago with a horribly stiff neck that seems to have gotten better since then.
I really have no idea whats going on but this pain seems to be rotating throughout my body. I thought maybe some sort of neuropathy or even potentially shingles, but there is no presentation of a rash. The stiff neck had me also thinking meningitis but I have no other symptoms such as headche and I generally fell good besides this skin pain. Anyone have any ideas? I'm at a loss. By the way I am 24 years old and in good health.