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Everything posted by zevo

  1. Thats not really news. Any team that needs a CB will be interested or pursuing Nate.
  2. Its kind of weird that I am asking this since I do have a medical background (PharmD), but I have a question for any medical staff on the wall. About 2 weeks ago I started to get a weird sensation in my left foot that can be described as numb/cold/achey that bothered me for a few days. I then noticed that I got a localized spot on my left calf that also had th same feeling. The bestway I can dscribe the feeling is when you ar comign down with Influenzae, and your skin becomes really sensitive that it hurts to rub it. Anyway, the "pain" stayed in the calf and foot a few days, then left. It then seemed to moveto the middle of my left thigh, in a localized area. I then noticed I had a second "pain patch" that was localized on my lower back. Currently the pain seems to have left my left thigh and is now localized in my right thigh and still on my lower back. I also woke up two days ago with a horribly stiff neck that seems to have gotten better since then. I really have no idea whats going on but this pain seems to be rotating throughout my body. I thought maybe some sort of neuropathy or even potentially shingles, but there is no presentation of a rash. The stiff neck had me also thinking meningitis but I have no other symptoms such as headche and I generally fell good besides this skin pain. Anyone have any ideas? I'm at a loss. By the way I am 24 years old and in good health.
  3. Is it just me or does it sound like the guy who was filming this video was partaking in some sort of "activity"?
  4. chicken wing dip. yum.
  5. yes. it is a nice gesture, but what if they move?
  6. No, in fact I would very much like it.
  7. Agreed. But by working in the community I have come to realize some people are idiots.
  8. you are correct sir. I am on the front line of fielding questions on this topic on a daily basis being a soon-to-be graduate of the school of pharmacy. I absolutely encourage those who can save money using this plan. I just dont believe people are receiving full disclosure of what walmart is actually offering ( and Target will follow). I find patients telling me they are going to walmart because they will be able to get all of their prescriptions for 4$. I then ask them what they are taking and they will respond with "Lipitor or Zetia etc etc". I then tell them that those drugs will not be 4$ and they are shocked. In the end, if it helps you save money, great, but please do not make claims that this will end the healthcare crisis. The problems are much greater than a 4$ prescription generic plan that covers 200-300 cheap, repeated medications. The problem with healthcare is that you have leaches abusing the Medicaid system (New York State is by far one of the worst). I see it on a daily basis and it pisses me off!
  9. It is just another way to promote their stores and get more bodies in the stores to buy goods. Its actually quite a genius plan as they will grab alot of the uninformed people that think they will be paying only 4$ for their prescriptions. If you actually look at the drug list, you see multiple versions of amoxicillin and other very cheap drugs such as hydrochlorothiazide and whatnot. It may be a good deal if every medication you are on falls under that list. I'm sorry but walmart is not lookin out for the people on this one, it is all about the money.
  10. I cant stand the stupid nissan commercial with the DVR
  11. They have the reverse effect in children.
  12. http://www.lauxsportinggoods.com/sabreszone.phtml
  13. Dude r u serious?
  14. I really can't fckin stand these Hollywood stars. It seems these stupid fcks get so bored with life due to their ability to buy or have anything that they desire. When you have so much money and can get anything you want, you no longer have the dreams or goals that most people work for. This boredom leads to crap like the spread of scientology and people like Tom Cruise trying to tell me that medicine is bad. Most of these so-called "stars" have lost all touch with reality. Why must we continue to listen to this horsesh--.
  15. Who to start?
  16. Matt Schaub
  17. Matt Schaub is definitely my pick. We'd have to give up a first rounder for him as he will be tendered an offer. Matt Schaub seems to have "it".
  18. Hines Ward Javon Walker Greg Jennings Mushin Muhammed Thanks!
  19. Matt Schaub is a RFA. I'd take a run at him.
  20. NFL.com says 62, but it could be wrong. Either way pretty incredible.
  21. 62
  22. zevo

    FFL Trade

    In all honesty, it looks fairly reasonable.
  23. OK Pete!
  24. First off, I aint your buddy. Tough for me to beat a fan of the sabres since 1970 since I wasn't born until 82. Let me get Larry Quinn on the phone to notify him of your amazing credentials of being a fan. I am sure you will get some sort of ceremony at one of the home games.
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