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Everything posted by zevo

  1. You know this is all Willis McGahee's fault right???
  2. that is never a bad thing!
  3. I personally think the song stinks but it is pretty funny! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIkzQYns61Q
  4. WTF is with this team?????
  5. Big game for the sabres tonight!
  6. On the other hand, it only makes sense for the Broncos to make a trade in which they get a QB in return. I think edwards is a better option than someone in the draft unless they are extremely high on someone. I think a team like the JETs would have to give up a hell of a lot to get Cutler.
  7. I did not read through this thread, but does anyone else feel that it would be an extremely dic# move to ship edwards off the team for cutler by the bills. I understand it is a business and such, but my God!
  8. can we tag him next year?
  9. Love it. This team needs playmakers. He is a star if healthy. Now the sabres must become buyers before the deadline.
  10. someone needs to take jerry to task.
  11. There is one play that btothered me last night regarding fitz. When harrison was returning the int Fitz tried stripping the ball rather than just focusing on keeping him out of the endzone. A tackle with no time left in the half=no points.
  12. Acor, Aruba which is an all inlcusive resort so all the restaurants were at the resort. You will love it!
  13. Determining what one can afford mortgage wise by gross income is absurd. Gross income is a ficticious number that factors in money that will never touch your hands. Gross income does not take into account taxes, long-term debt (school loans) and retirement funds. These values should always be taken into account to get a better gauge of what someone can actually afford.
  14. The fact that I am admiting this may make me gay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VqHorjSMA8 Its on my ipod.
  15. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Chrysler-30...5fCarsQ5fTrucks anyway to make a buck!
  16. I am under direct orders to purchase the lingerie!
  17. All-inclusive trip to the bahamas. Wife of 5 months is excellent!
  18. Follow-up story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081129/ap_on_.../wal_mart_death
  19. BIG TIME! if I was that guys family I would have wal mart paying through the nose! And it is deserved. This is absolutely disgusting and exactly why I would never shop "Black Friday".
  20. Since I have only been out of school for 1 1/2 years I have not really been to affected by the economy. In fact I have seemed to almost benefit. We sold my wifes house for a sizeable profit when we were told not to expect anywhere near asking price (that was just right place,right time). But we then upgraded into a much bigger home at ~ 15,000 below asking price and got a phenomenal mortgage rate. And now with as low as the market is I am buying up as much as I can( Max 401K and employee stock purchase plan) in hopes the market will turn. But yes I have friends and family who have been seriously effected by the economy, some with large families to feed. It is a sad state of affairs right now, but I know it will come back. Just have to weather the storm.
  21. FEAR is attacking us. Without FEAR the stock market would be fine. Those without FEAR will prosper.
  22. For the life of me I do not see anything in that picture with the log. Help me out.
  23. Honestly, Hardy should be cut some slack. He is learning the pro game. Those who expected him to jump right in a become Randy Moss were extremely delusional. I see progress in his game. Trent has been having a hell of a time connecting with him because their timing is off together. Getting the late, seemingly meaningless touchdown at the end of the NE, i believe game helps boost his confidence. Look for him to get more looks in the coming games. Fans just need to let him grow. The same can be said about Mckelvin.
  24. I cant help but feel the majority of this country has been brainwashed into Obama being our "savior". Today I woke up sick, less secure and fearful for my country as the leader and protector of the free world.
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