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Everything posted by zevo

  1. Thats the guy that I had come out to do an estimate. And have not heard from him since!
  2. I am member of angies list and it is a good tool. The only thing is there are not many current reviews of hardwood floor companies. The one that was rated the highest i had come out to my house and he seemed real good. He said I would have a quote in a day or so. I have not heard from him since (2 weeks) and no response to my email. I actually hope nothing happended to him.
  3. I'm looking to get new hardwood flooring laid and existing flooring refinished. I am aware of the 2 big companies (Buffalo HArdwood and MP Carrol). Anybody have good experience with anyone else? This question may belong in the consumers digest board but I thought I would have better luck here! Thanks
  4. That ws f'n incredible from a part of one of my favorite songs! Cant tell you how many times I've replayed that part of the song and to watch danny play that was incredible! Nice find!
  5. I was thinking the same thing.
  6. I agree completely. I dont like to get to fired up about politics, but the one thing that was so apparent was the fact that people were voting blindly and bit on all the hype. Its a real shame.
  7. Isnt 250,000 today not even close to what it was during clintons days. Todays number should be adjusted to todays financial climate.
  8. I just dont get it. I consider myself a republican and a pretty conservative one but I dont care who is in office as long as it benefits the United States. I really think Obama is really reaching on this plan. I'm sorry but in the year 2009 a combined income of 250,000 is just not that much anymore. Obama is the 2009 version of robinhood. Except in this case his idea of "rich" is grossly miscalculated. And the other thing that gets me are the people who blindly voted for him thinking they will be getting a piece of the so-called "rich". This is just not the foundation this country was built upon. The American Dream is to be able to go from rags to riches with hardwork and perseverance and in some cases a little luck. Ok now I'm done.
  9. I guess the question really was stupid.
  10. With a tax increase on families with a combined income of 250,000 or greater, how does that work? Is it just specifically on taxed income? Lets say,hypothetically, my wife and I make 250,000 combined, but we contribute 16,500 each into our 401k anually. Does this mean our taxed income is really only 217,000 and therefore we would not be effected by this tax plan? Just curious. also I am by no means a whizz in politics, hence I never post on this board. I apologize if this question is stupid, but I always wondered about this. Thanks
  11. you guys are nerds
  12. Not typically.
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090610/ap_on_..._cats_mutilated whoever is doing this has severe mental issues.
  14. for real?
  15. I dont know if it was Jaws, but I definitely know shawn salsibury said that.
  16. Jeremy white is probably the only personality on wgr worth listening too. The dude knows what he is talking about and makes incredibly valid points. I think alot of people get annoyed with him because his thoughts are extremely dominant and most often correct and it makes him look like a young punk especially to the older listeners. I have been meaning to post about just how absolutely brutal mike schopp has become. This guy is the most arrogant ass on the radio. His disinterest in his callers points are unbearable. Does he realize that the callers and listeners are what keeps him employed. If he is so miserable then get out of here and let Bulldog take over the show. Atleast he is a Buffalo sports fan. Schopp's disinterest in anything Bills related is ridiculous. This is a football first town no matter how obscure the team is and has been. If schopp reads these boards, I have a message: you are not as smart as you think you are!
  17. The guy's reaction at 50 secs is priceless!!!! LOL!
  18. Am I the only one who actually enjoyed Battlefield Earth?
  19. At the growth rate he showed, I dont think it is going to take is rookie season to get bigger. I dont know what he is taking but his growth rate is ridiculous. I expect him to be at optimal playing weight by the start of the season. http://blog.pennlive.com/bobflounders/2009...efore_after.jpg
  20. I am pretty sure the Bills came out and said he will be a DE specialist. Whats awesome about maybin is he is a DE/LB hybrid. He can play with his fingers in the dirt or he can roam as a backer.I love the versatility and will allow fewell to come up with some great pass rushing schemes and hopefully confuse the offense kinda like what the Pats have done to us for years. The problem I have with this D-bags write up is his crack on the guards. Every analyst has stated these are the two highest rated guards in the draft.
  21. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=jc-0...o&type=lgns Worst analysis of the Bills draft i have seen to this point!
  22. God, Shut The F UP! You have no idea who will be good from this draft! So SHUT THE F UP!
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