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Everything posted by zevo

  1. As a current Saab owner, it is dissapointing. I absolutely love my saab and it is a great car. Thankfully I own a 2008 and GM is still on the hook for 100,000 miles.
  2. Give it up! The team doesnt play to lose. Get over it.
  3. Thanks guys... I actually ended up going with this : http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Asus+-+Laptop+...p;skuId=9555992
  4. I am looking at these two laptops: http://www.beachcamera.com/shop/product.aspx?sku=GWNV5610U or http://www.beachcamera.com/shop/product.aspx?sku=GWNV5423U
  5. Fezmid r u the one that works for dell? or am I mistaken. Iam a total loss as to what I should be looking for as far as laptops go. I do know that I want one for a second computer in the house. Can u make any reccommendations for me?
  6. It appears gateway is now owned by acer which i have been familiar with and like there products. Which of the two processors above would be the better. In case i did wantr to play a game of some sort?
  7. I am looking at two Gateway laptops . One has a pentium dual core T4300 processor and the other has the AMD Turion X2 Dual-Core Processor. Which one would you recommend...I am not a gamer and I would be using the laptop for mostly internet and such. Would battery life be better with either one of these?
  8. I watched him all day as I had seats 10 rows up from the Bills sideline. All that I can say is the kid is extremely into the game. He was motivating other players and has alot of personality. As far as his play on the field, he did get pushed around alot. He needs to put some meat onto his lower body to get him some push. Give the kid some time to grow. I think he will be just fine.
  9. Would u trade housh for Forte. Housh is my 3rd wr behind ward and austin. I lost ronnie brown for the year. I have addai and a choice between lynch and maroney. This is a 10 team league with 1 pt / 10 yrds receiving or rushing. 6 pts td. On my bench I have a cotchery manningham and chambers to replace housh. This is also a keeper league so forte has keeper potential. Thoughts please!
  10. I'm thinking about signing up. Just curious if anyone else has, also if you did, did you go with the fixed rate or the variable rate. Right now the fixed rate is 78.7 cents/ccf and the variable rate is 67.1 cents.
  11. i want locker or tebow.
  12. look how well screaming did for him on sunday.
  13. just saw it this evening. It has me pretty spooked especially the ending. If you are open to this kind of thing and believe in this type of phenomenon, it makes it even scarier.
  14. He is most definitely waiting for the San Diego job to open up so he can enjoy a great city an shove it up Denver's pooper twice a year.
  15. Im watching Favre pump fake all over the place tonight and I thought to myself that I have not once seen trent pump fake.
  16. My two dogs have cost me a total of 3000$ the past month. I am thinking of lookinh into pet insurance. Anyone use or have experience with it? Anyone company you would recommend? Thanks
  17. How dare you not mention David "The Circus" Kircus.
  18. hey donte, how far are you from los banos? My brother in-law lives there.
  19. Thats actually my plan. Im going to do butcher block island with recycle glass countertops. The countertops look gorgeous I just have to find a local dealer. As far as sanitary goes with the block if its is sealed it is all good. If it is not you r supposed to rub it with mineral oil monthly to maintain it.
  20. We are going to be redoing our kitchen countertops as soon as I can decide on which way I want to go. I really like the idea of have a butcher block top to my island. Anyone have any experience with these and how do you like it? If you are local in the WNY area who did you use to purchase? I really like the looks of the end grain 3 to 4 inch thick block tops.
  21. im guessing you are refering to owens
  22. Well they made a mockery of the game especially when it was extremely close at 20-14. I certainly would not attend a raptors game (actually I never would) or a leafs game and be a distraction to others who actually care about the game.
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