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Everything posted by zevo

  1. Thanks...i read that article...gets confusing
  2. The 2011 year was a forgettable one for me as I ventured into trading stocks in the biotech sector which ultimately ended up in a couple grand loss for me....oh well....my question is that I traded in and out of two stocks throughout the year. I recently sold all my positions yesterday and will not be purchasing any back. I have come across this wash rule which can get complicated especially with the amount of trades I have made with the two stocks. Basically, from what I can understand is that as long as all my replacement shares are sold (I have zero holdings) that I can deduct my realized losses. Is this correct? Thanks
  3. James Harrison...STFU!
  4. Def on the Nolan train.....dude brings the heat
  5. i think we will end up with seattle 5th round pick this year from the marshal trade.
  6. Our offense isn't the problem.
  7. I think I may be the only one but when I saw it I immediately thought "oh crap...the media is gonna be all over SJ on this one". surprisingly i didn't hear a peep about it until this blowhard....
  8. his release is so quick...
  9. I mean these players have the opportunity to set themselves up for life after playing a modest career in pro sports....yet the continue to be just !@#$ing stupid.
  10. i don't think stevie is worth 10 million per year.....Id rather pay someone like Vincent Jackson that kind of money...
  11. Shoulda brought a spork
  12. If he did say this.....he should never be taken seriously ever again
  13. easy there guy....enjoy the ride
  14. From my buddy who talked to a team doctor. Also said Troup is 100% healthy now.
  15. I have been told that Williams injury will keep him out 4 weeks but no mention of season ending.
  16. I will tell you right now to take the dog in for x-rays. My dog (a shih-tzu) swallowed a 7 in bone straight down....The painful screams that I heard were unbearable from the bone moving through the stomach...If we waited the bone would have become lodged and then necrosis would have began and he would have died. Not trying to scare you but it is possible he has the twig or whatever in his GI tract that is causing the pain!
  17. AJ GREEN
  18. What do you think about the Fender CD-60? also I just got a new macbook i noticed they have guitar lesson on the garage band....looks very helpful....
  19. Hey All....Im thinking about picking up acoustic guitar as a hobby especially with winter coming.....anyone have any recommendations on a good starter guitar? How hard is it to learn to play.....am i kidding myself? I really don't have any musical background except that I love music..... Thanks
  20. I remember the day like it was yesterday....at the time i was a college sophomore and getting ready to attend Chemistry Lab at UB....I really couldn't comprehend what was going on....I remember all classes being canceled and I headed back home....I remember looking up at the sky while driving home as if I was anticipating seeing a bomb or something to that affect being dropped.....I was young and naive.....as I sit here 10 years removed from that day, the emotions hit me harder as I watched the specials being broadcasted on the networks....I cannot imagine the terror that those innocent people on those planes felt. It really hit me when I listened to the conversations that people aboard those planes had with their loved ones....knowing that today was the day they were going to die and could do nothing about it....I cannot imagine. I became very angry when they showed the evil faces of the animals that were responsible for these attacks. I was listening to the sean hannity show the other day and there was a fill in host....she really painted a picture of the horror of that day....Most of those innocent people woke up that day....had their cup of coffee....kissed their kids good-bye and headed off the work at the World Trade Center....None of them thought that today was the day that they would have to choose between burning to their death or falling to their death....again I can't even comprehend.....Its just an unbelievably sad day. I know Im just rambling thoughts but I pray that the Good Lord is taking care of these victims and their families!!!
  21. BOOOOOOOMMMMMM! Thats what McRib (courtesy of Joe B from WGR) will be hearing today!
  22. honestly i can think of many bands worse than nickelback....
  23. yeah carrington is looking studly....big boy
  24. Unfortunately to get any kind of Bills fix while at work I must tune into wgr...in particular Schopp and Bulldog....what a mistake. It is honestly the most depressing type of Bills coverage at a time when there should be some optimism. All that I heard yesterday was Bulldog screaming like a baffoon and schopp talkin about trading everyone and starting from scratch again. The one thing i do look forward to are Paul Hamiltons reports because he seems to grasp the progress that the Bills are showing and there are tones of optimism in his reports. Anyone that calls in with any kind of optimism are talked over and laughed at like they have no idea what they are talking about. I have learned that Coach Sal from another message board is goin to be a new weekend talk show host on the at WGR and I hope he can change the dynamics of the crap that comes from the station.
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