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Everything posted by zevo

  1. thats a cool story...i remember when I was in high school, Pioneer was the shiz!
  2. This post makes the most sense of anything QB related....The opportunity was just not there for a QB. Some will argue about Russel Wilson....but color me less than impressed...
  3. i just read a lot of whining
  4. Are one of the attractions a fantasy about winning the super bowl?
  5. Thank You! This has to happen
  6. the wgr app sucks major butt! I was in orlando trying to get it and nothing! Grab the NFL mobile app and you can listen live to any game! Much better!
  7. oh i have def thought about it but it will be nearly impossible to avoid any interaction with someone who knows the outcome
  8. so if it is indeed the NYC feed then I could luck out being that the bills are playing the Jets....can anyone else confirm this feed?
  9. but if Im in florida and my account is connected to my buffalo address...my stream should come from my home system...right? also doesnt directv do the first week of the nfl ticket for free? btw thanks for your input...i was really poed by all of this but it looks like i may luck out....
  10. Well It turns out Im gunna be up in the air 1 hour after kickoff on sept 9 and Im not happy about this..im even looking at having my wife change my flight to the 6am flight....anyway I am flying Jet BLue from Orlando to Buffalo on a direct flight....I did a little reserach and It seems Jet Blue offers directv and possibly NFL ticket.....is this true from anyone with any experience with it? Also I have directv at home....is there anyway to stream my programming from my house in Buffalo to my iPhone while im in the airport? Thanks
  11. Bob Griffin sounds like he is having him self a very good off-season so far. I feel very confident if we hadn't selected Gilmore and instead drafted Bob Griffin, we would still have our selves one heck of a football player. I am rooting for the kid. I was secretly hoping for him. Him or Gilmore. Either way, I thought it would be something interesting to bring up.
  12. Mark Barron sounds like he is having him self a very good off-season so far. I feel very confident if we hadn't selected Gilmore and instead drafted Mark Barron, we would still have our selves one heck of a football player. I am rooting for the kid. I was secretly hoping for him. Him or Gilmore. Either way, I thought it would be something interesting to bring up. Andrew Luck sounds like he is having him self a very good off-season so far. I feel very confident if we hadn't selected Gilmore and instead drafted Andrew Luck, we would still have our selves one heck of a football player. I am rooting for the kid. I was secretly hoping for him. Him or Gilmore. Either way, I thought it would be something interesting to bring up.
  13. There is absolutely no point to this thread....nice try
  14. who cares....i was secretly hoping that andrew luck fell to us...just sayin
  15. This is probably my Buffalo Bills insecurity shining through but my thoughts are always these guys were great on other teams and when they suit up for my beloved Bills they will miraculously become very average....this goes for mario williams as well....with that said I am still pumped!
  16. what are my options. I verizon and the phone is 6 months old. tried dying it out. it still rings when i call it but screen is dead....when i plug it in nothing happens. What are my options...I will assume i will have to pay to get it replaced...has anyone had this happen? Thanks
  17. http://withfriendship.com/videos/francisco45/anchorman-i-love-scotch-funny-scene-hd.php
  18. wow...shocked to read the kid went to the police....at 16....i would have been all over nailin' this chick
  19. I love how everyone in the pics look bad ass....even buddy nix....and then there is Ryan Fitzy....dont get me wrong...love the guy but haha
  20. i think selmon is giving crayonz a run for his money
  21. Im in a similar situation....i had my 401k set up by an advisor 4 years ago and haven't touched it since (bad).....i view things like this...id rather pay a professional that does this kind of thing as a career then to take matters into my own hands....I do what i do...they do what the do.....I pay a planner a flat rate (500$) to formulate a plan for me and my wife and I put it into action....Well worth it for me as I don't have the time energy or confidence to do it on my own.
  22. And this path to the Super Bowl begins!
  23. This movie still creeps me out to this day: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAcc9P3nkYg
  24. gotta love the qualifications required to get the relief.....basically if you were a terrible mortgage customer...you get the relief.....
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