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Everything posted by zevo

  1. Cats generally are.....but that poor dog was minded his own business...then.....bam!
  2. My dad sent me this video....starts out all cute and turns nasty....all i could think was if that was my dog I would be out with a baseball bat swinging. http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligencerreport/deer_warning.html also the dog was said to be ok...poor thing took a beating
  3. Inhaled insulin hit the market years ago and failed miserably (exubera) ...too many variables......
  4. Agree with most of this but if you are not 100% confident use www.napfa.org great site to find a fee only advisor in your area....I use a advisor that makes suggestions but I ultimately pull the trigger on where my investments go....as a young'n I started out with scottrade but m currently using vanguard
  5. I value Paul hamiltons assessment of rolston....he says if the plan is a youth movement which it entirely looks like it is...then rolston is a good choice cuz he is a teacher....I would expect miller and vanek to be moved and the sabres to stockpile picks and young talent.....there is nothing exciting about rolston in my opinion...he is monotone and emotionless but what do I know....exciting to me would have Patrick Roy
  6. So what the hell is his contract status? Is he lame duck? Does anyone else find it extremely annoying that rolston sounds exactly like regier when listening to him....my pet peeve
  7. Well congrats to bates and Anthony
  8. No they did not
  9. Very interesting....guy has talent....no more good ole boys at one bills drive....strictly talent
  10. http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=lPZ5ZDWEADo&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DlPZ5ZDWEADo This guy dominated in a couple husky games I watched last year....I'll be watching him close this year if the bills do not find an answer at the tight end position. He looks like he could dominate like gronk at the NFL level
  11. Maybe it is just me...but doesn't this scream interesting...Stevie hanging with Barkley....maybe bills staff told Stevie to go get a feel for him cuz he is their guy....I don't know.....
  12. If this is true....this is incredibly important and a good signing
  13. Ahhh yes! The winners of free agency! As we all know that means Super Bowl!
  14. Where is the big money coming from...mr capologist
  15. You guys are nuts...we went hog wild last year...
  16. The people on this board make me laugh..
  17. Daryl Hannah is a porn star? I did not know this......never mind looks like its not thee Daryl Hannah....she does look like her though
  18. Always a fan of m night shyamalan
  19. I have mentioned it a few times on this board....mckelvin has the ability....always in position....just needs a little coaching on how to look for the ball or get his hands into the play....I think him and Gilmore will be solid....I look to pettine to get all he can out of him
  20. Is there a question with Gilmore....I thought he was solid as a rook
  21. Williams moving to safety seems to be the best choice possible....I'd like to re-sign mckelvin and give another chance at starting....the man is always in position just lacks a little ball awareness....hopefully this can be coached up
  22. our rights as a free society are progressively being taken away....
  23. This did it for me! Congrats to you for making me choke on my coffee this morning.
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