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Everything posted by zevo

  1. Boy you guys are making me feel guilty....I picked up a small item from sears today that I ordered online from the store...the guy comes from the back with two packages and I say "both are mine?"...he says yep....so I continue on home....turns out sears gave me two of the product I ordered....but I was only billed once....one box was opened and the product was dirty almost like a return and the other was brand new....not sure what to think...the item was 20$.....I just figured oh well their mistake...I'll keep the extra on hand....but now I feel dirty!!!!
  2. Thought I would chime in on what I got....my contract is up in 6 months....I called and only had to renew my contract for another 6 months.... I got 30$ off for 12 months....5$ off for 6 months....5$ off for 3 months. nfl ticket free and show time for free for 3 months....I thought it was good deal to only have to extend another 6 months.
  3. Some of you bit big time....congrats to JW for flipping the table....haha...
  4. Question for the people getting monthly credits and getting ST free or discounted....are you guys out of contract? My contract is up in January.....when you guys are getting these things are they making ou re-up on the contract? I'm wondering how I should go about it in my situation being 5 months away from contract expiring. Thanks
  5. Just echoing the sentiments in this thread....super excited to watch him....don't really have any expectations of early success but he is showing what is needed to succeed.
  6. When in doubt....just sue baby!
  7. Looking to get my sump replaced as well as water powered back up pump....just curious if anyone here had any good recommendations on a plumber
  8. Morning coffee on my iPad! Thank you for that!
  9. She is completely sexy in every way
  10. The Shawne Merritime One of the greatest bills ever!
  11. Swing an' a miss
  12. My vote for worst beer....Amherst ale house pizza beer....absolutely disgusting
  13. Sound was good....but no one can replicate Maynard James Keenan's pipes
  14. Tool as being overrated is utter nonsense
  15. Some of my favs....pyramid apricot...purple haze.....#9......ellicottville blueberry
  16. Local kid...star entering his prime ...super bowl or bust
  17. Not a chance in hell it happens but just thought provoking....
  18. Gunna get flamed....but..anyone interested in sending SJ home.....if you could score a kings ransom....I would do it.....
  19. Wow did not think someone else In this world liked it....I also like water world.
  20. Exactly....if I witnessed that happening to my dog...it would be game over for the deer
  21. Corporate America at its finest..must maximize gain! Who cares whose lives we destroy in the process! Keep stockholders happy!
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