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Everything posted by zevo

  1. Not being a homer....but his mental toughness has to be off the charts....I can’t remember such adversity faced by a rookie...everyone telling you you have the talent but you basically suck....telling you you sucked in college and will suck in the nfl....getting old tweets dug up and facing that....he has handled it all very well....I think he has the mental toughness part signed sealed and delivered....i hope he can succeed.
  2. Or light the nfl up....wishful thinking i know...but why the hell not
  3. I guess you weren’t picking up on the sarcasm
  4. Oh no my man...all the smart analytics people say pass that ball! Toot toot! Just listen to WGR....they’ll tell ya
  5. Oh man....it’s happened...I’m jealous of da bears
  6. Love Fitz....wish him nothing but the best/..has made a ton of money as a 7th round pick
  7. These posts are extremely entertaining
  8. Traded the whole team...this is extreme hyperbole
  9. The show started out good then it just got really stomach churning...and I don’t consider myself a lightweight...i guess I’m just getting old. I forced myself to watch the rest of the series for the simple fact of finishing something i started.
  10. So i called twice today...almost agreed the first time when they offered me 65$ off per month free 3months hbo and Sunday ticket max....I didn’t like the 12 month agreement part...called back 2 hours later...told them i had a cancelation request in but I believe the person thought my service was already disconnected....she offered me all of the above and a 300$ visa gift card....probably the best offer I’ve received to date.
  11. The real season begins next year and the clock on beane and McDermott. Anything else prior is bonus ie making the playoffs last year
  12. Nothing if you want to delay the development of a qb that you traded up to take with the 7th overall pick.
  13. Does this mean Shannon tweed is officially retired?
  14. Having your rookie qb start for you...and this isn’t me saying Allen Sucks....i want Allen to start
  15. I just hope we don’t regret not getting to 3 or even 2 for the next 15 years....
  16. Lol...he’d probably try to analyze what happened for the next several hours after then call everyone else stupid.
  17. Fantastic job by the JETS...I’m def jealous....their rookie is starting and the nabbed a 3rd rounder...bravo
  18. Correct...and if McDermott knows what he is doing he will play the kid...
  19. Any legit NFL qb would want to be out there no matter what
  20. Let him start...if he gets mauled so be it....if the talent is there he will take his lumps and grow...if he is too fragile then he isn’t the guy....you cant fake NFL real game experience...I’d rather take the lumps all this season...correct offense deficiencies next off season and see where season 2 takes JA. If at that point he still hasn’t shown to be the guy then pick another qb in the draft...rinse and repeat until he is found.
  21. Tyrod is back!
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