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  1. that game is what hooked me as a bills fan. I was 8. I remember not being able to sleep after the loss and replaying things in my head all night long.
  2. Why u feel the need to ***** on tre…dude was great when he was here
  3. lmao ive aged out of this as well.
  4. how do you know this?
  5. I think the ravens were the far more difficult matchup. arrowhead is an equalizer but I like our chances
  6. this conspiracy ***** against mcD has reached epic levels....give it a rest
  7. and you know this how?
  8. how's the asshat jerry Coleman doin? city of losers!
  9. ***** baltimore and all the media licking them all week
  10. Problem is we are getting gassed and they are now hitting their stride
  11. How do you know they aren’t doing their job?
  12. This game is nuts
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