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Everything posted by KermitMcDermott

  1. This is our year, baby!
  2. So this is over? Now I can actually start the binge watching. Never seen an episode.
  3. Mr. Belvedere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYVE9hfJ3QQ My friend bought a CD full of TV show theme songs and this was on it. We used to drive around the hood with the windows rolled down blasting it as loud as we could. The looks we would get were priceless. Taxi is so depressing.
  4. I know its only Sunday but this is gonna have to be nominated for crap thread of the week.
  5. Epic. Ma dukes threw a fit when she saw this one laying around:
  6. We all would. Floyd especially took a fight against Conor for the easiest payday of his career. Thank you. "You know what beats a black belt? A gun belt." - Whitey Bulger In the real world there are no rules. If you get in a fight at the bar there is no weight classes, rounds, and rules to abide. Eye poking, groin shots, fish hooking, knives, guns, and gangs are all legal. Boxing and MMA is one on one but that's where the similarity ends. Why can't we just let them be what they are? I love both but don't want either crossing over. It's dumb.
  7. Floyd would never step in a octagon cause he knows he doesn't belong there. And they can't meet his pay.
  8. Well, there had to be at least one Conor peen rider who can't accept that he had no business taking a boxing fight against Floyd...
  9. Well, if he can't be on the field maybe he can spend more time on his side business as a belly dancer.
  10. I'm glad Floyd TKO'd him.
  11. No Hulk Hogan option
  12. He was hammer-fisting Floyd. I swear the ref said "Hey, Conor, start boxing again."
  13. Agreed 100% And not interested in a rematch.
  14. Nobody likes close talkers.
  15. Hulk Hogan gets named the starting QB and runs wild all over Baltimore's D... Brother!
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