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Everything posted by KermitMcDermott

  1. I love all vegetables. I hit up the public market in Rochester every week and go ham, yo.
  2. Take two Cheez-It crackers and put a small piece of beef jerky in-between. You'll thank me later, yo.
  3. I did a tour in Iraq on a base that only had two women on it. We all caught each other, it was inevitable. When I finally got caught I was watching a porn and thought my two roommates were pulling guard duty. I was wrong. One of them was not. When he walked in I immediately pretended I was tying my boot. He made small talk with me for a few minutes. When I was still "tying my boot" 3 minutes later he finally realized what was going on. He apologized to me the next day.
  4. Any wife that doesn't think their husband watches internet porn is in denial.
  5. Once or twice a year, when I'm really bored, I'll check out the Yahoo reviews. Always good for a few laughs. When I was younger I had to deliver pizzas there once and awhile. I always made sure to have my knife on me.
  6. A self-help style book seems practical, considering he'd never have the guts to write an honest detailed autobiography. This guy actually put out a cookbook with a 200 dollar price tag? Rachael Ray couldn't even get away with that.
  7. There's a Child's Play reboot coming soon. They really needed to remake this crappy movie? A doll that kills people? Its a god **** doll, just kick it out of the way.
  8. None of these look good. Planet Of The Apes will probably be Redbox material. And enough Spider-Man movies already.
  9. Bahahaha, totally did this before.
  10. Sonnen hits it on the head as usual. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nYvYzVJPAQ
  11. Who doesn't want to get paid more?
  12. If you're gonna be vacationing around the Rochester area I highly suggest staying at the Cadillac Hotel. Its the best spot in town.
  13. BAHAHAHAHA! I totally want to go down the Vagina Slide. And LMAO at the peeing kid poles. WTF.
  14. I believe it was.
  15. I remember being at a game and seeing a Bills fan walk up to another fan in a Dolphins jersey and pour a whole cup of beer, which probably cost 8 or 9 bucks, right on his head. And everyone around cheered it. More classy than Freddie Blassie, yo.
  16. You should visit the Ralph someday. Just don't wear Cowboy, Jets, Pats, or Bears gear. And any other teams colors as well.
  17. Its all crap food that I try to stay away from, but yes, I'd have to agree on the Double Stack. I used to grab one of those for lunch several times a week. I got pretty fat after a month of that.
  18. But then they wouldn't be the Jills. I would imagine the organization tried to find cheerleaders who fit that criteria when they were around. This aint Dallas, yo.
  19. But I didn't get caught.
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