Yea, he's been around for a good minute. I think I've become re-interested cause he just started doing live performances.
Looks fun. I like how Mike just stands there and makes money.
I don't care if OJ is paroled. Basically, if it doesn't affect me then I don't care.
The older I've become the more more I've realized that if something can't make me a sandwich or fellate me then my level of care is not very high.
Forget Jay-Z, Nas, Eminem, and KRS-One. If you argue against me you're wrong because this is a fact.
At the very least he's the best storyteller since Slick Rick.
Conor moved up one weight class to fight Diaz. That's not a huge jump. If McGregor really has a chance against Floyd he should have made light work of Nick.
Exactly. Who has Floyd fought that doesn't hit hard?
McGregor isn't even the best boxer in MMA. He shot for Nate Diaz's legs in their first fight cause he knew he was going to get KO'd if he kept it standing.
I believe someone already noted that Conor can be sued for his entire paycheck if he tries pulling some MMA ****.
Floyd may be a jerk but he's not stupid. And he did raise a good question - if McGregor is so confident about himself why doesn't he put his whole purse on the line? Cause he knows he's going to lose.