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rm -rf /*

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Everything posted by rm -rf /*

  1. Rick Newman now too, he's legit 🙄
  2. If that is legit, then this must be too. Logic catch it.
  3. Probably bs but the account did call the sweat trade.
  4. Any of them. You give yourself a bit too much credit for "seeing things". As I mentioned in the other thread, Miss Cleo you ain't. Lot of football left.
  5. I think we are making the playoffs every year until we mathmatically can't. So, I will say we could win any of the remaining games. The Bills have broken my heart many times, I am sure there will be many more. I will be back this week as I always am, hoping for the best yet waiting for the worst. I highly encourage all of you debbie downers to try some mindfulness or perhaps some really good bipolar medications then wait and see how the season turns out. We have got a long way to go and you ain't Miss Cleo.
  6. Chumming the trolls, I should have been a fisherman. Can't even muster one legitimate counterpoint BillSTool. It's not like you ever have. Maybe Levi can tutor you. What a nutsack you are.
  7. Here is a little history lesson for you left wing lunatics and right wing lunatics. *Disclaimer: I am not a Tucker fan. With that said, he is the first journalist to encapsulate the information it has taken me 30 years of reading to accumulate. Can't wait to see BillSTool post one of his four responses here. Would appreciate non troll feedback. Go ahead, dispute one historical fact he has wrong. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2023/01/20/tucker_carlson_the_cia_removed_nixon_the_most_popular_president_ever_to_cover_up_their_murder_of_jfk.html
  8. You are? Well unbunch your panties and try again Padawan.
  9. Yep, let it get all the data it needs, fly over multiple strategic areas. Upload it to a sat, then you shoot it down. It's ridiculous. We were never supposed to know.
  10. And you fancy yourself Miss Cleo too? Damn bro. You must really be delusional, this is the best entertainment I have had in years. In fact, I am going to send your parents a bill for babysitting you today
  11. My safe place is right here, watching you make an a55 of yourself for all to see. You are legit bro... Lolz
  12. Started what? You are doing what you always do. I am just not going away. You like to bully, demean, get people to go away ignore you. You like an echo chamber. Carry on.
  13. Brought what on? You do this to everyone that questions or differs from your rather limited thought patterns. I am contemplating writing a bot to reply to you. It would only need about 3 lines of code.
  14. Well, what is there to debate? You always descend into whatever you call this. I find it amusing. Carry on.
  15. Thanks for doubling down on ignorance.
  16. How can I claim victory? You can't even sustain the most elementary of debates. Memes and Tweets. Other people's creations, that's all you have.
  17. Debating an idiot is like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.” Lolz
  18. No substance. Just more personal attacks. I would love nothing more than for you to rub those last two brain cells together and formulate an intelligent response to something I have said. Not sure a 12 year old can do it, maybe you can ask your parents for help. Your 21,000+ spam posts really tells the story. That search function works both ways. You have put your ignorance on display for anyone to see. You bring zero value to the discussion. You only wish to be divisive. I imagine the only reason SDS keeps this section alive is so he does not have to deal with pigeon sh*t in the mainboard.
  19. Not sure who DR is. I am pragmatic, independent, and enjoy intelligent debate. When all you get in return is personal attacks -- well this our country gentleman. Benjamin Franklin was the prophetic one.
  20. Again, pigeon. Your ignorance is stunning. Try reading him. I am not a fan. I agree with many of his premises. Stupidity is worse than Evil. Seems pretty straightforward... But again I am not a pigeon.
  21. You don't need 21,700 posts of spam to prove a point. Unless you are a pigeon.
  22. I can repeat myself too Ace: Bonhoeffer’s theory of stupidity: “Debating an idiot is like trying to play chess with a pigeon — it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory.” Ask the mods how many accounts I have. 1. I have been dormant for a number of years because... Kids.
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