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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. Random nitpicking, but do you just think Allen is a 50/50 guy to be great/terrible? People are calling it a coinflip. The thing with high ceiling guys is, say he only reaches 80% of his projected ceiling, isn't that still pretty good? If he hits 60% of his potential, is that still okay too, and a decent player? It just reminds me of a lot of the hyperbole (which I'm guilty of too at times) of a guy is either "great" or "he sucks". There is a lot in between those two points. Granted, with a top pick, you want him much more towards "great" than "sucks" so I get the risk with a guy like Allen who has a wide margin if possible outcomes. Just saying, is it really a "coinflip"? Is he more like a 70/30 good/bad projection? Or a 30/70 good/bad projection? I think that depends on the evaluator, as we have seen a lot of variation in people's thoughts about him. The second part I agree with you, with the overstride you might have missed, but I wonder if that was a big factor or not? I'm not saying he didn't overstride, I'm just wondering, as you said, how many throws were inaccurate due to that, and how many throws where he did overstride did he actually complete?
  2. Exactly what I was thinking. He's happy because they didn't sign a DE to replace him ??
  3. I bet Kraft will lose his mind after trading Jimmy G
  4. Yep. That's when I laughed out loud myself.
  5. McPeterman He wears #12 Sign him up for the HoF
  6. Might I ask how old you are, and how many QBs you've seen go through there (honest questions)? That's pretty cool you've got to meet some of them in person. Very cool actually. His durability is a concern, I agree with you there, look at Bradford, he's made of glass, so Rosen might be similar. I know people doubt his desire to play football, but I'm not sold on that storyline. It's all he said she said, and anything Mora says is a load of crap to me. The guy has a history of throwing his players under the bus after they leave, and he also was fired, so why would I take an angry coach's "going away words" as anything worth darn? I'm just saying that the source, Mora, isn't reliable in regards to former player evals.
  7. And you know this how? Have YOU personally hung out with Rosen? Nope. You haven't.
  8. So we draft more backup QBs. Got it.
  9. A waitress I used to work with dated champ Bailey for a year or so at Georgia. Said he basically had a staff of 5 people doing all his work and taking tests for him. She said he was a complete moron, and knew he would pass because of football, so why bother trying? I asked her why she didn't stay with him, she said "well he dumped me, but honestly, I'm not sure I could have lived with him long term, even with the NFL money, he was an idiot and couldn't hold a good conversation if his life depended on it" I laughed and said "I dunno, he makes a lot of money' She laughed and said "yeah, I probably could have dealt with it, but man, was he dumb"
  10. I don't disagree, but if he's equal to this year's guys, and one is there, take them this year. Lock has a ways to go next year, but I agree he looks like a really good prospect if he progresses this year.
  11. We would have to get to #1 to get him most likely.
  12. I don't think Smith makes it past SF or Oakland. I'm not sure Rudolph makes it to 55, I see somebody grabbing him late first as a reach (though I don't agree with it) All this.
  13. I wonder if they used the same trainer/doctor since their hips both exploded
  14. Oh yeah I was happy when we signed him I was also very disappointed in his performance overall with us Just trying to be realistic in my assessment of him
  15. Ummmm He had 79 yards and a TD the first game Then he combined for like 150 yards over the next 4 games with 0 rd. What a year he was on pace for. 650 yards and 3 TDs.
  16. So AJ mccarron is in trouble I guess... ??
  17. It was a 40+ yard kick with topspin that curved over the goalkeeper into the top corner of the net. It wasn't a "straight ahead kick" It also was the inaugural Galaxy vs LAFC crosstown game, with the debut of the biggest free agent ever to come to MLS, as he is still one of the biggest stars in the world of soccer/futbol, from the English premier league, from one of the biggest clubs in the world, man U. When the crowd was chanting for him to come into the game, he can't in, and delivered that goal, then a header goal in OT to win 4-3. Don't act like the Vegas game, though it clinched the division, was some incredible game to end the season, they are now up 9 points with 4 to play. If they lost in OT it would have been 7 points with 4 to play. They could have lost, then finished the season 1-3 with regulation loses, or 0-4 with two OT loses, the sharks going 4-0 and still clinched. Again, his goal was fantastic, so was zlatan's. I'm not downplaying either, but don't act like the zlatan goal was some "routine tap be in" then overblow the significance of the San Jose game to clinch the division, they it locked up already. So yes, to each his own, and they were close plays, but you are dead wrong with acting like zlatan's was trash and easy and wasn't a "big moment" while acting like the the hockey goal was the greatest thing ever in the biggest moment ever.
  18. You were b*tching that ESPN was pushing soccer. I explained why. I felt that zlatan's kick was better than karlsson's. Obviously they did too. Right. I felt zlatan's was better. It was an amazing play, in his debut, which he will be under intense scrutiny, to score two great goals and win the game. Another poster was whining that ESPN is "trying to push the pansy game of soccer" and that was the reason that the NHL play was "only #2" on the top10. I left that part out, but was just pointing out that ESPN didn't have an agenda in regards to the play ranking.
  19. You do realize it's the most popular sport in the world, right? ESPN is a business, a global business, who's money comes from advertisers, who pay more $$ with ratings. Football/soccer is their worldwide cashcow. The NHL is far and away below any other of the big USA sports (NBA, NFL, MLB), hell wnba games outperform NHL ratings many times. Regular season MLB games outperformed game 7 of the Stanley cup finals. Don't get be wrong, I love hockey, but let's not act like football/soccer isn't a much bigger sport.
  20. Brady and the pats are very good. They were better/are better by cheating. It's not nonsense, it happened, and continued to happen years later, so probably still is. The whole point was he made a joke about it, but you seem hell bent on defending them, so keep it up.
  21. Are you being sarcastic? Because they literally got caught and organized by the NFL for doing it...
  22. Because the pats actually have been caught cheating, multiple times, including filming other team's practice and pregame walkthroughs...
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