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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. Allen is in that mix, even if you get nauseous thinking about it.
  2. As of now we are worse at at many levels of talent. WR somehow worse than we were last year, which was already a dumpster fire. We have no linebackers or offensive line to speak of. While I thought it was time to move on from tyrod, we will be worse THIS YEAR at that position almost certainly in terms of production/turnovers but will be better in the long run with a young QB core. We will win 4-6 games this year unless we hit the draft lottery/an mccarron lottery. My post was in response to a guy saying we were #6 in the AFC which isn't even reasonable. The raiders were a 12 win team the year before. I'm not sure what happened last year, but it seemed like coaching, but they added gruden to the helm this year. They are a better team than us. The chargers started cold last year and then turned it around. They have a borderline HoF QB, a monster pass rush, and very good receivers (who were hurt early last year). They are a very solid team. The chiefs are a better team, we caught them in a nosedive, which was crazy to see that happen. Unless mahomes is a complete tire fire they are a better team. Your logic that we beat the raiders and chiefs makes us better is just not true in the NFL. Sometimes better teams crap the bed on a day. I would say we did a little overachieving last year as a whole, I pegged us at 6-7 wins, as did most predictions. We will be taking a step back this year, and I will say, unless our QB situation turns into the Golden goose overnight, we will be around 5-7 wins. The QB situation also looks like it could be a flaming turd, depending on who we draft, he probably shouldn't start this year, and aj is a huge chance to trash, so 2-4 wins is actually a fair bit bold prediction if our QB situation is a mess.
  3. Pats Chiefs Steelers Jags Chargers Raiders Jaguars That's 7 better Titans are probably a coinflip Broncos are better if keenum is even 70% of what he did last year
  4. Tom Brady threw deep like a mofo to moss
  5. It's like people don't understand that the point of the NFL is to make money. Ratings are what generates that money. The NFL isn't about "spreading out coverage and prime time games to make every fan happy". The Patriots winning draws Pats fans to watch. The Patriots losing makes haters watch. Either way they usually put on an entertaining game. Even if I do hate them.
  6. It's okay. People don't like to think objectively. The Bills clearly were last year, and are this year's Superbowl favorites.
  7. They beat the falcons early in the year without Jones or Sanu. We beat the chiefs during their like 5-6 game slide, which was even worse than the nosedive you said we were in. We exceeded our expected wins by like 3-4 if I'm not mistaken. Part of that was protections undervaluing our new coach and defensive players, so we will say 1-2 win exceeding at the very least. We had to rely on miracle from Cincinnati to make the playoffs. We got embarrassed in Jax. We weren't a very good team overall. Gugny wasn't wrong at all.
  8. We have people on this board who think lesser of you, and call you a pu*sy for watching euro futbol. Nothing amazes me anymore here.
  9. Stop making stuff up. He described himself as "kind of an atheist" when he was in high school. He doesn't have one he's just making up stuff
  10. SF is a larger market and bigger money maker than the Bills. Sorry but that's just the truth. So are their opponet in those games (Seahawks, Giants, raiders vs SFO, Packers, Rams) Plus they were on fire after Jimmy g
  11. I mean who knows maybe the colts decided that since they raped the Jets to move back from #3 to #6 they will try to get $$$ for #6 now The problem is that #6 is no longer worth as much to QB needy teams since there will be 2 QBs gone between browns and Jets, leaving you with less choices And it's not worth a crap to the Giants because browns and broncos will likely take 2 of Chubb/Barkley/Nelson leaving Giants without their "choice" which one they want. Denver's pick is worth a good bit more to the Giants, so a 3 team with NYG bills broncos would be much better than nyg colts bills imo
  12. It's not a table though. We would break him.
  13. Maybe they'll cancel each other out.
  14. Trade up. Room the dice. Daddy needs a new pair of shoes.
  15. Correct. Hence why I said "exists" As in he's still not around to make life changing spiritual appearances in their eyes.
  16. Draft profiles talking about slight builds aren't the same as arm strength discussion on a guy who's been in the league a couple years and is going to be 28 when the season starts. A rookie coming into the league has not fully matured physically and can put on some muscle and increase velocity a bit. AJ is what he is at this point in terms of arm strength.
  17. Good thing Rosen is Jewish. Jesus can't interfere with football if he doesn't believe he exists.
  18. Agreed. I don't think he fits the style of QB/offense they want to run. I think he would be insane with Andy Reid as his coach. Look what hevdid with Vick and the modified "West coast-vertical offense" hybrid that year in Philly. I think that's the offensive model Jackson needs.
  19. I will say this: AJ had some ridiculous weapons on the Bengals when he played. Could he have been propped up by that? The league history is ripe with backups who shined in a limited sample of games, went to another team to start, and promptly shat the bed. (Rob Johnson, Matt Flynn come to mind) Steve Young was also a backup who pushed Joe f-in Montana out of town when he got his chance to shine. Dak Prescott was an afterthought who shined with Romo went down. Brady and Bledsoe. Cinderella stories happen. Could aj mccarron do that? Probably not, but one can hope, right?? I'm excited to see what happens, be it aj or a young guy. Hell like I said with Steve Young, he was trash with tb, so maybe Peterman blooms later too. Or maybe he goes down in a blaze of glory that would make bon Jovi proud . Let's just hit the draft and then start the season. I'm ready for Bills' football, regardless of who's under center.
  20. I'm still not sure if he's serious or not
  21. And defensive players cannot play like they used to, which has opened up the passing games, and increased QB comp %s overall. Look at comp%s from 35 years ago to today.
  22. It's drastically different today. I'm not even going to get into it, but if you think that the passing game today is not that much different that 35 years ago, then you really don't know how the game works.
  23. *Slowclap* Bravo my friend. Well played.
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