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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. Russ was in the middle of an internal investigation regarding inappropriate relationships (plural) with female employees (also plural). When supposedly resigned when confronted with supposed information during this investigation.
  2. The president of the team oversees many things, including the hiring of the GM. It's another level of management. The president/CEO of a football team is basically a step above the GM and a step below the owner. Kim taking over could either be a short term thing (since Russ was a sudden ousting) while they find a new president/ceo to take his place, or it could be a long term thing, where they basically eliminated that position, and the GM (Beane in this case) will report directly to her.
  3. She was the co-owner of their company, which they sold, and bought the hockey clubs together, then bought the bills, together. She's not a trophy wife who was bought a new camaro. She's actively been a part of building their business for over 2 decades. sweet chauvinist signal.
  4. Ask Donald Sterling how that went. His wife wasn't even a "co-owner" she was literally just his wife, had nothing to do with the team. Kim is actually involved in day to day running of the team, and the two of them own their sporting enterprise together, and manage it together. If they got divorced, they would either liquidate assets (aka sell the teams and dissolve the sporting company that they own all the teams under), or one of them would remain owner of it all, while the other got a buyout or accepted a residual % of the profits. You're saying she's not qualified, and to hire somebody else, without even giving her a chance to accomplish something, for which you say she must do before you'll praise her. expansion draft where you get to choose from a pool of players is not the same as buying a franchise that did not get an expansion draft.
  5. You misspelled misspelled. ?
  6. Why? Why does she have no business running 2 sports franchises which she owns?
  7. You clearly don't have thick skin if you're crying for me to be banned. The only low class/disgusting move I've seen is you comparing Russ Brandon to Kim Pegula, and acting like she's a trophy wife who is only a pretty face. Your "opinion" of her just getting her way because she's "sleeping with the boss" is abhorrent and classes. She was married to Terry and running the company with him for almost 2 decades before they sold their company, and purchased the sabres and bills TOGETHER. She didn't "marry into running 2 sports franchises"
  8. Terry met Kim when she was a waitress. He employed her at his company. More than likely there was some romance prior to this, or intent to do so. Moving forward from that, many companies have rules against dating somebody in a lower position than you on the totem pole. My company has this. No fraternization with direct subordinates, as well as immediate disclosure to management if this occurs with somebody in a different position within the company. So, once again, there is no "irony" because it is a totally different situation. Russ, from all signs, resigned after an internal investigation seems to have revealed unprofessional behavior within the workplace, and misconduct, which 99.99% of the time means he was banging an intern, or something of that sort. He more than likely violated a direct rule they have in place, which many large corps do. So, once again, Terry and Kim were together long before they purchased the Sabers or the Bills. This is not "ironic" because it is not the same situation. I don't need an "anger management course" I just need morons like you to stop assuming that she's only where she is because she's "F*cking the boss" she IS the boss. She may have had a relationship, and eventual marriage, to the owner back in the day, but she is now a owner of said company, with her husband, and seems to be quite good at running a business with him.
  9. The "Allen project" is different because it's Allen. Not EJ, not JP, not Brady, not Rodgers, not jamarcus, not Bortles, not anybody but Allen. Nobody knows what he will do. Let's just ride it out. If it crashes and burns, so be it.
  10. They hired Beane and McDermott, along with firing Ryan (after they hired him obv) They kept the Bills in Buffalo That's pretty good to me They've been married since 1993. Kim was not an employee of the company that Terry had misconduct with, she was a waitress that he started dating. Kim and Terry we're married like 18 years before the sabres and 21 years before they bought the bills. I can't believe they are equating this with what Russ did.
  11. Was Russ qualified?
  12. It's okay, kurt Warner did this to me when I was his backup too... Shhh... Just let it happen...
  13. You need to study "deer in headlights" to perfect the "Eli Manning face", it's key in NY to always like like you're confused and have no idea what's happening.
  14. Red white and blue forever. We are America's team, screw Dallas. I want Uncle Sam riding the back of a cyborg bison that's waving an American flag from it's back, with a machine gun in one hand and a bucket of wings in the other.
  15. That was still funny as hell. I hope he works out I like the kid
  16. Guys. Allen just has to give him the "feathertstone" treatment. I mean we basically just drafted a young Paul Blake off the farm ?
  17. Gisele - "TOM. FOCUS. Stop drooling at coach."
  18. "you think the guys on the team will go for these new tb12 system workout shorts??"
  19. My favorite memory is hearing the news that he's been fired.
  20. Then all the Rudolph homers would have been beating off
  21. You needed THIS to confirm that? ??
  22. "working out on the beach has always been a joy of mine. You to can feel young and enjoy the cool, crisp ocean breeze with my new Tom-Terriffic line of designer boy-shorts, every pair has the essence of a teenage boy sewn right into them."
  23. Op never asked who you wanted at QB. You interjected your dislike for Allen as the pick on your own accord. The op was stating that all these draft grade media outlets wouldn't have blinked if we spent the same and traded up for Edmunds at #7 and Allen at #15, so they need to chill out and just look at the first round as a whole.
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