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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. Calling something "comparable" isn't the same thing as "comparing one thing to another" "Comparable" means they are similar/alike, or right equivalent "Comparing one thing to another" is looking at their similarities and differences They are not the same thing Tyrod/Mayfield is not "comparable" to Flynn/Wilson Flynn was signed to be the franchise starter long term. This was reported on by literally every news source, and stated by Seattle. Tyrod was traded for to be the 1-2 year starter at most until they felt Mayfield was ready I have said this like 4 times now. Your reading comprehension isn't very good.
  2. Hue guided them to back to back #1 overall picks. Almost 3 in a row. The man is consistent, if nothing else ??
  3. No. You are over simplifying and ignoring facts to fit your narrative. Flynn was signed with intent on being the long term starter, with Wilson intended to be the 3rd round drafted backup. Tyrod was traded for with intent on being the short term/bridge starter, with the #1 overall pick Baker Mayfield being selected to be the franchise, long term starter as soon as he is ready. Your simplification is like saying a Chevrolet Corvette and a Ford festival are "comparable" in that they are "both cars with 4 wheels"
  4. It's the Browns. They are like the Kings in the NBA. I doesn't matter who is running the team or who they get as players, it's a complete tire fire.
  5. Let me repeat this for you, again. Matt Flynn was signed by Seattle with the intent of being the starter and franchise guy. Wilson was drafted in the third as backup, maybe insurance for Flynn. Tyrod Taylor was traded for with intent of being the bridge. Baker Mayfield was the #1 overall pick and fully expected to be the franchise starter. They are not comparable.
  6. It's not even comparable though. When Flynn was signed, Seattle thought he was going to be their franchise guy, and one of Seattle's front office guys was with GB when Flynn was there, and was really high on him. Wilson was not intended to start, They actually got panned by many for drafting a QB when they had just signed Flynn to $10mil guaranteed, which was a decent amount back in 2011-2012
  7. Nothing like Wilson/Flynn. As you said Mayfield was the #1 pick. That's a big difference than what Wilson came into the league as, just in terms of expectations and $$/draft capital committed to him from day 1. Flynn was basically Rob Johnson 2.0. He had a total of 2 starts in GB over the previous 2 seasons, including the 6td game at the end of the year before he went to Seattle. He had ZERO experience compared to Tyrod, who is a relatively known entity. Tyrod was a proven starter with pro bowls under his belt. I am glad he's gone, and was not a huge fan, but to compare Flynn to him is insulting to Tyrod. To think they are even remotely similar is just clueless man.
  8. Chargers are morons. I think that's what we've learned from it. ?
  9. Maybe an old skin's Patrick Ramsey Jersey.
  10. Exactly. Ben has a scary injury history that would give and training staff a run for it's money. He has twiddled the thought of retirement like every off-season for the last 3 years. He can talk all he wants about playing 3-5 more years, guaranteed, but the reality is that Brady isn't the rule, he's an exception, same with Brees. Both have been very healthy their entire careers, save for the mega shoulder that Brees had at a young age (which, even by his surgeon's own words, was a miracle he could even throw again), and Brady had the ACL/triad young as well. Ben's got the arthritic body of a 50 year old at this point. He has been beaten to a pulp. He knows it, the Steelers know it. Even if he does play another 3 years, the likelihood that he doesn't miss a couple of games every year is slim to none. He's being his typical diva self. I can't stand him, and haven't for a long time. Shut up Ben.
  11. I don't actually know the end result, nor does it matter, but it seems they were stuck on both the deferred payment you mentioned as well as the offset 5th year "Here’s the crux of the Bosa-Chargers showdown: ● Bosa is owed $25 million. That’s what No. 3 overall picks get paid. Bosa can’t negotiate for more, and the Chargers aren’t getting out of paying that much. ● The Chargers want to include offset language in the contract. Offset language would allow the team to not pay Bosa in the fifth year of his contract, should he be cut before then. Without the offset language, the Chargers could be on the hook for paying Bosa while another team signs him to another deal. ● The Chargers want to break up Bosa’s signing bonus, which is worth roughly $17 million of the $25 million Bosa is going to be paid by San Diego. ● Since the new CBA has been ratified, there has not been a No. 3 overall pick whose contract included both offset language and a split signing bonus." <Link here> I forgot how terrible the Chargers always were with rookie deals. I love how they still managed to find a way to do so with boss AFTER the new CBA lol
  12. I was getting sarcastic and making a reference to an older troll around here who used to make things up and claim it was from "high level business meetings"
  13. Are you being sarcastic? Because I did reread it.
  14. Because Beane is not an idiot. Tree white was a top10 cb as a rookie. You don't trade that away. He still got Allen AND Edmunds. You are guessing hindsight on a draft, which makes no sense. If we take Allen at #4, it changes every single upcoming pick, it's a butterfly effect. Just stop the crusade.
  15. I read the thread again. You trade White for #4, then hope Ward slides to #12. Why would you propose a trade YOU didn't feel was worth it? Your trade made absolutely no sense. In your scenario the Browns would have to give #4 straight up for White, then the Bills would take Allen, wait until #12, take Ward there, then trade back up for Edmunds, so keeping both 2nd round picks in your scenario. We know white is a proven player. Ward is a lottery ticket. Made zero sense.
  16. Ramsey is better. Bouye opposite him does make a difference, no doubt, so he's not seeing the #1 as often as bouye sees them, but currently, Ramsey has been better than White. Is it a massive margin? No it's not. I actually prefer White because he's not a jerkoff. If you asked every GM to pick one, assuming salaries are equal, I think almost every single one would agree that while Ramsey is definitely the better CB, many would take White once you include the personality and work ethic. I think White will actually have a longer and better career, imo, because of his work ethic and personality, but Ramsey is currently the better corner until proven otherwise. I heard he's worse than the udfa QBs. Many people have told me this. Good, smart, high ranking people. Came from some business meetings.
  17. I love the white, but that's a stretch. Ramsey is really good, even if he is a JAGoff.
  18. He should do what Terry rozier did too eric bledsoe in the NBA playoffs. After Bledsoe talked trash acting like he'd never heard of the guy who just torched him, rozier responded with "accidentally" calling him "drew bledsoe" then showing up to pregame warmups in a freaking drew bledsoe jersey for all the media to see (it was epic trolling) If the media asks him about it, Allen should be like "Jalen Rose? Yeah he that loud guy who used to play in the NBA right?" Then come back wearing a Jalen Rose jersey.
  19. Could we sign maclin then put him at the bottom of the bench, and tell him he's now Allen's "personal ball washer"? Turned us down last year, no thanks.
  20. Yeah definitely. Fibula resection is a tough one. I treated a guy last year who had similar procedure, fibula bone piece taken out and grafted into his shoulder (not jaw) His walking came back pretty quick, but it was painful. He also wasn't a cancer patient, so bone healing is a lot slower for Jim due to that. Wishing him the best. I met him as a kid back in the early 90s, was a great experience.
  21. Being an NBA fan (Orlando magic) and being excited over elfrid Payton's hair, only to realize he sucked, has made me gun-shy about getting pumped for a haircut before they play ??
  22. Can you give a quick explanation of what the offsets are? I didn't understand what the guy said earlier, and I feel like Google will just confuse me lol
  23. Pretty much how I feel, but I had us between 4-12 and 6-10. Where we differ, and where I'm very uncertain: -Chargers pass rush is crazy. Like really crazy. I don't have faith our new oline will be gelled enough to hold them back by week two. They also started cold last year, so maybe they will be cold again and we steal one. -Colts will be a tough one if Luck is healthy, so that could be a loss. -Texans as a coinflip with Watt and Watson's health, so maybe a win. -Titans are a pretty solid team, so that could get away from us also. -bears added a bunch to the offense to help trubisky and roq Smith is really, really good. They're another unknown after some roster changes. I really don't think we win a lot this year, but I'm okay with that, since it's a tough schedule and we have a complete unknown at qb. I would be okay with a rough record, high draft pick next year, and some good progress from Allen and the rest of the young guys.
  24. Don't know if the parachute is gonna work until you jump outta the plane and pull the rip cord, right? Honestly you never know if the guy can drive until you hand him the keys and let him try. You just better hope you trained him properly before he hits the gas and let's it rip to redline, because Allen's arm isn't a little K car 4 banger, it's a 1200 HP quad twin turbo z06 'vette, so if he's not ready, he's gonna crash that sum'b*tch into a brick wall doing 150mph. Who knows, right? At least he looks to be willing to put in the work to be good, and seems to have an attitude that he wants to win and genuinely enjoya the game. His game footage gives me big favre memories, the exuberant, childlike emotion that comes pouring out when he makes a play. It's not that "in your face, rub it in" attitude that I see from Baker, it's more of a "awesome! This is so much fun!" Like the first time a kid rides a bike with no training wheels, or opens a Xmas gift. I'm really pulling for this kid, and I'm glad he's not on the Jets or fins, because he seems hard to hate, even he he is a bit of a dork. (Darnold makes me want to punch him in the face)
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