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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. Getting all 3 reps with all 3 teams best thing to do. You might see a connection between JA and a second string backup, or you might see a connection between AJ and a projected third string wr that leads to that guy being brought up to second string. Due diligence to get every QB reps with every wr combo. Nothing more, nothing less.
  2. I was like "why does this dude love Theo Epstein and his mom so much??"
  3. It's tough. We may see a bump in turnovers on the offense, leading to worse field position and rest for the defense. Davis may not be as good as Gaines anymore, but I do like Murphy, star, Edmunds, and Phillips as additions, plus Milano progression too. We were a very turnover heavy defense last year, which is a very fluke stat, so realistically the influx of talent, another off-season under McD, combined with the fluke/delta of turnovers on both offense and defense, should combine to be about the same.
  4. Flacco has one more big guaranteed year on his deal, they can get out after the year with like only 8 mil dead cap. At most he has 3 left on his deal if it plays out. Maybe the Ravens are committed to Jackson, assuming he can develop, and have told him this, and he's taking their word for it.
  5. I mean your body can technically shock itself into reducing inflammation, but this is usually by self immunosuppression, since inflammation is an immune response. It's not good for you though, and if you force inflammation constantly it will lead to arthritic changes and long term organ damage. Definitely not a good idea to do on the regular.
  6. That's not really true. If something causes inflammation, then it causes inflammation. Your body can't really "overcompensate and cause a net inflammation decrease". Tomatoes do contain solanine (spelling) which all nightshades do, which can cause high inflammation spikes if you are sensitive to it. They also contain large quantities of lycopene, which is a major anti-inflammatory, and they actually decrease inflammation if you are not sensitive to the solanine.
  7. I hope they are. A couple of years ago I saw an article talking about how the cowboys were the only team using ballistic stretching pregame warm-ups, which newer evidence shows that it lowers the incidence of hamstring and other large muscle injuries by like 60% compared to the old school static stretching. They had a young trainer and team director who was up on the new info. The cowboys injuries went way down. Other teams have adopted this, after seeing the results. Many older trainers are stuck in their ways. Haha yeah I know. I was talking about generally in the rehab field. No excuse for NFL teams to not have that equipment though. Yeah but it's crazy to get owners to pay for things. I work for a multi million dollar medical corporation, and two of our pieces of equipment are like from the 1980's, and we can't get them to buy new ones!!
  8. TB12 as a whole has a lot of little things that, when taken on their own, seem like hoodoo bs, but lots of little things can add up. Let's also not forget the placebo effect on people, where sometimes, mentally thinking something works, can actually improve outcomes. Guerrero throws 50 darts at a wall, some stick and some don't, and it's not the same dart for every person, but you can't really single out which work and which don't, it has to be taken as a whole. All the concepts you listed make sense, I try to incorporate them in my patients as well. Sometimes it's better to listen to the surgeon, sometimes it's better to push the person. One thing to remember about athletes, especially pro level, is your goal is to get them back to full playing shape ASAP and prevent reinjury. Many times they aren't concerned with long term impact of the injury and rehab in 25 years (such as the arthritic changes that happen when rushing back from an injury), look at Brandon Roy in the NBA, his knees gave out years earlier than they should have, most likely due to rushing back for the playoffs. Low/zero g rehab helps early on, and can actually help strengthen the surgical repair, harden the bone, and prevent muscle wasting. The problem is it's very expensive equipment (I'm talking 35-100k per treadmill vs 3-5k for a good rehab quality treadmill) and requires one on one supervision that many places can't afford that luxury.
  9. They timed his throwing motion, it was as fast as Aaron Rodgers, not Brady, I mean it might be Brady speed, but the guys on the show used Rodgers as a comp
  10. Would have been $16milly this year So yeah I'm good moving on from that
  11. Thanks gunner. See I'm okay with your take on it, since you are holding moss to the same standard of behavior as TO. I would have gone first ballot for moss myself, just as TO
  12. Makes sense when you think about the possible sophomore slump and the lack of depth If Davis returns to 80% of his former self and white is 80% of last year's play then I could see above average. Star would be Jax obviously or the old legion of boom.
  13. Agreed overall. I'd slip starting DB up to above standard (with white being a star, and Davis being unknown but hopefully returns to star), although I could see overall, including depth, it being standard.
  14. The cheating doesn't hurt though. I think his second earbud in his helmet processes the info very quickly.
  15. Did they have Allen, Phillips, and proehl powerbomb the wedding party through tables?
  16. I respect your side of it. What's your take on Moss getting in first year, but TO having to wait? If TO had to wait, then Moss should as well, but Moss is getting in 1st year.
  17. Agreed 100%. Look at baseball with the PED's. I remember a few years back when they were making the case for testing, they had every player take the test, but the results would be held anon, and if a high enough number tested positive that would initiate the new rules, and it was quite a large # that came up positive. Those tests were supposed to be sealed, but crazy, a couple of the names "leaked" out, even though it was a US Federal Supreme Court ruling that it remain sealed and anon. Now those guys are going to be shunned when MLB HoF voting comes up, and while they probably should be, what about the guys who weren't leaked? Is it fair that they get in even though they tested positive, just because some dingbat didn't want to release their name too, since maybe he was a fan? The voting is all a crock of sh*t. Yeah, Taylor was pretty awesome, I just wasn't sure if he was a no-brainer first ballot, but if you want to look at it the other way, if he and LT were first ballot, then I feel TO should have been also, in respect to his peers at the position. Anyway, I also agree on the QB-WR connection issue. Even in his time in SF, TO went through two QBs (aging Young into Garcia) followed by McNabb, then Romo, then Fitz/Edwards pu-pu platter ( I mean the guy had like 100+ receptions and 850+ yards with fitz and edwards throwing to him...) I can't even imagine the #'s he would have had if he was with Montana-Young his whole career (similar to rice, who only went to oakland at the end, with gannon), or somebody like Manning or Rodgers his whole career. The same can be said about Moss, he was with a revolving door of QB's too. Moss was kind of a jackoff IMO as well, just not as flashy with his on the field antics, so I think that was also a bit of a double standard, with Moss not getting bopped by the HoF voters but TO being bopped by them.
  18. All fair points. I agree with this. If you're voting for or against somebody over somebody else, say why. Same with MVP voting. There was a year LeBron clearly should have had unanimous MVP, but some jagoff writer who hated him voted for somebody else, when everybody on the planet was like 'Uh seriously?'
  19. I don't disagree with you there Gunner, but contributions as a player are mostly about on field performance. In the words of the immortal Allen Iverson "we're talkin about practice...we aint talking about the game!" TO showed up in the games. I never saw him dogging it, not showing up, anything. The guy played hard, but was a huge jagoff, and yes, that could affect the locker room, no doubt about it, but in the end, he performed.
  20. Your initial responses very much seemed to imply that LT was worthy first ballot and TO was not. If that was not your intent, then it was misread by me. TO's "big mouth and attitude" shouldn't be held against him, since the NFL HoF committee has said that they only use on field performance, and nothing else, to determine who gets in. The chargers were 44-18 from 2006-2009, the first 4 years of Rivers starting, with their receivers being Antonio Gates (TE), Vincent Jackson, Keenan McCardell (aging at this point), Chris Chambers (aging but still decent), Malcolm Floyd Tomlinson's backups were Sproles and Turner. They were pretty stacked on offense. This is an educated comment. I'm not trying to knock LT, and I fully believe he was a first ballot HoF, which if I implied or stated otherwise was not what I meant. I omitted the seasons played just because I did, I wasn't really paying much attention to those, having said that, yes Tomlinson did play less seasons than TO, and TO missed most of a season mid career due to an injury. All in all he played about 50 less games than TO, so yeah, he an omission I should have included (I was working it all out on my phone earlier while waiting for my car to get serviced) Learning from HoF players is definitely big, and I believe TO benefited from that greatly, so you are correct there. I never said TO was on trash teams, but you did make a notion that Tomlinson was on pretty crappy teams most of his career, which was just not true, but early on he did produce great numbers, but he also had great receivers and a pretty solid QB in Brees, with Gates, David Boston (not terrible), and a couple of other solid receivers in there as well. He was on a pretty stacked offense his entire career in SD, although he was one of the things stacking it to be sure. I initially wasn't comparing TO to players of other positions, I was merely saying that he was an all time great at his position, top #3-5, and should have been first ballot. Somebody asked who was inducted in 2016 and 2017 who TO was more deserving than, and I was stating the players who were inducted those years. I would say him and LT are on par with each other after a little more scrutiny about it, in terms of relation to their peers at their positions, so we can call him a wash. Jason Taylor, Marvin Harisson are two I can say he should have been over without a doubt, plus the others I listed. I'll give you LT as an equal in relation to his peers.
  21. I'm usually on the "glass half empty" side when I'm making predictions for my teams, and even I think this guy is a freaking moron. I'm on record in a couple other threads thinking we are a 6-7 win team, which could be 4-5 with some big injuries/bad breaks, and 8-9 with some good breaks/beating the odds. Vegas has us at 6.5 wins, and they are usually fairly accurate with predictions, and they have us at between 6-10 and 7-9. I wouldn't be surprised if they are worse than 6-10, but like I said, that's like 4-5 wins with some bad breaks, so I don't think you are too far off. We surpassed expectations last year with some good breaks overall, catching other teams at the right time (atlanta with jones out, KC mid slide, etc) and it's pretty rare for a team to exceed their expected pythagorean wins by more than 2 games multiple seasons in a row. The bills went 9-7 thanks to a strong defense and an offense/qb that didn't turn the ball over much. They didn't just pray their O would put up enough points, they relied on them to not throw INT's, which is tyrod's wheelhouse. The crutch the team leaned on might not be that much stronger, EJ gaines was a big piece we lost, and replacing him with Vontae is risky, as we are hoping Davis can return to form after a really down season last year coming off a big injury. I'm hoping the defense is as good or better, and I actually think it will be, but it's not as much of a slam dunk as people are making it out to be. Last year's offense, as I said, was about "not turning it over" We are handing the wheel to AJ McCarron (completely unproven backup), Nathan Peterman (yep...that Nathan Peterman), or a rookie in Josh Allen. Who knows? One of them might be the messiah under center, but in all reality we are probably looking at a season with more turnovers from the offense, which puts more pressure on the defense. Dropping to 2 wins is completely absurd, I agree with you, the article from the OP is pretty idiotic, but I do expect to see a regression to the mean, which would be 6 or 7 wins. I'm also happy with the roster going forward after this year, I'm very willing to accept a bit of a regression this year between all the new moving parts on defense and offense, the time it takes for our new rookie QB to transition to the NFL and develop, and the integration of a new OC to the NFL who is transitioning up from college as well. A 6-10 season would be okay by me, with expectations of 8 or 9 + wins the following year, and 10+ after that. That's what I'm saying. Anybody who doesn't predict 10+ wins and a SB seems to be shredded here for being a hater. It's being realistic, and looking for the future.
  22. Looking at the stats and thinking for myself does show something. LT was on stacked teams many years, don't act like he wasn't. TO : 16,185 yards from scrimmage (#12) 156 TD combined(#4 tied with moss) 153 TD receiving (#3 moss had no rushing) 15,934 receiving yards (#3) 1,078 receptions (#8) LT: 18,456 years from scrimmage (#5) 162 TD combined (#2) 13,684 rushing yards (#6) 145 rushing TD (#2) There is only one receiver with more yards from scrimmage or receiving than TO (the goat, Jerry rice), there are only two with more TDs (rice and moss, but he is tied with moss for today TDs including rushing) TO was as good as LT in statistical rankings in relation to others. I'm not sure why you "have no use for me" and like to act like TO was trash and nowhere in any lists. Either LT should be higher on my list (#2-5 like TO and a first ballot) or TO should be higher on yours. You can't have it both ways. I do think LT was a first ballot, but TO should have been as well, arguably moreso. The argument was that TO shouldn't have been, which I think is absurd if you are just going by in the field performance.
  23. It's not foolishness Brown Payton Dickerson Sanders Smith Marcus Allen Oj Prob a couple others I like LT he's somewhere between 6-12 TO is like #3-5 on WRs
  24. I don't disagree. He played his butt off always though, including the Superbowl on a broken leg. He's a top5 receiver all time. LT is not a top5 back, many don't even have him top10.
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