I'm not saying what really happened, because at this point we really have no idea about who did it and what their motives were, and the only facts we have (I may be missing some) that have been publicly released are:
-mccoy and this girl dated and lived together in his Georgia home
-mccoy no longer lives at this home
-the ex refuses to leave the house since they broke up
-there is an active court case involving McCoy trying to evict her from the premise
-police were called to the house, she was found beaten and locked in a bathroom, and taken to the hospital
-mccoy was not the one who entered the house, rock solid alibi of being in another state
Everything else is speculation
We have accusations of a break in, robbery, and assault.
If it was all staged by her then all that goes out the window.
There are a million possibilities and variables here that we don't know.
Ask yourself one question:
Who benefits from this?
Surely not McCoy, but the victim?? Other than the beating, she has everything to gain here with a civil suit afterwards.
Again I honestly don't know, but for those of you who keep acting like it's completely impossible for somebody to have staged this on themselves, I want to to look up one name:
Tawana Brawley
After you've read about her case, tell me that Delicia staging this is not something that somebody would do.