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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. I don't disagree. Motive is a big thing in crime. You make good points as to what his motives would be. She also has motive in terms of self preservation ($$$ and housing), and ex bf revenge. Honestly it's a very crazy situation with so many plausible outcomes.
  2. Yep. Again I'm not saying what happened with shady.. I'm just saying that everybody acting like there's no way this chick would stage it on herself because that's "too crazy" needs to wake up and realize people are crazy.
  3. I'm not saying what really happened, because at this point we really have no idea about who did it and what their motives were, and the only facts we have (I may be missing some) that have been publicly released are: -mccoy and this girl dated and lived together in his Georgia home -mccoy no longer lives at this home -the ex refuses to leave the house since they broke up -there is an active court case involving McCoy trying to evict her from the premise -police were called to the house, she was found beaten and locked in a bathroom, and taken to the hospital -mccoy was not the one who entered the house, rock solid alibi of being in another state Everything else is speculation We have accusations of a break in, robbery, and assault. If it was all staged by her then all that goes out the window. There are a million possibilities and variables here that we don't know. Ask yourself one question: Who benefits from this? Surely not McCoy, but the victim?? Other than the beating, she has everything to gain here with a civil suit afterwards. Again I honestly don't know, but for those of you who keep acting like it's completely impossible for somebody to have staged this on themselves, I want to to look up one name: Tawana Brawley After you've read about her case, tell me that Delicia staging this is not something that somebody would do.
  4. That's what I'm wondering
  5. Your earlier sarcasm was obviously missed
  6. This is true. (Medical provider here)
  7. This is the internet. Facts don't exist.
  8. You seem to be in the same boat as need. I think Peterman had a solid chance to start not because he's great, but because neither he nor mccarron are anything special, and both are there to just eat snaps until the team is comfy with Allen taking the reigns.
  9. I am expected him to read it word for word and forget to edit it to the proper team etc
  10. Typically "just play ball" is used when fans feel that players are being distracted by other issues.
  11. As if it affects the players any, like they're wasting precious practice time to make these decisions.
  12. That's what I was thinking. I haven't been here since spygate so I was just guessing. I chuckled when I figured it out though.
  13. Why does the OP always put an asterisk next to the Pat's name? Is he trying to say because they cheat that their name should always have an asterisk? Also: -powder blue chargers -bright blue/yellow Rams -red/white standing Buffalo Bills -old school dolphins -falcons -broncos
  14. You mean in league history, right? Dumbest call of my lifetime, that's for sure.
  15. Clearly you aren't a Rosen fan
  16. Our secondary overall is a strength with white, Hyde, poyer starting. Cb itself is another story. Tre white is an animal, easy top10, maybe top5 in the league. We lack depth past him. Davis has not been elite since his injury. He was trash last year, so hoping he returns to form is a risk. Philip Gaines was pretty awful as well. Look Davis might turn it around, Gaines too, but as of now, they have to be listed as "unknown, with recent history of bad"
  17. Very good list. Exactly my choices for #1 and #2. #3 is very solid as well... I would also add into strong contention for #3: -deion Sanders -gronk -the Vikings "booze cruise" guys
  18. I was about to say the same thing. I'm going to assume is unintentional as he knows there are two versions and used them both opposite of their proper usage.
  19. Saw that earlier. If he's healthy he'll be really good there.
  20. Gotcha. I remembered seeing something a few years back linking NASA to that place in Alabama. I knew there was a NASA connection:)
  21. Isn't Huntsville where NASA originated?
  22. He had Mason Rudolph as a top 10 pick. That right there sums up the guy's IQ.
  23. Purify yourselves in the waters of lake Minnetonka. I wonder if he posts on a phone that has an "ellipsis button" My father in law loves the ellipsis in his texts... Old man's posts look just like his texts, random ellipsis through
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