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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. I think the FO was when they signed him
  2. I didn't like Tyrod because I think he sucks. Plain and simple. He a decent guy, able to do some good things with the football, but his skills are just good enough to get you to "football purgatory" in regards to a .500 or so season, and not consistent for a playoff run. There are QBs who put up worse #s than him overall, and are less effective overall, but their skillset allows them to win (ie flacco or dilfer winning superbowls, for example). I couldn't care less if the QB and face of the franchise is white, black, Asian, Mexican, Cuban, whatever. I'm a huge Watson fan, was wishing we drafted him last year, mahomes too. McNair, Moon, Cunningham. Pulling for Teddy b, whom I would have loved if I trusted his knee, which I don't. Liking that Lamar Jackson is having a nice preseason too. Love me some Winston. I was hoping ej could do the job with us. Race plays no factor to me whatsoever.
  3. No. I actually did mean next week. The next preseason game. We still have anything to game to play Why would you assume I meant against the Ravens? Whomever starts behind this sack of sh*t line is going to get murdered. Allen didn't even have 2 seconds to get the ball off most of the plays. (For the record I have said this repeatedly that I think np should start the season, since I don't want Allen to get annihilated against those dlines early on, but I refuse to act like I think np is a better QB than Allen)
  4. So what happens if Peterman starts next week and gets decimated behind this sad line? Asking for a friend.
  5. I was trashed for saying this a couple weeks ago. Sadly I was right.
  6. I had people calling me a moron a few weeks ago when I said this offensive line is hot garbage and is going to get somebody killed. I'm kind of sad I was as right as I was. It was a complete dumpster fire.
  7. can we just roll out a center, QB, RB and 7 wide receivers? maybe that will work.
  8. you're giving up a top draft pick, one of your backup qbs, AND your starting RB who, while his best years are behind him, is nowhere near washed up (though I do agree with the current legal issue being a ticking time bomb)... it's way too much.
  9. If he isn't good then he isn't good. for a game. it's one game. just like he's only played less than 1 full game and played well, we shouldn't anoint him king of all QBs ever just yet. it's one game. QBs have good games, they have bad games. there is zero verdict on him for a very long time.
  10. Go home, you're drunk.
  11. I'm pretty sure I'd be more excited if we win the Superbowl than I was last year. Actually I'm positive I would.
  12. I think there are a couple interesting things regarding Allen's analytics from college. 1) they don't take into account work ethic/future improvement, they only assume that he will continue to perform at the same (or worse) level once he moves to the NFL. This is technically true of most analytics for players, but in Allen's case, his baseline stats would not translate well to the NFL on paper, so for him to succeed, he would have to make large chunks of improvement in many areas. The analytics assume he won't, and therefore, will fail. 2) they don't take into account how long somebody has been playing football/quarterback. if I remember correctly, Allen only started playing organized football his Jr year of high school (I could be wrong). that means that he's only had what? 4-5 years of actual organized football under his belt? Contrast this to somebody like Rosen who's been playing football under top coaches for 10+ years. This also plays into #1, as if he has not been coached much/is very raw, then he should have a lot of room to grow/potential to grow and learn. I hope you're going for strike 3 on Allen, Jay
  13. Nah, I didn't even qualify. (in case you missed it, it was a reference to 29 years of fanhood drinking the tyrod koolaid by touting he was the "best qb of the drought" era, as if it was that high of a bar to reach)
  14. Good luck Eric. At least he's not beating up people in funeral homes aka incognito.
  15. It's like winning gold in the special Olympics.
  16. I agree with all of it except for#1 Teams value edge rushers very much If a QB is 10/10 value then edge rush/dline rush, oline, cb, wr are all valued probably 6-7/10 if they are elite. The top paid NFL players after QBs reflect this. The top contracts are littered with CBs, "sack" specialists, WRs and oline studs. It doesn't change your point overall, although cooks is not as dominant at his position as Mack is at his, so I think Mack will fetch and earn more.
  17. Look at the spurs with Leonard. He said publicly he wants to sign with only in la So they traded him to Toronto because Toronto went full in and gave them a huge package for him Will he sign? Who knows? Toronto too a risk but only gave up about 70% of what he's worth. Same thing happened last year in the NBA with Paul George. Said he wanted to go to LA Lakers only, and wanted to sign with them as a FA, so Indiana traded him for 60 cents on the dollar to OKC, and he wound up loving it there and staying. So who knows, somebody might pony up for Mack even without a commitment, but just teams won't go full price for that, so it just means the raiders will have to take below market value to get it done.
  18. Exactly. Beaterman.
  19. Exactly. Some people will complain about whatever was written.
  20. Truth. Also remember that most of the hate for this group was prior to the draft and FA signings, at least it was from me. I also agree that we really only have one true starter caliber receiver and a bunch of backups, though Jones and Coleman have some talent and if they can progress as they should they will be good.
  21. Hope she's doing better! It's a scary condition. If it's caught early there are very few, if any, longer-term symptoms, but the initial recovery is a bear. I've treated a couple of patients with it, it's pretty rare. Lots of balance, core and general body conditioning during the recovery.
  22. Coleman is a stone cold lock. They just traded for him. They want his speed. He's very young. There is zero chance he doesn't make the team, unless he has a massive injury between now and then.
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