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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. you sure? if they're pissed enough at him they might. if he doesn't sign it before week 11 (so week 10) then he can't play next year.
  2. Can't the steelers rescind the offer at any time though?
  3. Right dude. But "bringbackorton" said some BS about bell wasn't forced to sign the CBA, as if he had a choice.
  4. CBA is a majority rules vote. Who says he voted for it? Where is he not likely to play the next contract as written? He was paid on his rookie deal (like nothing) and played it until the end, and has been franchised since.
  5. dareus is the worst contract on there rip
  6. The point is, accepting the franchise this year means that he gets $14.5, then $17.4 if they do it again next year. Why would he accept an offer that is equal to the franchise tag? They are abusing the system. He told them before the offseason he didn't want the franchise, and would feel very offended if they tagged him. They went ahead and did it anyway, then offered him the exact same contract that 2018 and 2019 franchise tags would pay him. It was a pretty sh*tty move by them. The problem with accepting the offer with only $10 mil guaranteed, which turned out to be equal to the franchise if they did 2018 and 2019, then he's stuck on a team that he feels disrespected him, and they gamed the franchise system, for another 3 years. If he takes the franchise this year, then they do it again next year, he can walk. Third year in a row would look really bad for them as well. You are correct on that one though, they could do that.
  7. You are talking about last year in you numbers. Last year has nothing to do with it. The contract was offered this year. So he would have made $10mil guaranteed out of a total of $33 over the first two years, but it didn't say what his actual salary was this year. The deal was structured to be able to cut him after the first year, which means it could have only been $15 in year one and $20 in year two, but the Steelers could cut him after year one. Instead the franchise was $14.5 guaranteed this year, with the ability to sign anywhere he wants next year.
  8. https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2018/7/18/17585956/leveon-bell-contract-steelers-offer-guaranteed-money-free-agency Read. Your numbers are way off.
  9. Exactly Hap. Removing his rookie season he has over 3 seasons: 59% comp 12,000 yards 79 TD : 47 int 5 fourth quarter comebacks his sacks have gone down from 51 -> 34 -> 24 He's not terrible, and has shown improvement as the seasons have gone on Is he Aaron rodgers? no way. Is he "barely a starting NFL QB"? that's quite absurd.
  10. He didn't want zero touchdowns though
  11. My eyes have seen them. Watching them struggle and be terrible in preseason is my eyes seeing them. Don't start with crap about preseason not mattering. It doesn't matter for established players who we know are good (Brady, McCoy, Rodgers, gurley, white, poyer, Hyde, blah blah) It matters tremendously for olines and dlines who are trying to prove they can actually start, yet are showing zero ability to perform in game. Also in regards to Edmunds, just like with Allen, he is an athletic freak, but very raw. What I saw from him in preseason was a guy who's solid on the pass and in the open field, but gets fooled hard on run plays, and overcommits to the wrong spot frequently, then can't recover, which has exactly what his scouting report said. He's young and raw, and I think will be very very good, same with Allen, but they are just not ready at the moment.
  12. Oline is garbage Dline is garbage Keep trying to survive on hopes and feels I'll use my eyes
  13. Tell me where the oline, dline, or lb positions looked even average at best? They are garbage
  14. Does he plan to have him sit on the bench all year? That's about the only way he's going to not have any turnovers. 500 carries for 1500 yards inc
  15. **Slowclap** Good stuff. Right on how I feel Have we made made improvements for the future? Absolutely. We have built a young core on cheap deals at some key positions (SS, fs, QB, cb1, MLB) and have a ton of cap room next year. I think we are set up nicely for the next few years if the young guys pan out and we can snag an impact player or two in fa next year. The fact remains though that until we get better at a few key positions (DL, OL, LB) we aren't going to be competitive. We gave glaring holes and huge gaps in the roster. Looks promising for the future though. Not expecting much this season
  16. Agreed. I'm actually buying the "he knows how this works" is the exact reason he is going this route. He knows exactly what you said: the Steelers are bleeding him dry, racking up league high touches, while getting by paying him below market value, and releasing misleading contract offer details. I think the 5/70 was a good deal on total # The issue was the guarantee was only $10. That means the franchise tag was worth almost 50% more guaranteed. The Steelers have a long-standing history of not offering more than 1 year guaranteed, which I understand that they don't want to break that rule. The issue is they had just given brown 4/68 with $19mil guaranteed. Then they turned around and basically spit on Bell by only offering $10 guaranteed So not only did they offer Bell aav of 14 instead of the 17 for brown (about 18% less available), they offered him only 52% the guarantee (10 vs 19). I'm sure somebody will go all in on the "rb isn't an important as a wr" and "the drop-off from brown to replacement level is much greater than bell to replacement level" which I understand, but 50% less guaranteed is just insulting to him.
  17. Are the 4 TDs all to the Ravens for pick sixes?
  18. Lions
  19. cry you a freaking river? we aren't here to discuss if football players are "overpaid" we are discussing his contract in regards to others. he wants market value for his performance. he wants more than $10 mil guaranteed, when the franchise is $14.5 mil. Washington tried to pull the same crap with cousins last year. "But Allen’s statement — rare because it included public comment on specifics of contract negotiations — was somewhat misleading. That initial guarantee included the $24 million the team had already committed to Cousins for 2017, so the additional guarantee was just $29 million — far less than what Cousins likely will be able to get by waiting until 2018." Basically, it's the same issue kirk cousins was going through, except even worse. Let us look at this as if you are a kid in the neighborhood mowing lawns: -In april, you agreed to mow Neighbor A's lawn in May for $150 -Neighbor A wants you to mow his lawn this year from May-September (may, june, july, august, sept) -You tell him you charge $140/month, and you are willing to commit to the whole summer, but you want a guarantee of 3 months (may, june, and july) prior to the agreement, because you have other neighbors who want you to work for them as well, but they might find other lawnmowers in the meantime by that time (for a total of $700) -Neighbor A returns with an offer of May-September, for $650, with $100 up front, but no guarantee past May. That means you would be agreeing to $100 up front, with a potential for $700, but you might get the boot after 1 month. Neighbor A would have then got his lawn mowed for $100 in May (instead of the initial $150 you agreed on) and can then skip out on the rest, leaving you with only $100 and no lawn to mow. You decide to take the $150 up front for May, and play the odds that you can get somebody else's lawn to mow for June-September. This is what Bell is looking to do, take the $14.5 this year and test the waters, instead of take the $10 guaranteed, and leaving all the power in the Steelers' hands. Could it backfire? Sure. He could turn around, get a career ending injury, and "only" walk away with $14.5 mil. Guess what? If he took the Steelers' offer, had a career ending injury this year, he'd only get $10 mil. So he's basically taking 45% more guaranteed $$, then betting on himself for the future. As I said, the contract only guarantees $10 mil. If he takes the franchise it is $14.5 mil.
  20. With only $10 mil guaranteed. Not exactly. Feel free to look at the details of the contract they offered him. Exactly. I don't sympathize with owners who make billions who are nickel and diming their best player either. The deal the offered him was 5 years, $70 million. It had $10 million in guaranteed money. Gurley was signed to a 4 year $60 mil extension with $45 guaranteed. Bell was offered a 5 year $70 mil deal, but the only guaranteed was $10 mil signing bonus. Franchise tag this year would be $14.5 guaranteed for him 1 year. Contract was designed to be able to terminate after this year if the Steelers wanted, with minimal cap implications. Why would he sign a contract like that? They could run him into the ground for 400+ carries, pay him $10 mil, then kick him to the curb. or He could take $14.5 mil this year on franchise, and then see where that leads him. I'd go with option B every day. It wasn't a huge guaranteed amount. It was $10 mil guaranteed, that is all from what I read. He would get $14.5 on the franchise guaranteed, then test FA himself. The money they offered him was all smoke and mirrors, it was not guaranteed. His deal was less guaranteed than mccoy got.
  21. ADITI, do you love me? Are you riding? Say you'll never ever leave from beside me 'Cause I want ya, and I need ya And I'm down for you always
  22. Been playing since freaking Warcraft rts game. Met my gorgeous, wonderful wife during a battleground in Cataclysm expansion. Love at first heal ?. Still playing. 35 years old. Gamer 4 life. Back to your thread: I'm negative about this upcoming season, no doubt, but it's not all bad to me. I'm crazy excited about our young core, and can't wait to watch them grow and carve their names in the wall of fame!!
  23. Staged. Unfortunately What is real though? Every time I scream "leeeeeeroy" and heroic leap across the arena into 3v1 on my warrior, while my wife's priest frantically tries to catch up and heal me, then yells at me after the game Leeroy Jenkins. Staged in game. Real, forever, in our hearts.
  24. I'm a played since beta guy also a negative Nancy, but I couldn't resist a leeroy reference
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