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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. Why are they at fault? The owners are basically the board of directors. If a board of directors of a private company gets together and says "look. we shouldn't hire any of these kneeling guys, as it looks really bad for our business in the public eye" that is not illegal.
  2. The repercussions are arising when their contracts are up. Teams have not signed a couple of these guys who knelt, as they don't want the media storm that comes with it.
  3. Nobody is "punishing" kaep or eric or any other kneeling players. These players are not suspended, fined, or anything of the sort for violating any rules. They are however not employed by NFL teams as it seems ALL owners/teams have decided that the possible negative backlash (or just media circus in general) from signing one of these players was not worth risking. It has nothing to do with rules or being punished, nobody punished them in regards to the rules. An NFL team is a private employer as a whole. The public watches them and supports them, but they are not part of the ownership of the teams. The owners decided to avoid these players for risk of hurting the perception of their business, which, since their entire worth is determined by how many people watch/buy merch/tickets/etc, could be negatively affected by the kneeling. I work for a private medical company, a very large one. If I start protesting in my parking lot during work hours, I'm going to lose my job. If I start posting volatile stuff all over my social media, I may also risk my job, as my employer does not want to be associated with me in the public eye. That's how a free country works. You have the freedom of govt oppression, but not freedom of employer backlash. Constitution protects you from the government, not your employer. See what I said above, hope that cleared it up for him, probably not though. Right, so what you posted says they must be on the field, but SHOULD stand for the anthem. It doesn't say anything about they MUST stand for the anthem. So as long as they are on the field, they technically didn't violate any rules. **disclaimer: I fully support their right to kneel, constitutionally, but also fully support the private employers right to not employ somebody who might negatively affect the public perception of their company, thus hurting profits/business** Playoffsplease is not confused. These players aren't being punished within the league, they are being left unemployed as free agents, as no team wants to risk the negative press associated with the situation.
  4. You think tyrod's issue is his height?............................................
  5. 49 is a very good in game number That was a freaking frozen rope right into the guy's hands
  6. Oh I know. somebody asked why media people love tyrod. That's why. Advanced metrics. Don't watch games.
  7. advanced metrics make tyrod a media darling to people who don't actually watch the games. barnwell loves the guy, because his advanced metrics say he's good, even though he's not.
  8. We aren't winning unless Kirk cousins dies
  9. I know but you said all of us. So I'm telling you I'm not rooting to win right now. I want a top pick.
  10. I'm not rooting against him for us to win. We aren't a good team. Bottoming out with a top3 pick would be the best move this year. So what if we beat Minny?? We aren't making the playoffs this year. Better to take the L. I'd take $50 over a Bills win. Tangible cash is more important than a bills win to me.
  11. Call leseans ex She can help you fake a robbery
  12. I didn't think there were that many to begin with
  13. 18/38 220 yards 1 td 2 int 8 rushes 40 yards 6 sacks ( TD and 80 yards of passing will be garbage time)
  14. I would just pretend Tyrod isn't on the roster anymore if I were them Which means hue will start him
  15. I'm sure it'll get blamed in him being in Cleveland as the cause, not that he sucks.
  16. Usually it's not a fast testing procedure (I deal with concussions a lot at work, I'm actually certified for concussion and vestibular testing in regards to athlete's return to sport) Anyway Let's see what happens If you're right and he faked it I'll give you props Hoping he didn't, that's pretty low
  17. Well they said it was a concussion and I believe he's on the protocol. There are CT scans, neurological tests, proprioception tests, all sorts of things to verify a concussion and plan the recovery time, and a very specific protocol to be passed before return. If he wants to continue an NFL career though, faking a concussion to leave a game when you have a #1 pick nipping at your heels is not the smartest move.
  18. NO YOU STOP. Just kidding. Look maybe he did fake it, I dunno. I'm pretty sure the NFL concussion policy involves CT scans, and it's kind of hard to fake one of those. Think what you want. I don't like Tyrod. I really am glad he's gone. I'm also glad he sh*t the bed in Cleveland because so many said he wouldn't. I also hope he's healthy as a person and not really injured.
  19. Just stop. Concussions can happen with any head hit. Period. Especially if you've been knocked around recently, which most football players have.
  20. You get in trouble for bullying in school now though Also we deserve it this year We are honestly the worst team so far and it's not even debatable The Allen hate needs to stop though I'll give you that
  21. I think he's bum in terms of top end QB standards Personally, no he's not bum, and I bet anybody on this board would love to have his job/$$.
  22. ?? You do know he got hurt right, he wasn't benched. (Btw I don't like Tyrod. He sucks. Just saying the browns didn't bench him, he came out because he got hurt) I just responded to this as well. He wasn't benched, he was hurt.
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