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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. Learn football. Watch some games. Seriously. Most receiving TDS in the NFL since 2010. That's not a small window.
  2. Better blocker than Tony g and Gates More dominant during his time playing He top 3 with Gates and Gonzalez, and it's really just about what your value more when ranking them. If I had to win one game I'd take prime gronk over either. Just like id take prime Shaq over any other center. No. They don't. Those seasons gronk played like 6-10 games. Clay played 13+ every one of them. Gronk was pulling twice the yardage per game.
  3. I don't disagree. Dominance plays a part in the discussion too. Megatron in his prime was the most dominant wr ever. Jim brown and Barry Sanders dominated more emmit Smith. As said earlier koufax, and I'll include Pedro Martinez were more dominant in their prime stretches than Nolan Ryan. Shaq was the most dominant force in the NBA during his best seasons. A shorter but more dominant career has to be taken into account as well as longevity. They both matter.
  4. "But the only players in league history with more touchdown catches before turning 30 are Hall of Famers Randy Moss and Jerry Rice, according to ESPN's Stats & Information research." **From an article on gronk** He was a ridiculous tight end. Great all around blocking and receiving. He was an great tight end prospect who came with a significant red flag of injury risk. You act like he was some dumpster diving trash tight end coming out of college. He was a lock for the first round if he didn't have the serious injury concerns.
  5. Similar to Megatron vs rice. Incredible prime/3-5 year stretch. Entire career totals don't match up. Megatron's and gronks fires burned hotter, rice and Gonzalez burned longer. Emmit Smith and favre are also longevity guys who played very very good to great for a long time. Neither is the best ever at their position when you ask most people, but both are near the top or #1 in most statistical categories. It's a very interesting debate, happens in a lot of sports. Longevity vs quality of prime years.
  6. Agreed. He took a cheap shot on white. Really cheap shot. That's generally why everybody hates him. That and the pats thing. It shouldn't define his career or him as a person. He's a rampaging beast of a man on the field and let his emotions get the better of him. He's going into the half of Fame, should be first ballot imo. He's #3-5 all time solely because of the injuries. I put Tony G and Gates above him definitely, but if he had stayed healthy he'd almost certainly be #1.
  7. What did I miss??? (Honest question. Really have no idea what this means)
  8. Except, regardless of the title, your statement about a guy not being a "real first round QB" even when they are drafted in the first round, doesn't infer projection.
  9. You referred to there being "no real first round QBs" Whether that is a predraft label or not, if they get drafted in the first they are a "real first round QB" It's not imaginary
  10. He was drafted in the first round. He was a first round QB. Doesn't mean he was deserving of it, but he, in fact, was a first round QB.
  11. I mean I'm just saying if they are drafted in the first then they are a "first round QB" even if they didn't deserve it I don't think the NFL GM's give a crap about the media building guys up They draft who they want draft
  12. But if a QB is actually drafted in the first round, would they not technically be a "first round QB" then? #mindblown
  13. I personally have no issue when the idea of them. Legally though, only parts of Nevada allow it. Since he is from NJ and Alabama (I forget where he resides) and went to college in Kentucky, prostitution is illegal wherever he lives/went to school. Thusly, a media story involving hookers and he at his home would most likely cause a drop in the draft due to the legal ramifications. Many people (you and I not included) also have a moral issue with it, especially since I believe he's married, or at least has a child who is just over a year old, whom I presume he is taking care of with the mother.
  14. True. Kraft would be all over it though. Scratch that.
  15. I don't think he makes it past 49ers
  16. Please send hookers to his house.
  17. Kind of how it works with the national media for everything (sports, politics, video game reviews, automobile reviews/repair rates, etc) If they agree with you they are credible and brilliant, if they don't they are unreliable fake news.
  18. I want him solely for the fact that nobody's going to know which Allen threads are talking about ??
  19. Right on. Anyway, at least in that system, mahomes looks better than Smith. I'm not sure mahomes would work in a conservative offense. I think Allen needs the wide open aggressive offense mahomes has also.
  20. Agreed. I don't think they are anywhere near the player hunt is though. It's like saying James Connor had similar numbers to Bell or how Smith Schuster had more yards and catches than ab. A lot goes into it. Hunt is better than both of them.
  21. Also lost Kareem hunt for half the year. (Not arguing just mentioning this fact)
  22. I'm with you there. I think he's had a good career and delivered a Canton worthy performance during his Fred Jackson roast ?
  23. I'm not an alex Smith fan (the guy who was taken first that draft) but your after cherry picking. Sure he's only a couple of tds behind Smith. He's also thrown about 150 vs 100 ints and has an int% of 3.5 vs 2.0 I don't think any GM in the league would take Fitz over Smith (prior to the leg injury) Let's not act like they are comparable QBs. As for the bad teams he's been on. 2005-rams : offense was stacked but he was a rookie 2006-rams : saw no playing time the second year 2007-bengals : no playing time first year 2008-bengals : first real playing time, 13 games, 12 starts, after Palmer got hurt. 32 ranked offense in league. 145 passing yards per game, 8 passing TD 9 int, 2 rushing to. Chad Johnson, tj housch, Chris Henry, ced Benson (4-7-1 rec) 2009-buf : to, Lynch, Evans, fredex, Josh Reed, #28-30 offense, and a disaster Coaching staff, 9td 10 int and 142 yards per game (4-4rec) 2010-buf : #28pts #25yds offense, gaily as coach, 13 starts, 23td15ints and 250ypg. Fitz finally shows he's an average qb on paper, overall a so-so season, even with the poor record, but enough to warrant him starting next year I think. The offensive players were average at best. (4-9 rec) 2011-buf : 16 starts. #14 offense. Fitz leash taken off. Almost 4k yards. 23td 24int. Wildly inconsistent. Classic Fitz. (6-10) 2012-buf : #21 pts #19 yards . 3400yds 24td 16int. Decent offensive weapons but nothing special. Fitz in a nutshell. (6-10 again) 2013-ten : 2400 yds 14td 12int . 9 starts in 11 games played. They had a pretty decent offensive cast, including Chris Johnson. (3-6 rec) 2014-hou : 12 starts. 2400 yes 17td8int. Oh yeah they had some guys named Arian Foster, Andre Johnson, and DeAndre hopkins. (6-6 rec) 2015-nyj : #11 pts #10 yds offense. #9pts #4yds defense. 16 starts. 3900tds 31td 15int. Chris Ivory, Brandon Marshall, Eric Decker. Really stacked offensive weapons. (10-6) 2016-nyj : back to Earth. 11 starts. #30 pts #26 yds. 2700 yds 12 td 17 int. Lost Decker and Ivory, but still had some weapons, probably above average offensive players. (3-8 rec) 2017-tb : 6 games, 3 starts. 1100 yds 7td 3 int. Stacked receivers Jackson, Evans, humphries, Oj Howard. (2-1 rec) 2018-tb : 8 games 7 starts. 2300 yards 17td 12 int. Evans, Jackson, Howard, humphries, Godwin. Stacked offensive weapons again. (2-5rec) In 126 career starts he's 50-75-1. He's had a very good to great receiving group more often than not. He's wildly inconsistent, up and down, and while the overall teams he's been on haven't been great, the offensive weapons have never been terrible, and more often than not have been very very good. He's an average QB at best, but not a consistent one. I'm sure he's a heck of a guy, funny as hell, and he's had a long, profitable, but not great career. He's not a guy you can count on game in and game out to show up for you at QB. You literally don't know what you're going to get game to game and drive to drive with him. Agreed. As a starter no. Backup yes. Although the starters do seem to get hurt a lot when he's around, so maybe he's not somebody you want to sign as a backup ??
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