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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. Neck rolls were pretty popular, especially with lineman. They helped prevent whiplash type injuries, but also severely limit the ability to move the head around quickly, and limit the range as well. Whiplash injuries to the neck are from getting rapidly over extended (or over flexed forward) in the C-spine (neck) then recoil snapping back the other way in a rebound effect. This causes not only ligament damage, possible muscle and bone damage in the neck, but also a high percentage of whiplash injuries also cause a concussions through coup-countercoup effect, wherein the brain slams into the front then the back of the skull due to the momentum during the snapping whiplash mechanism. By limiting the range the neck can actually move, a neck roll would reduce the necks likelihood of gaining enough momentum to cause these injuries. Back in the day it was all about power and intimidation on the line. Today's game relies more on speed, streamlined pads, and the lineman have to be able to turn their head quickly with all the high speed blitzes, as well as the spread offenses requiring lots of lineman movement and awareness am around. A large neck roll limited this. Also with the emphasis on head protection, and launching/spear techniques banned, the neck roll isn't as necessary. There is a more streamlined version that goes under the Jersey and protects the clavicle/1st rib region and the lower cervical area. The kazoo helmet was designed to absorb impact to reduce concussions. There was a lineman on the 49ers who wore a similar helmet. Hope that helped
  2. Agree 100% I was just stating some stats If I was facing the jags I'd stack against fourt also and make Blake the fake beat me
  3. Except over their first 4 games cook averaged almost 5 ypc vs 3.0 for fourt just using those initial 4. Dalvin averaged 111 all purpose yards and had 1 fumble in 4 games Through his first 4 games, Leonard had 102 all purpose Fourt, on the season, had 1040 yards on 3.9 ypc for the season, with a 90 yard rush that he got 10% of his season total on one carry. Subtract that one run, he had 950 yards and a 3.5 average. I'm not going to say one is better, like you said, 4 games isn't enough to say cook is definitely better, but it's not like he has a high bar with fourts' 3.5 ypc to eclipse him
  4. "The Jaguars are so imbalanced that it seems absurd to suggest they needed a defensive player with the No. 4 pick. Lattimore or Tre'Davious White would be fantastic additions to most teams, but Jacksonville already has two outstanding outside corners" Seems they thought so too:) They put lattimore at 5, which I have no issue with, I think he's better than white, but not by much
  5. I agree with the idea behind this, I was referring specifically to guys like Brady and Brees, the elite players, who condition year round. Having them not being pounded in the off-season by contact drills will definitely prolong their career. The lazy bums it will be worse for, because they'll show up fat and outta shape (I'm looking at you Eddie lazy... I mean Eddie Lacy)
  6. Brandon Weeden is a legend in the making. He still has a shot to become an all time great!! ??
  7. Sounds like it's not traumatic (aka car accident, paralyzed) and hopefully can be surgically stabilized so he can have a long and happy life Complicated is any neck issue that requires surgery, but if it's instability at C1-C3 levels then it's really a complicated situation, as that is where the Brain stem becomes the spinal cord. (For reference, a hangman's fracture is at the C2 region, and is why hanging was so effective, as breaking the neck there would damage the spinal cord, causing quadriplegia. Christopher Reeves was a hangman's. That's why a high level cervical injury is so bad)
  8. Disc herniations or unstable vertebrae (ligament tears, etc) are scary, but very fixable, just fixable to the point that you can continue to be smashed on a football field without significant risk of paralysis. Again hoping it's just that
  9. Wish him the best. Mind you career ending neck injuries don't mean paralyzed or anything. Remember spielman had to retire from neck injuries, so did Manning. He could very well be okay and live a happy life, and this is ton preserve that, before something catastrophic happened on the field. (I'm hoping it's all this by the way)
  10. Agreed on all of the above. I was just saying I find it interesting that one of the major reasons they wanted off-season limitations was to increase career length, so I think it plays into the equation. Studying, film room, non contact mechanics drills, throwing drills, all that stuff should absolutely be allowed if the player wants to.
  11. Same I not sure vea does either
  12. Interesting, I forgot about the off-season limitations on the CBA. Interesting thought though, I remember one of the major reasons argued for that was to prolong careers and give players more time to refresh and recover between seasons. Could that be a direct correlation to the fact that we are seeing guys remaining at elite levels (brady, Brees, etc) ?
  13. I agree on both counts. I wouldn't be upset with Rudolph if we decided to stay put. I agree with his talent assessment/position. Sometimes QBs jump though with a good combine. I could see him jumping into the teens. I mean Christ we took EJ in the first, so dumb sh*t happens. I would prefer we kept Gaines. He's very solid, plays well in our system, and our top 4 secondary guys (white and Gaines @ cb, poyer and Hyde @ the S) seem to compliment and play well off each other. Assuming we keep Gaines, and assuming Vita and roq are still available, who would you prefer? I like Smith a lot, although I'm wondering if the raiders take him to pair with Mack
  14. 26, seems a lot have them keeping both picks and going Rudolph, with general consensus being a defensive player at the other spot. You think Rudolph lasts until 21? I'm not sure he does. Who would you like at 22 for the defense (Vita? I'd like him or Smith, though I'm not sure Smith will be available. I think white and Gaines are good at cb, we shouldn't go with Jackson) I feel like I have PTDD (post traumatic draft disorder) when reliving these draft nuggets of sorrow.
  15. Except shady is a star player.
  16. Peterman and his flaws are interesting to me. Other than working on arm strength/driving the ball, I'm not sure how he can learn about NFL defensive speed, and what windows are open vs what windows aren't, other than to actually be thrown into multiple games and test it out. It's quite a conundrum for me. His hero ball mentality isn't always a bad thing. It's how amazing comeback plays are made. It's also how you throw 5 ints in like 13 attempts. Hero ball works when you have the arm/smarts to make those throws more often than not. It crashes and burns when you don't.
  17. No but they could be a reinjury to the same area. Not saying it is, just saying that it might be something like Benjamin's knee was found to be too big a mess in surgery, or Clay busted the knee while doing his nails ?
  18. Not even just ethical, but legal. You will lose your job and your license for breaking HIPAA
  19. That's my point. Mickey would body bag anybody on our roster.
  20. Forgot about that. Maybe someday got in a fight with Mickey?
  21. Found it: http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/22214999/buffalo-bills-richie-incognito-apologized-jacksonville-jaguars-yannick-ngakoue-accusation-racial-slurs Incognito pride hurt after he had to apologize.
  22. Why would it eliminate pro bowl guys? They are all drinking and jet skiing and zip lining in Hawaii, dangerous stuff!! (Although I'm sure the major media would have the story by now)
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