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Everything posted by SouthNYfan

  1. Carter is a tough one He blew out his knee on the third carry of preseason He never looked the same after that injury I think there are different kinds of busts I'm don't view major injury derailments as the same kind of bust as say, Ryan leaf or any other guy who just sucked. While an injury derailments is still a bust in regards to not producing to the level you were expected on draft day, I don't think it's a good historical example to use for advocating against drafting a RB high.
  2. I thought the title said "Alex Smith"?? Was thinking "damn, that Redskin's stink hot him really hard!" Agreed. Prob from the Cook county jail.
  3. Jerry rice running a 4.73 is a pretty well known myth. Bill Walsh was quoted as Jerry running a 4.59 in the 40, and rice himself has always said he was not above 4.6. He wasn't the fastest wr, but he was not a 4.73 either. Here's a good link btw, with some excerpts from Walsh regarding the draft, rice, 40 times, etc http://www.sportsxchange.com/DS97/walsh/walsh3.htm
  4. Bro. We drafted Kelly and we went to the USFL for 2 years. We even "wait until next year" for the guys we draft!! ??
  5. Can he throw? I bet he can throw better than tyrod, so he'd still be a QB upgrade.
  6. I'm being totally irrational and going against logic, but my gut tells me that Allen is going to be a stud. My gut is very unreliable though. It called foles and Philly beating NE, it called the Seahawks dismantling the broncos a couple years back too. My gut also told me that Charles Rogers and Mike Williams would be stud WRs for Detroit... So really my gut is a completely inaccurate source, but it tells me to be happy if we draft Allen, so I'm gonna go with it just so I can not live off antacids until the draft is over, and talk myself into being happy with Allen, Darnold, Mayfield, Rosen, or even Jackson. You know. Just so I can relax.
  7. I feel you on this. I mean I wouldn't jump off a bridge if we ended up with Allen I know a lot of people aren't into him, but I think he is gonna be good, i know he's got the arm, size, athleticism, and from what I've heard, big on practice and tape, and is coachable
  8. Christ. You have to be trolling. There is no way you are that dumb to believe what you just posted.
  9. The thread was accepted about lauletta, which somebody was all up on him being a top choice, to which I brought up the top5, to which you "fixed it" by adding Ferguson. Stop the bull *****t.
  10. The prosthetic did not help the guy with bench pressing. Kept Period. I'm not arguing about anything else. You and fergy are completely off the mark thinking it actually helped him with the bench.
  11. They make a lot more money than you and I to do exactly that, generate a consensus draft ranking. Riley Ferguson, I am 100% positive, is not a top5 qb prospect on any NFL scouts' list, ERGO, he is not a consensus top5 prospect. He may be who a team thinks they will be able to draft, or who they want to draft based on his value/draft location, but the statement was who was a top5 prospect, which he is NOT, regardless of your opinion.
  12. What was ridiculous?? Bringbackfergy said that Griffin's combined bench should be thrown out because he has an advantage with a prosthetic hand. I'm not sure what was ridiculous about my response.
  13. Just no. Prosthetics bear weight through the prosthetic to a region (of the arm in this case) There are callouses that form on the stump, which can be just as painful. What are you talking about with "puss" and an "exploding callous"?? Puss is from an infection most times, sometimes inflammation. You literally have zero idea what the everloving hell you are talking about. This isn't a case like Oscar pistorious (the blade runner) where there was controversy swirling around the design of his carbon fiber prosthetics giving him a "springboard advantage" over there other athletes. (I treat many people will prosthetics, by the way, including runners who have these callouses on their leg stump from being runners/gym rats with the prosthetic. Just ask cb26, he calls me pt-man ??)
  14. That's fair I was just saying they weren't "omg top picks" per say Anyway, the point we agree on
  15. Not in this case. Who YOU feel belongs in the top5, and who is the consensus top5 from actual sources/reports are not the same thing. It's not an opinion who the consensus top5 QBs in this draft are. The only thing that varies is the order they are ranked within each other. Didn't say anything about that, fergy was acting like he's a top5 consensus QB pick, which he isn't.
  16. Ferguson is not one of the top 5 consensus QB prospects. I don't care if YOU like him best, it's an absolute fact that the 5 I listed are the top5 consensus prospects. Nice try though.
  17. Yeah that was what I was thinking I was just saying that he made a huge jump in accuracy suddenly after changing schools and confs
  18. He's a UFA. Nobody is talking about a trade for him. The only way he's not a UFA is if the NFL decides to uphold the Vikings' request to extend his contract because of the situation (which I doubt they will)
  19. Vick def had a good career overall, he was in MVP talk that one year in Philly, shame about how much wasted potential way left on the table with him though Wilson was also a sub 69% comp guy who jumped to almost 73% his last season when he transferred to Wisconsin He had a "leap" in his accuracy, seemingly overnight I wonder if Jackson can do the same? Time will tell.
  20. Missed it, what happened and what did he say? (I've been stuck without power for 2+ days in the Northeast)
  21. That's what it sounds like he's implying, or at least what I got out of it. There are 5 legit prospects this year, even if everybody ranks them differently, the overwhelming majority seems to have it as, in no particular order: -Allen -darnold -Rosen -Jackson -mayfield Outside of them, I haven't heard any top QB talk, just a bunch of "he might be good" guys. Technically any guy can be good, as guys like Brady, Wilson, Rodgers, Carr, and other later picks have shown. They are the exception though, not the norm, and the % of top5 drafted QBs that succeed is astronomically higher, so I'm with you cb26. If they like a guy, go freaking get him. Obviously if nobody wants to trade, they need a backup plan, but Christ Almighty, we can't go into the draft with lauletta/Rudolph/white as plan A
  22. If he isn't given the starting job, he's not staying there, unless he gets zero other starting offers (or if Minny gives him the starting job before he signs and doesn't keep keenum or Sam) He has said numerous times he wants to start, so unless nobody offers it to him, I doubt he takes a backup role
  23. Kinda how I feel Teddy I'm not sold on Lamar throwing the ball, but he's definitely better than tyrod, or at least has potential to be
  24. Haha Yeah I know they are two different games, I just felt the "River" hold em worked better for the flow of my post I do think the draft is more hold'em than blackjack though, but either way, I think if I were Beane or MCD I would be popping Xanax like Skittles right now
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