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Everything posted by xxxxxxxx

  1. Similar things were said about E.J that were said about Mahomes.(He was a popular choice amongst alot of the QB folk on this board). He did not go to the right place, it happens, and the fact that he is still in the league shows that he was not a total bust. If he was he would be out by now.
  2. Me too. So many similarities, and no QB whisperer on the staff. Nix was on record stating that he knew nothing about QB mechanics, as well.
  3. Ok, I'm saying 20/20. That was not diagnosed, or well known until after, as far as I know. I'm not saying that isn't true, just that it wasn't viewed as a problem at the time. Just like Allen, he was believed to have fixed some problems by the Senior Bowl. While I could be wrong, I think your bringing up an issue that the Bills discovered when they finally hired a QB coach, not an issue that was widely known at draft time.
  4. I think your hindsight is 20/20, and that your ignoring alot of the conversation surrounding him in 2013. He was projected as having all the tools, and there were concerns over whether he had recieved proper coaching. There were some pretty good breakdowns of his strengths and weaknesses posted on this board and how they didn't gel with the play calling. Footwork was an issue at times, and it might still be, but I don't recall any major mechanic issues. The issue seems to be anticipation and touch, especially on short throws. He was better at longer, intermediate throws (especially on 1st down), weaker on short throws on third down, and all Hackett called was run, run, pass, having him repeatedly attempt short tight window throws on third down that he sucked at. You got to be able to make those throws when your a starter, no doubt about that, but its not like he had excellent coaching either.
  5. For what they gave up to get him, yeah. Sit him a year, at least. E.J was progressing fine until he got cocky and didn't run out of bounds when an NFL safety was bearing down on him. After that, it was all over. If they sat him a year, before playing him, that might not have happened. Its pretty critical for a developong QB to progress steadily, and to recieve increased reps, cut his reps and hes done.
  6. Agreed. Whenever an impatient nincompoop says they want to see Allen start right away, I shudder for this very reason. You don't reach for a project and start him immediately just to appease the fan base. It never works. Getting injured and benched can ruin a young qb fast, from a sports psychology standpoint.
  7. In all fairness, all the qbs in that draft sucked, and they traded back before taking him and used that pick on Kiko, so it was pretty much a wash. Waiting too long for Cousins and Wilson was Buddy's big mistake. E.J could still end up being the best q.b from that draft, which says more about the draft than the talent evaluators. They had to take a Q.B in that draft, and E.J was rumored to go to Philly in the 1st. The problem is that they were too worried about wasting picks and waited too long to take a QB. Guys get pushed up the board when a draft is weak, and that one was historically weak at QB.
  8. They are not barstool; they hate barstool. They are staffed by a lot of young writers who can confuse cruelty with criticism on occasion, but they have the best comments section, and its moderated well.
  9. They are hip with kids.
  10. I don't like reading your posts. About this or football, so I would prefer it if you just blocked me and left me alone. I haven't come across a single of post of yours that I thought was interesting (I generally skip them) and I do not want to go back through them. You call people idiots regularly, yet think you still deserve their attention. Your a bitter, tempermental poster who is stubborn, angry, and lacking in social grace. I would rather stick a fork in my eye than go back through your posts.
  11. You know very little about women, sir. What they lie about and what they don't lie about. And given some of your opinions its not surprising. She probably already had work done, and she probably doesn't want people to know she had work done. Thats why she was freaking out over her face, which was her primary concern, when speaking to the dispatcher. A woman who has had a lift that gets attacked will go apeshit over the lift being ruined. Everything that happened and everything that she is saying is plausible.
  12. Its a thing. Viral marketing. She could get paid for product placements in photos. If she even makes a bit of money doing that she's not going to torch her online brand. Not if its all she has. I doubt she wanted the photo of her all messed up to get out. Her friend probably released it too get herself attention. We are dealing with alot of selfish, superficial people here. Not criminal masterminds.
  13. Yeah, read it. I'm a big fan of their staff.
  14. Typo on a smart phone with big hands.You know that, though. And its why I usually go back and edit. You also know that, and are just being a bitter ass, like usual. If my arguments make you uncomfortable, maybe you should grow up.
  15. You don't keep getting unlucky, over and over, which is where the NFL's personal conduct policy will come into play whether he is charged or not. Its not hard not to be accused of criminal conduct, yet he is accused of it regularly. And if they catch the guy he could roll on him, even if he wasn't involved.
  16. Agreed. Anyone who thinks that an Instagram model would pay someone to smash her face up has never met an instagram model. They are more superficial than shrewed.
  17. Yeah. All evidence points to that, not to a staged robbery. If she wanted to make something up she could have told the cops that he hit her during the 3 previous incidents they were called; she did not. And her only priors are failing to appear in court for traffic fines.
  18. Its a tornado of stupidity, really, creating a situation where it will be difficult to verify or deny a connection to Leshean.
  19. You are not going to resolve that argument. Those laws are really complicated, and not always clear, and if they were in a relationship there could be other laws on the books that could apply.
  20. I would say that you have an irrational suspicion of women that is ignorant and stupid and that you deserve to be criticized for your opinions.
  21. Isn't there a victim of a school shooting that you should be harassing somewhere right now. Is Alex Jones not on yet?
  22. What stat do you want, I only quoted one stat. You seem to be asserting that I quoted 2. The first one is well known and accurate regarding false crime reports. When someone says 50 50 its a figure of speech, never said it was a stat. If it was a stat I would of said it was. You do know the difference between a stat and a figure of speech, right. Or does that need to be explained to you too. Just like the fact that people who insist that women inflict abuse on themselves without evidence are !@#$s.
  23. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781351519199 Feel free to read the book. There's alot on media framing and victim blaming in there, since you care so much about the problem.
  24. Yeah I didn't say football fans or conservatives in general. Football fans who get their news from fox, was my point. I'm actually friends with alot of very intelligent conservatives. And they think Fox and the Republican party are really dumb, too.
  25. Hehehehe, a grammar rip. I have criticized folk who have insisted that a victim of violence beat herself up, because I think that saying something like about someone who has gone through a traumatic incident is stupid and cruel. If that argument confuses you, because it was not properly articulated, than please explain to me how I should go about it politely, and clearly. Because fact that your more bothered by my grammar, and not by baseless accusations launched at victims under some bizarre pretense of rationalism, says alot about your values or lack of values.
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