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Everything posted by xxxxxxxx

  1. He said none of those things. Lots of sensitive folk on this board are misinterpreting the posters intentions and trying to shut down the conversation. If anyone called the coach or large swaths of people racist the words would be there for you to quote. No one did, so your clearly trying to silence a conversation that others would like to have.
  2. This is a thread about identity politics and quarterbacks, I'm not going into a TT sucks thread and calling people racist. Your going into a thread for fans concerned about racism and saying that they are delusional and disrespectful. Its a pretty square thing to say, in my opinion, and not keeping with the love, peace, and empathy that Jerry was all about.
  3. There are studies that back both of these points up. Scouts will use different language when describing black players and white players, even when speaking positively. The problem is that alot of people think that being racist just means using the n#### word.
  4. Well shucks, mister. I really value your informed opinions on race relations in the United states and would hate to see you go. Quick question, do those who associate the Grateful Dead (and their fans) with peace, love, and tolerance for opposing views bother you. Since your borrowing one of their logos for your avatar pick, do you know what irony means, or are you just into cool pictures of skulls?
  5. The post and response are well within the community message board guidelines and the topic thread laid out by the poster. Report me to admin if your upset. Or exercise your freedom and take your act to that wonderful mills thread, I'm sure that lots of folk will be receptable to your opinions there.
  6. The situation you are describing ironically paralles the identity politics situation that is currently brewing in the US, quite nicely. All those young, disrespectful know it alls criticizing all of us old timers are delusional and disrespectful, when a baby boomer president is trying to build a wall around our country while being sued by a pornstar. If you want to complaon about disrespect and identity politics your looking in the wrong direction.
  7. And when I see a thread which claims that Mills sabotaged the San Diego game and deliberately ruined Peterman's career, because he was mad about Tyrod's benching I cringe (alot).
  8. And the same could be said for why you want to participate in this thread, when they are plenty of others. I welcome the posters views, and would appreciate it if you could respectfully disagree, and perhaps start your own thread if you want to complain.
  9. When critiques are described as being delusional and impolite, from the get go, your not engaging in dialogue, or contributing to a community, your trying to silence people. This thread was started by a poster who wanted to have an honest conversation about identity politics and QB evaluation, and those concerns are valid (especially because Capernick seems to have been black balled from the league, while lots of QB's who are way worse than he is have backup jobs). Such conversations involve critiques, inevitably, that will make some people uncomfortable. If those critiques bother some fans, I can't fathom why they would want to participate in this conversation, outside of trying to shut the conversation down.
  10. And this is pretty much the state of identity politics as its occuring in the United States at the moment. There are people who feel that the US is exceptional and that critiques are unwarranted, and there are alot of people, like Mr. Rosen, who feel that the time has come to speak out.
  11. There are alot of Bills fans outside of Buffalo and the United States who feel that Tyrod was unfairly treated by the coaching staff and a portion of the local fan base and that the situation was not disimilar to what happened to Warren moon. The fact that the US president wants to build a wall around the country does not help this situation, especially from the perspective of fans abroad. Some local fans will deny that race has anything to do with it and try to silence any one who dares to raise the question of race, as well, largely because they don't identify as being racist, and are either unaware or refuse to ackknowledge the subtler ways that racism works. They don't speak for the entire local or international fan base, however. They are just the loudest and most sensitive. And I say sensitive because even the suggestion of racism makes them fly off the handle.
  12. I believe you but I don't agree with you.There's alot of bitter mental health workers in a lot of community's that treat patients poorly, even going as far as detesting them. If your one of those workers, than I truly feel sorry for you.
  13. Block me, then. This is a thread about a player with a mental breakdown, and of you want to talk smack about that I will call you out for being dumb and ignorant.
  14. Hehehehe, your trained in books? Wow didn't know that was possible.
  15. If an episode can also occur without drugs drugs can't be logically determined as the direct cause. Feel free to google correlation vs causation if your still confused because you seem to think that they are the same thing.
  16. I have family members with mental health problems, so I have taken the time to read up on the topic. I really hope that you do not, given your opinions, lack of insight, and attitude toward those who disagree with you. You don't need qualifications to know this stuff, all you need to do is open a book that was published in the last 10 years or so.
  17. Yes. It refers to an essential element in an organization. But your just using the term improperly (on purpose) to get a rise out of me. Right? Cause trolling a mental heath discussion is how you get off, right? (BTWThat's pretty gross dude.)
  18. You've got the logic screwed up. Drugs can trigger a manic episode, but a manic episode can also be triggered WITHOUT DRUGS. So the point is that drugs aren't a lynchpin. There's lots of cases where a person has an initial manic episode that is triggered by drugs, but that doesn't mean that they would not have eventually had a similar episode, at some point in time, even if they had stayed clean.
  19. Nope. True. Backed by evidence and research, and not news from TMZ.
  20. That's rare. But sleep deprivation can even cause hallucinations, so it might have been weed mixed with not sleeping, or something like that. The NFL's drug policy is so backward on these things. He could have definitely taken a substance that wouldn't show up in drug testing, and it could have triggered a manic episode, but stress is also a major trigger. The scary thing is that if a drug was a triggering factor once the drug leaves your system, there's no guarantee that the mania will subside, because the drug isn't the source. It could take days, weeks and months for him to recover. And that sucks.
  21. I never accused anyone of blaming weed because weed doesn't tend to cause hallucinations. And if you think criticizing missconceived links between mental illness and drugs makes my posts awful, then I seriously hope that you never have a manic episode. What exactly are you looking for in a thread on a players breakdown, anyway? Entertainment? Blaming? Jokes?
  22. Let me put it this way, you don't have a bad trip and decide to try and jump out of a window. But a bad trip can trigger a manic episode that leads to you trying to jump out a window. Once you have a manic episode, they can reccur without the use of drugs, as well, so there is no direct link between a drugs presence or absense. Teams and doctors know this, and there is a pretty big stygma attatched to it, so he may never play for Buffalo again.
  23. Popular misconception. Drugs aren't the only factor that lead to manic episodes. They can contribute, but other factors are always involved, like genetic disposition, stress, etc.
  24. I"m familliar with mental health research.
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