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Everything posted by xxxxxxxx

  1. If he makes it out of the 1st, teams will trade up to the top of the second. Ditto for Lamar.
  2. He should go top 10, but he could easily slide if there's a QB run, as expected. An elite pass coverage lb could turn the defense into one of the most difficult units to pass against, immediately, which would come in handy.
  3. He also has parents who are well off. One is a professor, I think. So some worry that given his concussion history that he will walk away from the game and retire early, because he doesn't need the money. Oh and he disagreed with his coach, who seems to think that he is entitled millenial.
  4. Outside of the United States, lots of fans find the whole NFL supports the troops thing to be strange. Why? Lots of professional sports organizations don't associate themselves with the military regimes in their countries, because it immediately injects politics into the conversation. The NFL started the relationship with football and politics, not Kapernick. So thr idea that he is politicizing football is an argument that I don't agree with.
  5. Yes. This thread is not being trolled at all. And forgive me for interpreting your your dumb and don't watch football invitation to respectfully discuss and debate the topic of race relations as not being in good faith and not indicative of am interest in an opposing viewpoint.
  6. But back to the whole Kapernick thing. In my opinion, the issue is that the NFl has alligned itself with the military, police forces, and emergency personell in an effort to market itself by exploiting patriotism. So his protests effect their branding.
  7. And forgive me when pointing out that one of they key points being made was that more rage is spewed about black QBs than white ones. Which is why I asked why Peterman didn't make you upset. I'm not saying that your like the poster above, though. But I do find it curious that the first QB to get the bills in the playoffs in years sill bothers you, when the QB who played one of the worst halfs in franchise hisyory does not.
  8. Yup no trolls here, none at all. And I think one of the more interesting things about this thread, which is obvious to losts of lurkers out there, arguably a silent majority. Is just how difficult it is to have a discussion about Black QBs and racism in the Bills fan community. Just scroll threw and see how many people actively don't want this conversation to happen.
  9. Your not discussing the topic. I did not ask you about your evaluation of TT, nor am I interested in debating your evaluation. I didnt say that you were a racist because you don't like TT, but you do want to argue about him, clearly. If you want to argue about Lamar, no prob. If you want to talk about TT there are other threads. I'm not being immature. Its pretty much standard procedure on this board to direct off topic discussions to other threads. You accused the posters of over evaluating TT, when he was not being duscussed. Thats trolling in my book, or else your just lazy, not reading posts, and wrongly assuming that TT critics were being called racists in this thread, when that wasn't being discussed at all.
  10. You don't speak for every fan of this team. Racism is a perfecy legitimate topic to discuss when it comes to QB evaluation. If a small section of people can't handle it, then thats their problem. They have made lots of posts in an efffort to derail this conversation. And all they did was ramp up the post count and creat a situation where more people have joined the talk.
  11. Stop trolling please. TT is not the topic of this thread, and he's no longer on the team. Like many before you, you are just trying clog up this thread because it makes you uncomfortable. There are hundreds of TT sucks, and Time to move on from TT threads. Feel free to post there.
  12. Still bothered by Tyrod, I see. Why not be bothered by Peterman. He was historically bad, god awful really, and he's still on the team.
  13. Its that easy, fast, powerful release. Its amazing.
  14. They already got the Jets to Jump for either Rosen or Allen, and if they can get Miami to move up for Mayfield, we could chase more defensive talent out of the division, stack the D, and develop a QB with a high ceiling slowly. We would also get to face two rookie QBs twice next year with enough strength on D to demolish any confidence that either might be clinging to.
  15. Lamar's success will depend on coaching and system. There is so much smoke surrounding his evaluations, especially considering the fact that many believe that his completion percentage would have been higher with better wideouts. If the narrow base issue is the only problem with his game, its not unreasonable to assume that he could be Mike Vic eagles good after a year or two of seasoning, or somewhere in that ballpark. Its believed that lots of teams are talking smack because they think he just needs the right environment (like Vic with Andy Reid). The more I think about how the draft is shaking out the more intrigued I am with Buffalo taking a sliding lb at 12, grabbing him if he's still there at 22 and maybe even taking a shot at Rudolph if he is still there in round 2.
  16. If any second tier QB has a shot at passing the top tier guys its Rudolph, and I can see why some evaluators might fall in love with the guy. Sone of his throws remind me of Joe Montanna.
  17. Cam Newton hate is on par with the notorious Rush Limbaugh rant about Donovan McNabe.
  18. I have yet to see a film breakdown of Lamar Jackson where he is critiqued for misreading the field. Plays could be there, but the accuracy problems seem to be primarily linked to mechanical flaws (too narrow throwing base) that caise overthrows when the proper read was made. But just today Bucky Brooks posted a bunch of quotes from a variety of sources who said their teams were concerned with his ability to process the mental aspects of the game. In comparison, Darnold has thrown lots of interceptions due to miss-reads, but few (if any) are concerned with his ability to mentally process the game.
  19. Forget TT, he is kind of an outlier in all of this, when compared to what's going on with Colin Kapernick. Arguably, if it was all about winning Kap would be a backup somewhere. But its not all about winning, its also about business. And teams don't want to rattle the sensitivities of fans who loose their **** over anthem protests - who are the same types of fans who are trying to get this thread shut down.
  20. There was an alt right kid who was trying to get the thread shut down by spewing a bunch of its not racism its facts garbage. He was interjecting in on other people's conversations because he was bored.
  21. The thread was started under those pretenses of having a discussion about identity politics and QB evaluation. Its being trolled, clearly, though that is not the fault of the poster who started the thread. Its also an issue that is widely discussed in other forums, so its not out of line with regard to board policy, as far as I can tell. The fact that its being trolled doesn't bother me as much as it bothers others. There aren't alot of polite ways to discuss these topics nowadays, and if some folk are being made to feel uncomfortable over a discussion about racism, I don't think that is a bad thing.
  22. Stopped talking to him a while ago. He keeps arguing with himself, though. Another poster asked for sources, and they weren't a troll. Its term paper time, so if he's a student interested in the topic I'm happy to help. I'm not going to take the time to pull sources unless the request is in good faith. I could care less about the opinions of those who disagree, but I'm happy to pass info on to those who are interested, legitimately. Its what being a good fan and a good comminity member is all about.
  23. Ooh, here's a more relevant source. Eugenio Mercurio and Vincent FiFilak. Roughing the Passer: The Framing of Black and White Quarterbacks Prior to the NFL Draft. Howard Journal of Communications 21(1), 2010. Its specifically on QB evaluations, but basically draws the same conclusions that the broadcast analysis studies do.
  24. Here are the frequently cited media analysis studies, they focus on broadcaster commentary, and are pretty thorough. If you pop the names into google scholar, the article abstracts will come up. Alot of them are paywalled, unfortunately, but can be obtained at local university libraries. R.E Rainville and Mcormack, 1977 J. Rada, 1996 Billings, 2004 Research goes back to the 70's and the results are pretty clear. The gist is that black qbs, and players in general, have their success frequently attributed to their innate athleticism, and that white qbs and players have their success frequently attributed to intelligence. The deadspin article that the poster was referring to as being taken out of context makes similar points. And those points correlate with what experts have been saying for 40 years. There are no papers on whether Mcdermott is a racist or not, so the other poster will likely be unimpressed with the lack of objective research available. The issues that you are concerned with have been documented and well known amongst crtitical race scholars for a long time, there has been some improvement, but inequality still persists. So don't let the haters stop you from asking questions. Plenty of research supports your concerns.
  25. Your accusing people of saying things they didn't say and demanding proof for remarks that no one made.
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