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Posts posted by PirateHookerMD

  1. 33 minutes ago, MiltonWaddams said:

    His size really looks to be the main thing that is holding him back. He really gravitates to the ball and was overall very impressive during his time on the field last year. I question how well he will  hold up, but I don't question his heart, work ethic and skill set.

     I mean, if you get an average/solid starter in the 5th round thats a huge win. 


    "rising star" seems a bit much but we shall see!

  2. 54 minutes ago, Avisan said:

    This article is terrible and the entire thing literally only cites links back to its own website while complaining about actual scientists (correctly) identifying that most plant proteins are incomplete.


    Notice the overly general language he couches his assertions in-- the typical calorie-sufficient vegetarian diet is amino-acid sufficient.  This is accurate, because the typical calorie-sufficient vegetarian diet contains enough different protein sources to cover all the bases.  But that has nothing to do with the protein contents of individual plant sources.


    The idea of needing to eat complimentary proteins together at the same time is flawed and inaccurate, which is the only valid factual assertion directly related to the topic that he makes, but that again doesn't actually directly relate to the completeness of individual plant proteins.


    Do yourself a favor and stay away from this dude and his glorified blog.


    "Plant protein can meet protein requirements when a variety of plant foods is consumed and energy needs are met. Research indicates that an assortment of plant foods eaten over the course of a day can provide all essential amino acids and ensure adequate nitrogen retention and use in healthy adults"



  3. 10 minutes ago, NewDayBills said:

    Good point. Plant based is a lot different than vegan though. I could see myself dramatically cutting down meat, but not completely and eggs are so cheap and packed with quick protein that I don't see myself cutting that out either.


    yea I don't think hardcore vegan is for most people

    14 minutes ago, Limeaid said:


    There is a need to balance your amino acids with plant based proteins and most do not have the education to do so.





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  4. 3 hours ago, NewDayBills said:

    Oatmeal is a permanent fixture for breakfast for me, got to have complex carbs first thing in the morning, there is no other option. I'm strongly considering a high protein plant based diet but I don't know where to start. My diet has been absolutely garbage for 6 years.


    The starter book I recommend for people looking into a whole food plant based diet is the Engine 2: Seven Day Rescue Diet. Lots of great info and crash course in plant based eating. The Engine 2 cookbook is good as well. Even if you can make 50-75% of your meals plant based can have a huge impact. 


    Theres no need to be worried about your protein intake. Lots of vegetable based protein options. 



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  5. 1 hour ago, Sig1Hunter said:

    Blood clots in your lungs aren't anything that you can just get over.  It is usually has an underlying lifelong issue, and requires blood thinners.  Playing pro football while on blood thinners isn't gonna be okayed by a doctor.  


    Thats not necessarily true. Lots of people go on blood thinners for 6 months and then come off, assuming you can find the underlying cause for the initial event. A young otherwise healthy guy was likely trauma vs. hypercoag state. If he's got a hypercoaguable state that could be a problem if he needs lifelong anticoag.

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