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Posts posted by CanadianFan

  1. Per Bills Twitter:




    Freak out!


    Awesome! A superbowl winning OC. Probably the best of who's available really. Seems like an understated guy too, which fits in with HC's personality.


    Is he good? Denver offense wasn't that good player this year?


    He did a pretty good job with Siemian as starter. That O looked inventive despite a young QB in there. Denver's problems were with the O line.

  2. They have so far been bad owners.


    I disagree. Bad ownerships won't spend money on players, MILKS the franchises of money, RAISING ticket prices while the team LOSES because of a faithful fanbase (Toronto Mapleleafs, Toronto FC). Pegulas have spent money on this roster, spent a ton on coaching staff that was, prior to Bills' tenure had somewhat successful track records. And last I checked, Bills ticket prices are some of the lowest in the NFL.


    Yes they are still learning, but you're lucky to have a team in upstate NY. This team would make more money in Toronto. Heck yeah the product's been bad, I agree. At least it's been ENTERTAINING! Rex didn't win, but crap he WAS entertaining. Shady and Watkins are still worth watching even on a losing team. It could be worse. Bills got somewhat relevant again, and not the complete laughing stock that it was in prior years.

  3. "To the fans I say: we recognize the seventeen years, absolutely. But we're asking you to recognize that we're trying to build something for the long-term sustainabilty of success. And I can't give you a timeframe--year one, year two--but I will say; every game--like Coach says--you'll see a competitive team out there in position that won't beat themselves and that will be in a position to try to win."



    "It's not going to be a quick fix. He knows that and we know that. And anything that's going to be sustainable for a long time is hard to do. So the work ethic - not only from ownership on down - is going to be permeated through this building but it's also going to be permeated in the locker room. These guys got to know - and they will know - that there's a standard we're setting."


    He's really REALLY saying, "look at the darn schedule for next year. It's tough as crap even if we had vintage Jim Kelly as QB we'd be 8-8. Without that kind of QB expect 4-12 season. So given the schedule, the free agents we got, we're gonna dump salaries, tank, and give a lot of developmental players on the field training and build for the future. On the bright side, we'll get our franchise QB in 2018 draft!"


    So, FINALLY, the messaging, the expectation setting from the team is reasonable and better. If there was one glaring fault with the last 3 years, it was setting the expectation to the fans that Bills were going to the playoffs. They were smoking something if they thought that. And all the experts who are PAID for reporting and analysis on the Bills who bought into that were on dope. It's ok if the fans are on dope!. But not the guys getting paid for the professional "evaluation". That's why they sound so bitter when they write. They were misled and knew it and are now angry that they ever thought that way and are taking it out on the Bills' organization. Heck, it's your friggin fault for not using your friggin head!


    No wonder whats his face ran to the Rams. He didn't want to OC a team without a QB!

  4. Pat Mahomes

    Floor= Johnny Football

    Medium = Jeff Garcia but with strong arm

    Ceiling= Derek Carr


    I'll take Jeff with a strong arm anyday. I'd say Jeff with a strong arm is better than Derek Carr. Jeff was a tough SOB for a small guy and he can run. Heck he would be a star in today's offenses - a star in the Bills O of the last two seasons. Derek's already broken in his second season.


    What makes Jeff wasn't just his athleticism, but his decision making and intelligence. That's the biggest thing for any QB. If they got the head to see the plays on the fly and get split second decision making right, even a rubber ducky arm can have success in NFL.


    So what's the prognosis on his decision making and intelligence?

  5. I don't know, I'm not gonna hold it against the guy. I don't think that he meant anything by it, maybe he was just trying to get his teammates some public credit. I wasn't a McCoy fan in the beginning, matter of fact I was livid, I was so pissed that we traded off Kiko, especially for him but like what hondo in seattle said earlier McCoy is growing on me. Hey, I can admit when I'm wrong and McCoy truly does have mad talent and I like the way that he is starting to really embracing his teammates and I think being a Bill as well especially in light of what's been going on here since he's been here.

    Bills needed a top RB more than they needed top ILBs. I hated to see him go but this was a great trade. Philly lost out by giving away Kiko to Dolphins.

  6. I don't know why some people draw such negative reactions to this. Guess they're the ones who have the issue. Nothing wrong with Whaley. And, the media training is a crock of ****!!! The media is so !@#$ing overrated as to what they think they're importance is. The only problem Whaley has is he hasn't gotten to the playoffs, but he will.


    Well I half agree with you there. I've been following bills for a long time. Whaley has done a better job of finding talent than so many GMs since the superbowl teams. the LB in the probowl is an indication of his group's ability to find that talent. What he hasn't done as good a job is in the PR department - managing the media relationships and the fanbase expectations.


    His and Russ's mistake was to start talking about playoffs back in Marrone's days when they first took over essentially. It didn't help because this team never had a good talent base at that time to start talking about it. It's better to keep expectations low and exceed them little by little.


    But managing the media relationship is a big part of the job. If you guys haven't noticed, Toronto teams for the last 15 years have just plain SUCKED. Jays, Raps, TFC, and the perrenial Losers (Leafs) despite having constant filled stadiums and some of the most profitable team operations around (heck owning toronto teams was like printing money no matter what the product was. Even pension funds bought them for a time, then sold at a huge profit bec of negative publicity).


    Fan base frustrations got better (despite lack of results) when they got GMs and team management who were better at communicating with the media and managing fan base expectations.


    And, that change did come at HUGE expense - they brought in some of the most expensive management teams in professional leagues, paid those execs like star players. And those guys managed the fanbase patience while the teams kept losing until they had time to mature and become winners in the last 3 years. But Toronto teams print money. season tickets are always sold out despite losing teams. Big corporate base to buy all the box seats they had and more.

    I'm not sure that Bills financial situation is as good as the Toronto sports team's cash flow situation so, you aren't going to get the most polished execs. Remember this is still a BUSINESS. But Whaley's performance as a manager of playing talent is a vast improvement over the prior GMs since the superbowl years. He needs media polishing. He should have done his bosses a favour by trying his best to explain the firing. He has to learn that favours come first. By saying it like is, you know he's being up front and honest with the media and fan base. He's too simple and rough around the edges to be the face of the franchise. That's his weakness but it isn't a fatal flaw. That's why he still has a job for now.

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