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Best Williams Available

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Everything posted by Best Williams Available

  1. Titans capitalizing on mistakes. They are also full of large athletes so they can play.
  2. I like this throw in front and make them tackle now scheme cause in about 2 possessions they’ll be ripe for deep balls
  3. If this happens it will not be because of the people on this board but the bandwagon fans that jump on from now til then.
  4. Right! WY state flag is basically the standing Buffalo and is red white and blue. No gimmicks needed.
  5. So because FSU invented it and got the ok from the Seminoles ALL chop descents are given the same pass? ALL Native Americans must abide by this Seminole decree.
  6. You expect me to believe a commenter on this board, on this topic, is from a small Greek town of 35,000 people? Utica is 2x as big. How many Uticans we got on here now?
  7. Ok let’s ask Agamemnon if he’s offended. Point is your chosen comparison lacks relevance.
  8. You realize one culture is mythological, one existed almost 3,000 years ago, and one is very real and very present. We can ask the latter how they feel about it now and consider their opinion.
  9. Exactly. It’s like an ump changing his strike zone in-game. I mean rarely do people complain about NCAA refs; just implement that same damn system with NFL rule tweaks.
  10. This dude is in an extreme leadership role where he is the role model for 50 or so young men and a staff of men and women. His “opinions” and “beliefs” suggest he thinks he’s superior and/or it’s ok to discriminate against some of the people he leads. This disqualifies him from leading these or any people. I used to roof houses with guys that had a greater sense of responsibility than Gruden.
  11. Career suicide you mean. If you’re ever in a position of responsibility, especially around easily influenced young people where you are charged as their leader, you cannot act like this in any capacity, ever. At ESPN sure, be an A**Hole, but the second you’re head coach of a football team again your credibility is sh*t and you deserve to lose that career over this. It’s self-inflicted. To think a dummy who says/thinks such things in private can somehow separate himself from these biases in public is laughable, and the reason you can’t have him leading other people.
  12. Yes but I think the biggest difference is the DL now can actually tackle guys and stop the run. Rousseau shed a block and engulfed a RB solo yesterday and I was like 👀.
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