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Best Williams Available

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Everything posted by Best Williams Available

  1. I’m not here to crap on Edmunds as bad as most but this D needs a Keuchly-esque MLB and Edmunds ain’t it. easier said than done, I know.
  2. If I’m a player on D of this team I walk over to Allen like a man and apologize.
  3. People crapping on DL but they got there, just didn’t tackle—but neither did anyone else! LBs and safeties both played pitiful imo. I’m not saying cut them but that’s the truth. This game is won if Tre White isn’t lost. I don’t know how to fix what I saw honestly.
  4. Great point! 2 3-and-outs and a bomb TD that took like 8 seconds. The D was too gassed cause we never possessed the ball for long periods. Made KC not have to work as hard.
  5. I’m not picky how points come but a sustained drive for 6 would help the D.
  6. All Defense has to do is tackle well and this is a different game. What are they doing?
  7. I’m sick of the KC Chiefs and their playing up to the rule book sh!t. They hold on every play on O and on D. Yet they let it slide.
  8. Need Knox and McKenz and Singletary involved early to open it up for Diggs etc on O
  9. D playing tight and running too far upfield on the rush. Need to break down and tackle Mahomes.
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