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Best Williams Available

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Everything posted by Best Williams Available

  1. The defense can’t keep coming out here after 3 n outs—they look gassed already.
  2. Looks like they are mainly a good first quarter team then fall off precipitously
  3. This might be the Colts game last year. Get blown out by a heavy running team. Gotta wake up!
  4. I have to assume that in the last 2 years prior, everything said in this thread has been said with Brian Daboll’s name in place of Ken Dorsey’s.
  5. Maybe the situations they practice are not the ones that actually occur in games? If the coaches suck at anticipating then maybe so? Remember all the blow out losses early in McDs tenure? They were due to terrible preparation AND lack of talented players. Now he has players but still lacks proper prep, the losses now are just huge head scratchers and 3 points versus 28.
  6. This team chokes in key moments habitually due to a lack of situational awareness. You see it through the years and throughout games. Scrambling to get a play called or setup in key moments on both sides of the ball, they always screw up (3rd and long on D or 3rd and short on O). This is due to the coaches being planners and incapable of being spontaneous. It’s why in-game adjustments are difficult to make. It’s not in the coaches DNA to be situational or anticipatory. I think this explains the mid-season lulls. Start out hot cause of good planning, other teams adjust and game plan against that and our staff then has to re-adjust and re-plan accordingly, which takes a couple games to do. This is the DNA of the staff. I’m not saying it’s good or bad. I’ll add I think it’s also why there’s a huge lag in getting new guys added to the roster involved quicker.
  7. We got burned on the hail Murray the exact same way. This is instinct maybe but you have to coach away that stupidity then.
  8. This team has 3 opportunities to win (FG to go up 13; Jefferson knock down pass; Fumble TD shoulda safety) and blew them all in stupendous fashion. 2 are on the Offense so they’re most to blame for this debacle.
  9. Every route except RB were to the EZ the last 2 plays. Why!?!?!?
  10. We got an exceptional punt returner (at worse) and gave up a -2 yard per rush machine.
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