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Best Williams Available

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Everything posted by Best Williams Available

  1. That last paragraph really sinks Palmer’s theory to me. We should expect a great student to remain one after their teacher leaves because they retained…something. Either Josh isn’t so smart and disciplined or Daboll isn’t such a great coach. One of these is true based on recent evidence. Not sure which yet.
  2. Whatever it is that he consumes that makes him barf before games. Kerosene?
  3. He struggles at home early almost every game because he’s too gassed up. I don’t think that changes Sunday and he starts out jittery/sloppy again. Around 2nd quarter he settles and has a decent 285 yard day, 2 TDs 1 turnover
  4. Tre White player better than Sauce Gardner yesterday in a measurable way. 1 circus catch doesn’t change that. His guy was unheard of most of the game. Took away his side of the field like a shutdown does. He used to be a great tackling CB, maybe that comes later?!?
  5. Here’s a true thing you’re not supposed to say out loud: Not all Bills fans are decent human beings. Some are troglodytes, such as yourself.
  6. This is the play in hindsight that showed his mind wasn’t in it and that he was going to refuse to play smart. I yelled “go out of bounds you f$@king idiot!” And everyone at the bar looked at me. Completely unnecessary play to force contact. Led to other unnecessary plays.
  7. Should be 20-3 but alas. D needs to score.
  8. Dolphins and Jets hate MM cause he’s a BEAST
  9. It happened, in Monterey, a long time ago …. I met her, in Monterey …. I left Buffalo in 2012 for San Francisco, where in North Beach the city’s Bills Backers Bar was at The Northstar Cafe.Going there for 6 years made me a bigger Bills fan than had I stayed in Buffalo.
  10. Detroit’s D will get no credit and KC receivers will shoulder the blame. Mahomes unscathed.
  11. Couple more stops D
  12. Mahomes is behind his guys
  13. Goff if he could run woulda had that easily
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