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Best Williams Available

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Everything posted by Best Williams Available

  1. He thrives in front of the safeties. So there’s always D sandwiching him.
  2. Couple boneheaded plays there by Tre and Davis etc. The 2nd and 3rd distances are making it hard.
  3. Ok the game plan is working just adjust knowing the Commanders will change something up at the half.
  4. Coming away with 3 pts after starting on their own 3 and all those penalties = great drive
  5. Giants have no business being in this game, but somehow are
  6. A Punt the highlight of this game so far. Zzzz.
  7. These receivers everyone agrees suck are doing fine against Miami secondary. So who sucks more?
  8. I know pats only have 10 but Dolphins D can’t stop the Bills. Only the Bills can stop the Bills.
  9. What is this offense? The middle of the field is open and they’re having success. Then they try screens out wide and the Fins are actually good at stopping that.
  10. Pats should have 3 picks that quarter. If they were looking.
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