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Best Williams Available

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Everything posted by Best Williams Available

  1. That’s a good read by the defender coming off his guy. Shouldn’t have thrown it there.
  2. Yes! Even if runs go for nil they’re like RB runs in that they keep the defense honest. Make Josh 1 dimensional and teams just know if you shut down Diggs the O will stall. That’s what Jax and Giants did, but it could’ve been easily countered but wasn’t.
  3. https://x.com/nickveronica/status/1713769475286122648?s=46&t=HVk4dpSAfBevaXE17rCx3A interesting
  4. Slot numbers have to decrease if the run game is improved and they’re running more 12 personnel correct?
  5. Hey this AM I feel better. Still a catastrophic drop to me though. All finances aside. You can also stop playing 12 personnel so much and not play Morris. Run out of 12 and pass out of 11, which they’re great at.
  6. Someone just called into WGR advocating for trading Diggs because he’s targeted too much. Saying Brady didn’t need great receivers. Lol. Y’all unhinged.
  7. With Daniel Jones we probably win 31-9 but Tyrod doesn’t make mistakes but also won’t beat you either. The Giants D played incredible for 3 qtrs but was gassed in the end. Better to be lucky than good today.
  8. I’m sorry my anger is being directed toward him, but game in the line game winning catch and you drop it? Yes not perfect but it didn’t skip off the turf. Cut his ass and play Kincaid and 85.
  9. Beane can do us a solid and trade homie for a WR soon once Kincaid is back
  10. Gotta get the run game working for everything else to click. Throwing on 1st for no gain forces throwing on 2nd then you’re in 3rd n long all night.
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